Message from @Giant Energy Penis

Discord ID: 446759347876397059

2018-05-17 19:36:38 UTC  

My elementary school had a secret pedophile teacher. Woman in her late 50s. Thinking back about it, the school knew about it

2018-05-17 19:36:51 UTC  

I got pushed down a flight of stairs one time. The principal actually told me that it was my fault, put me in ISS for the rest of the day, and sent the Athletics kid that did it back to class.

2018-05-17 19:37:41 UTC  


2018-05-17 19:38:10 UTC  

even if... it was your fault... tripping and such... why would that justify putting you in detention or whatever that ISS means (we don't have that in germany)

2018-05-17 19:38:16 UTC  

I don't really want to say football players.... but...

2018-05-17 19:38:19 UTC

2018-05-17 19:38:26 UTC  

the corruption and incompatence is neerly incermountible. were way behind what we are capible of in education

2018-05-17 19:38:39 UTC  

iss is in schould suspension

2018-05-17 19:38:39 UTC  

Oh, no, that's not even it

2018-05-17 19:38:47 UTC  

The kid wound up saying that I said something or another

2018-05-17 19:39:22 UTC  

And figured, being the problematic ADHD kid who refuses to take medicine, that I probably said it and deserved it.

2018-05-17 19:39:27 UTC  

It's worse than 'Oh, he tripped'.

2018-05-17 19:39:49 UTC  

in school suspension is where your suspended from class but not the building. meaning they arnt teaching you anything while at the same time still collecting tax money off of you

2018-05-17 19:40:26 UTC  

Basically, that.

2018-05-17 19:40:32 UTC  

School Choice when.

2018-05-17 19:41:00 UTC  

brb, I need to get food or something.

2018-05-17 19:41:04 UTC  

American school system is a magical bundle of failure.

2018-05-17 19:41:07 UTC  

Gotta love it.

2018-05-17 19:41:15 UTC  

School Tax Vouchers when!?

2018-05-17 19:42:08 UTC  

Would forcing them to compete for your tax dollar help or something. Or would you just go for complete privatisation or something.

2018-05-17 19:42:19 UTC  

That's what School Choice is.

2018-05-17 19:42:32 UTC  

i think if you want to see improvement in your country reguardless of where you are, solving education issues and solving public information issues are your best bets. atleast right now for most countrys. in a few years we will be seeing economic problems that will be more important

2018-05-17 19:42:45 UTC  

and take it somewhere else.

2018-05-17 19:42:55 UTC  

Here we are advancing into a future where functional robots and AI are a thing.

2018-05-17 19:43:01 UTC  

And the schools are still almost completely geared towards factory workers.

2018-05-17 19:43:50 UTC  

automated factorys bother me because i think the working class should still exist

2018-05-17 19:45:04 UTC  

And that's its own conundrum. In theory, you *could* adjust society to handle something like that where the lowest grade of workers are just there to maintain machines or something.

2018-05-17 19:45:10 UTC  

Would require a massive overhaul of, if nothing else, the educational system though.

2018-05-17 19:46:44 UTC  

it wont work. its not society calling the shots, its corporations, and technology will replace those who watch robots do their work with robots that watch robots do their work far quicker than then the process of creation robots that actually replace the working class, which they are also going to try to do

2018-05-17 19:46:46 UTC  

"in school suspension is where your suspended from class but not the building. meaning they arnt teaching you anything" this is just counterproductive, retarded and broken. This spirals kids down into failures. this should be bloody obvious to anyone.

2018-05-17 19:47:54 UTC  

i agree neja, its one of many incompatencys. though this case its actually an archaic one rather than one of the regressive problems ive been seeing pop up

2018-05-17 19:49:03 UTC  

yeah, the old problems remain and new ones are added

2018-05-17 19:49:09 UTC  

the worst kind of update/change

2018-05-17 19:50:09 UTC  

this is why i really dislike the far left btw. just yesterday i had a discussion with one who was just all about "accept the change, because change is good for the sake of change" and could make no sound argument for the detail in question. only the moral nonsense that you're bad if you don't want it, and that change is categorically good

2018-05-17 19:51:07 UTC  

the lights are on but no ones home with people like that

2018-05-17 19:51:41 UTC  

Change is good except when it isn't.

2018-05-17 19:52:42 UTC  

change is good if you change the bad, if you change the good, you risk removing good and all you keep is bad

2018-05-17 19:54:05 UTC  

adding random things just for the sake of adding, is usually called feature creep, and just dissolves your thing, product, system, whatever, into a big shoggoth of nothing

2018-05-17 19:55:32 UTC  

i've heard a similar statement

2018-05-17 19:56:13 UTC  

Society is like a living being, if you treat it healthily, work on improving, train and educate, it will grow and be strong,
Introduce bad things, and you'll end up with diahrrea."