Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 664326690062991360
On trump
I guess we might be an exception
You fellas are delusional if you think ethnic minorities will swing to the right
You’d be surprised
Oh yes I would
But I'm currently not
Doesn't matter for presidential elections
I don’t want them to swing right anyway. Then we’d have no chance of forming a future ethnostate
So Iran attacked us
And several other countries
The Hispanic one I am not surprised
It's not a war
Never said it was
Look at the blacks one
Nothing new then
They all go after their own goals
The 29% are the ones who immigrated legally
Racial tribalism
And they’re mad
So can somebody again remind me
Why would they vote for trump then
Civic nationalism is killing the US
Why people are mad at trump for a conflict that’s been going on for years and years
He ordered it
That's why
He ordered the assassination of a leader
What other option should he have taken?
The conflict has been going on for years
ok and