Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 449219306908155914

2018-05-24 14:32:32 UTC  

that is the problem

2018-05-24 14:32:35 UTC  

you dont herd a bunch of factory workers into a field and build the factory around them while they wait

2018-05-24 14:33:00 UTC  

until you have something people want to go to, people WONT go to it

2018-05-24 14:33:01 UTC  

yes, but you also don't keep the factory open if you build it and then you don't have enough workers

2018-05-24 14:33:08 UTC  

its not a problem, it ONLY works this way

2018-05-24 14:33:14 UTC  

bitshute needs to offer creators something better than youtube,
if its more lucrative, they'll jump ship, announce it on youtube and bring (atleast part) of their following with them

2018-05-24 14:33:29 UTC  

the factory is built, now you need a company to rent it and bring in their already existing workforce

2018-05-24 14:33:43 UTC  

it needs to become popular

2018-05-24 14:33:45 UTC  

bitchute does offer creators something better than yotuube, it is more lucrative in theory

2018-05-24 14:33:57 UTC  

it doesent have the supply for that yet though

2018-05-24 14:34:25 UTC  

yes i agree the only way to compete with youtube is have a lot of money

2018-05-24 14:34:41 UTC  

the age old issue of modernisation,
The long term profits are there
But short term they aren't, so people don't go for it

2018-05-24 14:34:48 UTC  

big creators might not see the time and effort needed to maintain two or more different video sites. sitting for who knows how long waiting for something to upload twice, only to see one sit get like no views and the other to get tons

2018-05-24 14:35:02 UTC  

@Dr.Wol hit the nail on the head

2018-05-24 14:35:30 UTC  

you need the money now to get to the profits then. but that is a gamble.

2018-05-24 14:35:40 UTC  

i mean at some point the profits will be there because eventually youtube just deletes your channal

2018-05-24 14:35:41 UTC  

because the profits might not end up showing up

2018-05-24 14:35:58 UTC  

but thats a very slow burn

2018-05-24 14:36:11 UTC  

well right, but so long as youtube is around, the profits might not be there. so why waste the energy?

2018-05-24 14:36:52 UTC  

i'm sure that if like say tim moved exclusively to bitchute, most of his fans would probably follow.

2018-05-24 14:37:08 UTC  

even more if he did the "post a video to tell people to go to bitchute"

2018-05-24 14:37:10 UTC  

because your labor to profit ratio is always going down on youtube and has been going down for the last 6 years

2018-05-24 14:37:38 UTC  

yes, and as that goes down, it makes moving more needed and harder to do.

2018-05-24 14:37:59 UTC  

its like a business that knows what it needs to do in order to turn around, but does have the capital to do it.

2018-05-24 14:39:19 UTC  

and last i checked, there is no lending agency for youtube creators to do something like offer to do the leg work of maintain a second channel on bitchute in exchange for compensation at a later time, regardless if the thing takes off.

2018-05-24 14:39:40 UTC  

(that said, wonder if there is a business model for doing that)

2018-05-24 14:39:52 UTC  

you arnt paying attention to youtube then

2018-05-24 14:40:07 UTC  

then why haven't the big guys left yet

2018-05-24 14:40:17 UTC  

if its so no brainer, why haven't they?

2018-05-24 14:41:49 UTC  

its not a no brainer, and they also arnt the brightest people in the world. youtube is depressing, we havent heard good news or good implamentations of ideas by youtube for 4 years. they only do things that make the platform worse

2018-05-24 14:42:58 UTC  

like your right that theres a lot of work involved in doing something you have no guarentee in paying off. but youtube isint going to shoot you in the head, its slowly going to take more and more food away from you to see how long you can last before you starve to death

2018-05-24 14:43:10 UTC  

a no brainer is a bullet in the head

2018-05-24 14:43:29 UTC  

starvation is complicated

2018-05-24 14:44:51 UTC  

the biggest problem is money. the money on youtube comes from ads. this is how shit has been done since forever, right? just the new version of tv. But ads are flaky. They require views, sometimes clicks. That is a really risky business model. And as people have pointed out, youtube has not really made money, probably since google bought it if it ever really made money.

2018-05-24 14:45:04 UTC  

your also less likely to want to do something for potentially nothing while your being starved

2018-05-24 14:46:12 UTC  

So, how do these new sites compare. Do they have the same set of ads. if so, how do you prevent a bunch of major ad companies from making a fuss over something and then pulling out. causing either the platform to respond, or creators to leave, unless that ad space can be filled.

2018-05-24 14:46:17 UTC  

but the move to bitchute also isint an incredibly huge risk, not as much of a risk as moving there and not staying on youtube at the same time. but time is also money

2018-05-24 14:47:29 UTC  

oh i agree, any alt tech company needs to be built not to deal with the same problems youtube has

2018-05-24 14:47:38 UTC  

but not all of youtubes problems are about ads

2018-05-24 14:48:08 UTC  

half of youtubes problems are about content control and presentation

2018-05-24 14:49:34 UTC  

fucking shit with subscriptions, fucking shit with how things are recommended, these are long term protections against problems with ad's i agree. but at the same time they also are about culling the platform into something simply better for them to make money dispite how that runs into large chucks of their audience