Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 438682372892917760

2018-04-25 12:37:24 UTC  

but yes, staring at the water is not gonna tell you if its salty or non-salty

2018-04-25 12:38:42 UTC  

also, i do not believe salt is required to be a sea. or more specifically that a sea is not a lake.

2018-04-25 12:39:00 UTC  

it actually is

2018-04-25 12:39:35 UTC  

is the dead sea not also a lake?

2018-04-25 12:39:47 UTC  

Definition of sea
1 a : a great body of salt water that covers much of the earth; broadly : the waters of the earth as distinguished from the land and air

2018-04-25 12:40:29 UTC  

hmm, i guess it also would matter how its connected to the other seas

2018-04-25 12:41:32 UTC  


a large body of water surrounded by land.

A lake is an area filled with water, localized in a basin, that is surrounded by land, apart from any river or other outlet that serves to feed or drain the lake.

2018-04-25 12:42:11 UTC  

the dead sea is both a sea and a lake.

2018-04-25 12:42:23 UTC  

its a salt-lake 😛

2018-04-25 12:42:37 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:42:39 UTC  

yeah so i guess the difference between a sea and a lake is that a lake is closed off

2018-04-25 12:43:10 UTC  

actually, i think they are not mutually exclusive.

2018-04-25 12:43:54 UTC  

i think its mostly what its been dubbed first

the dead sea, is a salt-lake

but they didn't change it cuz its less touristy that way? 😛

2018-04-25 12:43:55 UTC  

so the dead sea is a lake, but i don't think the Mediterranean sea really counts as a lake since its basically the ocean.

2018-04-25 12:44:02 UTC  

"I'm going on holiday to visit the dead-lake" 😄

2018-04-25 12:44:23 UTC  

i don't think the word dead is any more touristy

2018-04-25 12:44:37 UTC  

well the Midterranian sea is connected to the atlantic ocean

2018-04-25 12:44:44 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:45:10 UTC  

hence why i wouldn't really call it a lake. So you can have a lake that is also a sea, but a sea does not have to be a lake

2018-04-25 12:45:15 UTC  

and it serves as a mid-sea that also connects the Black Sea i believe

2018-04-25 12:47:08 UTC  

like i said, i think its just what the natives used to call it thats just taken

2018-04-25 12:47:10 UTC  

for less confusion

2018-04-25 12:47:23 UTC  

so getting back to the point, no, you can't tell a lake just by looking at it. Not in an objective fashion which gets back to my point about the "race" of white people being subjective. very subjective. So subjective that it changes depending on the person you ask.

2018-04-25 12:47:57 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:48:18 UTC  

personally, i think the "white race" is anyone that if you just look at them you can go "yes... you're definately caucasian skinned" 😛

2018-04-25 12:48:43 UTC  

but thats about it

2018-04-25 12:49:38 UTC  

intelligence is a regional factor aswell as nutrition and nurturing so you can't tell that way
genetics are sooooo diverse that you can't really point it out that way because heck, why go for race and not by people with haircolor or teeth formation

2018-04-25 12:50:01 UTC  

the shape of someones nipples

2018-04-25 12:50:14 UTC  

I'm part of the small nipple race good sir!

2018-04-25 12:50:19 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:51:18 UTC  

hell, at this point it would just be easier to go by IQ. But, you know, IQ doesn't discriminate on its own. So what good is that in trying to get rid of those scary looking brown people?

2018-04-25 12:52:11 UTC  

if you go by IQ, you'd be canning 95% of the world before removing all black people

2018-04-25 12:52:25 UTC  

prolly more

2018-04-25 12:52:26 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:52:40 UTC  

99.8%? 😛

2018-04-25 12:53:09 UTC  

too difficult, if it turns out the truely smartest man in the world is black, the jig is up

2018-04-25 12:53:19 UTC  


2018-04-25 12:55:14 UTC  

and, if its true only low IQ people are the ones committing the violent crime, then you'd be getting rid of all the criminal elements, and thats not good, because white murders have do nothing wrong and should be kept in our borders. They only did it because of those dirty blacks!

2018-04-25 12:55:22 UTC  
2018-04-25 12:58:58 UTC  

i dunno, if rape is considered aviolent crime, then Hollywood and plenty of government officials are also doing criminal things, and most of them aren't "low IQ"

2018-04-25 12:59:13 UTC  

so you'd still have those