Message from @GingaBomber

Discord ID: 482919533334495243

2018-08-25 14:20:57 UTC  

There was that dlc where you fight the chinese I recall

2018-08-25 14:21:09 UTC  

In a simulation

2018-08-25 14:22:05 UTC  

ya, but the thing they're satirizing I unironically believe in soooo, fuckin

2018-08-25 14:22:05 UTC  

the red scare was contemporary with the time period that the bombs drop. it was literally active during that period so having propaganda for that show up in the game as relics no one has taken down yet (because who would waste the time in a dystopia) isint hard to beleive

2018-08-25 14:22:18 UTC  

kinda surprised they havent had any before this point

2018-08-25 14:23:38 UTC  

And well, seems like the reds are active again. Ghosts of a dead order.

2018-08-25 14:23:53 UTC  

it's interesting how people unironically adopt the satire

2018-08-25 14:24:25 UTC  

McCarthy literally did nothing wrong except stop

2018-08-25 14:26:21 UTC  

i know it's historically accurate, but the designers obviously wanted to emphasize it and exaggerate it with liberty prime and so on

2018-08-25 14:26:42 UTC  

witch hunts are dangerous for a societys cohession, espcially one built on the idea of individualist principles. an ideology may run contrary to those principles however if the society itself betrays those principles to fight that which may destroy those principles they themselves end at being the destroyers of what they stood to protect

2018-08-25 14:28:07 UTC  

Here's the thing about witch hunts, witches aren't real. Communists are.

2018-08-25 14:28:33 UTC  

metaphors are a thing

2018-08-25 14:28:35 UTC  

but the women who died were

2018-08-25 14:28:38 UTC  

Problem is, apply that to how the left finds nazis

2018-08-25 14:28:50 UTC  

Take something insignificant.

2018-08-25 14:28:54 UTC  

And then, boom hes a nazi

2018-08-25 14:28:57 UTC  


2018-08-25 14:29:10 UTC  

Guy believes in traditional marriage. Nazi

2018-08-25 14:29:28 UTC  

@GingaBomber find me Nazi subversion in media, culture and economy, I'll agree with you

2018-08-25 14:29:28 UTC  

Guy believes in no sex before marraige. Nazi

2018-08-25 14:29:48 UTC  

Im not saying nazis exist.

2018-08-25 14:30:06 UTC  

Im saying that one that believes it enough will make up reasons it does exist.

2018-08-25 14:30:09 UTC  

I mean, they do. Did, anyways, and still do in the form of LARPing faggots

2018-08-25 14:30:16 UTC  

if you cant defeate communists without sacraficing everything that seporates you from the worst aspects of them then all you really are is someone with a different oppinion of economics

2018-08-25 14:30:26 UTC  

Heres the issue.

2018-08-25 14:30:38 UTC  

Alot of lefties are okay with authoritarianism you know why?

2018-08-25 14:30:51 UTC  

Either they are too stupid to know that it will be used against them

2018-08-25 14:31:05 UTC  

Or that they are smart enough to know that their opponent is too honourable to use it against them

2018-08-25 14:31:31 UTC  

Theres a divide between the we must stay true, or the we need to use their weapons against them

2018-08-25 14:31:34 UTC  

they dont believe force or violence is authoritarianism or something

2018-08-25 14:31:51 UTC  

propyne the issue is that when your hunting an ideology, its just like your opinion man. your not rightious, your just to ignorent to be wrong

2018-08-25 14:32:25 UTC  

@Arch-Fiend I'm hardly calling for a secret police or thought crime. But a culture utterly opposed to communism and strict scrutiny of those professing to be such or parroting their ideas when attempting to enter positions of power is a good start. Not even done by the government (well, by necessity when it's political positions, you get the point)

2018-08-25 14:32:47 UTC  

mccarthy was a thought policeman

2018-08-25 14:33:08 UTC  

there is probably a metaphor here somewhere about wolves and sheep trying to decide what to have for dinner

2018-08-25 14:35:48 UTC  

secret police are only nessicary when you need them, in reality the gestapo were only secret police in the ghetto, when they were outside the ghetto they didint need to be secret, anyone who was a citizine of germany would tell them anything they wanted to know because the people were entirely convenced of what they were trying to do being for the good of the people. the beginings of that were already in place with the red scare

2018-08-25 14:37:00 UTC  

there just wernt any ghettos full of communists that the fbi needed to be culvert about, they had the public feeding them enough information backstabing eachother that they didint really need to hide what they were doing when they showed up at your door

2018-08-25 14:38:11 UTC  

Right, so what's wrong with that? If a citizen suspects another to be acting on behalf of another country against one's own, why should he not be able to report that man and have him investigated?

2018-08-25 14:38:29 UTC  

because thoughts arnt crimes

2018-08-25 14:38:29 UTC  

... Without probable cause?

2018-08-25 14:38:32 UTC  

Plenty wrong with it.