Message from @O_Castitatis_Lilium

Discord ID: 421742310297042956

2018-03-09 18:42:47 UTC  

I said to this guy, you know, this isn’t doing anything but proving my point. He said “no no I know, you came on a bad day, give it a few days”

2018-03-09 18:42:53 UTC  

fan conventions are almost always cesspools of cringe

2018-03-09 18:43:44 UTC  

I said fine, I’ll stay for a few days. So I stayed, and it was a constant pop up and beeping of new messages of nothing more than porn and the weirdest sex shit and fetishes, I left

2018-03-09 18:44:23 UTC  

I said all this has done is proven my point that your entire fan base is nothing more than sex odsessed degenerates and that the good ones are few and far between

2018-03-09 18:45:14 UTC  

I told him, look, you are a great person to talk to and I have no problem with you, even knowing what I know, and we can still chat and chill, but I won’t be doing it there

2018-03-09 18:47:01 UTC  

sure that was a furry server and just your average, run of the mill, internet server?

2018-03-09 18:47:27 UTC  

i'm in a server that is not solely filled with furries and it sounds about the same

2018-03-09 18:47:32 UTC  

in fact, sounds like 90% of the internet

2018-03-09 18:47:36 UTC  

maybe that was the problem

2018-03-09 18:47:41 UTC  

you went on the internet

2018-03-09 18:49:10 UTC  

No, this was before internet (believe me lol I wish I could blame it on the net)

2018-03-09 18:50:03 UTC  

i was talking about the server

2018-03-09 18:50:31 UTC  

unless you where invited into a server before the internet meaning a legit just server room for big old mainframe computers

2018-03-09 18:51:10 UTC  

Ok I’m not THAT old lol

2018-03-09 18:51:31 UTC  

I just had a birthday, don’t do that to me lol

2018-03-09 18:51:37 UTC  


2018-03-09 18:53:06 UTC  

hey, i remember 3 1/2 inch floppies. And i think there is still a PC in my parents attic with a 5 1/4 drive in it

2018-03-09 18:53:09 UTC  

No, my experience is with people themselves and cons. Now, I did do my research, and I have read everything I can get my hands on...but my opinion is firm, as no matter how I try to change it, I always seem to run into the I don’t know

2018-03-09 18:53:16 UTC  

along side a 3 1/2 and a CD drive, for some reason

2018-03-09 18:53:22 UTC  

I remember the commodor

2018-03-09 18:53:33 UTC  

Text games

2018-03-09 18:53:40 UTC  


2018-03-09 18:54:07 UTC  

DOS still alive and well under all the set dressing

2018-03-09 18:54:15 UTC  

yeah lol

2018-03-09 18:54:59 UTC  

had to run through it for a week one summer when my OS shit the bed on vacation, backing up important files and trying to repair the OS with a repair CD that WASN'T an install disk

2018-03-09 18:55:13 UTC  

Oh ouch

2018-03-09 18:55:29 UTC  

because Microsoft thought that was helpful to just have the repair utility that never works on a CD and leave you without a windows install disk

2018-03-09 18:55:53 UTC  

C:// shutdown

2018-03-09 18:56:10 UTC  

I think was what we hide to have to type in to turn it off

2018-03-09 18:56:26 UTC  

I THINK don’t quote me it’s been WAY too long lol

2018-03-09 18:57:44 UTC  

but, it could launch command prompt and get me into basically DOS, although they changed up the kernel in NT so its not exactly DOS.

2018-03-09 18:58:15 UTC  

Yeah, DOS use to be simple lol, I was fiddling with it at 5

2018-03-09 18:58:53 UTC  

I use to be the kid at school that would shut the computer down in the kindergarten room when I didn’t want anyone else playing

2018-03-09 18:59:08 UTC  

kidpix was mine only! XD LMFAO

2018-03-09 18:59:36 UTC  

oh god, kidpix

2018-03-09 18:59:41 UTC  

The teacher use to get SO MAD

2018-03-09 18:59:59 UTC  

>when <#398973785426100234> turns into <#399308558354874381>

i blame the furries

2018-03-09 19:00:12 UTC  

and then would ask what happened, I use to say, I don’t know, it just went black

2018-03-09 19:00:24 UTC  

XD LMFAO! yeah really right

2018-03-09 19:00:37 UTC  

And the teacher would have to call tech