Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 457409950113595436
I'm a hopping mad left-handed duckhunter
i agree with him on most things ive seen up to half way through the video because i didint watch beyond that (stuff to do n shit). though i would personally like to get into him on native americans, colonialism, and the united states because fundomentally i disagree with him on the united states to some degree though perhaps we could make a compramise, i actually see ethnonationalism being something that should be a european fight and not an american fight, i think ultimately america should be held to different standards simply due to how much of a fuckup the united states is.
north america is the first supplimentary population of its magnitiude in recorded history
we also made it worse with slavery
by fuck up you mean melting pot ? lol
Our story is only different regarding slavery because we didn't use far-off colonies to have slaves on, instead they were in our homeground estates, where they were semi-integrated into a white culture. It was very much a part of our economy.
fuck up i mean the first successful genocide of an entire contanent to supplament a popuiation with another. a fuckup where now the dominant population of north america is one without genetic ties to its envirnemnt and would suffer for that without technology and ultimately adapt features of that native population. a fuckup where we enslaved another population, breed that population to a great degree until it was a fraction of the total contanental population, and then once we admited its unethical nature released them into the new geography where they had NO CHANCE IN HELL to compete with the dominant population economicly due to the native population having heritible wealth and experince with far more advanced technology and a resentment for that freed population but unable to justify getting rid of them because that would also be unethical as that former slave population contributed to the contanental prosparitiy
the united states and canada cant opperate on any other rules than a melting pot because we have no justification for not opperating as a melting pot that fits withen our morals
best we can do is be anti-immigration.
i might compramise with taylor to bulkanize north america into different ethnostates with the understanding we cant let this happen again
but im also fine with the way things are in north america too so long as we deal with illegal immigration and so long as europe gets its shit together and secures itself from annilation
actually australia might also be a case similar to the us
australia and new zealand
but not a problem for me i dont live there
and iceland
I think you're mistaking the idea that history didn't just start after 1776. Genocide is nothing new, and undoubtedly there were people in the middle of Asia that will never be in any history book because they were never allowed to be written about. If you think history comes from a howard zinn book you're kidding yourself. And as far as I know, there are still American indians around and their pop hasn't been reduced to zero.
We're both speaking in generalities because American history didn't itself start in 1776 anyway. And because we can't blame our founding fathers on what the British and French did to natives and Spain's stain in mexico. Or maybe we can, since europe is just a cancer or whatever it is people believe.
i realized it didint happen in 1776, i just let you get away with it. consitering i was talking about the contanent
@Arch-Fiend Jared Taylor has made a video on native americans.
Americans didn't genocide the natives. diseases killed 90% plus of 2 million native americans and American and Canadian settlers fought for control over territory just like the natives did for centuries before Europeans even arrived the difference is the whites were more successful.
Sorry whos claiming the whites genocided them?
Arch-fiend claim the natives were genocided.
I thought that was kinda not true. The natives were killing each other. Even bought rifles from whites to do it.
There were the infected blankets thing. Whether its intentional or not is not observable. Cant claim to know what the people doing it were thinking.
They did kill off some belligerant groups however, though I dont think thats genocide, but they did kill natives.
Not for their race but cause they were being a nuisance.
I mean, who wouldnt?
All very true mate.
Nah, I think you two just have a different definition of genocide really.
Yeahh not gonna take sides. Have a good one,
Thanks mate.
@Arch-Fiend Even if Americans did genocide the natives North America wasn't the first contanent to have most of it's population be genocided. Africa was the frist, if you don't believe me look up the bantu expansion.
you can cover any patch of ground on the world with a coating of lava, and afterwords eventually something will regrow, however if you cover it in concrete and asphalt, its chances of ever regrowing are highly deminished. to say that the native americans are not genocided throws out what actually occured to their native tarritorys which dispite how many of them died to diseases brought to the new world all native american tribes remained up until they were pushed farther and farther west by european encrochment. we know this because we know the names of every tribe in both the west and east north america, if they had all died we would never have learned their names. we also had atleast 3 wars with them, the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, and the indian war (basicly when we got fed up with skermishing them in the west and brought the military to give them the ultimatum to become registered to our country or be exterminated)
Yes Europeans did enslave africans but they weren't the frist and whites are the race solely responsible for ending slavery so if you are going to blame a race for slavery why are you blaming the race that ended it? The Arab slave trade enslaved millions more Africans than European slavery did, in fact the barbary slave trade enslaved more whites than there were black slaves in America.
it was a genocide, it doesent matter how many people died, we killed the genetic to geographic connection between a group of people to the extent people who had a genetic tie to the entire north america are now religated to less than a quarter of its total landmass and to the most inhospitable locations among it
this is the FIRST successful genocide on an entire contanent