Message from @Tohob

Discord ID: 488175719487242252

2018-09-08 22:37:25 UTC

2018-09-08 23:06:38 UTC  

help i'm being oppressed

2018-09-08 23:13:27 UTC  

It appears now that my dreams of stocking American School libraries with copies of *Guerilla High* are also shattered.

2018-09-08 23:41:33 UTC  

Saw ads for that phone game

2018-09-08 23:41:38 UTC  

Gave me ligma

2018-09-08 23:45:11 UTC  

Does it have traps?

2018-09-08 23:45:19 UTC  

If not, I can see why

2018-09-08 23:53:48 UTC  

Why would the inclusion of traps make it OK then in their eyes?

2018-09-08 23:57:05 UTC  


2018-09-08 23:59:28 UTC  

No, I can see why it gave him ligma if it doesn't even have traps

2018-09-09 01:25:19 UTC  

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand DOGASS. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of being an unfunny dickhead most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also DOGASS's retarded egalitarian outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Locke's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just bad- they say something deep about Autism Awareness. As a consequence people who dislike DOGASS truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in DOGASS's existencial catchphrase "REEEEE" which itself is a cryptic reference to the ancient Kekistani culture. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Amy Schumer level comedy unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Danny DeVito shrine And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 10 IQ points of my own (preferably higher) beforehand.

2018-09-09 02:29:04 UTC

2018-09-09 02:33:00 UTC  

battlefield v is a sci-fi game, but without any plot that explains the tech

2018-09-09 02:33:14 UTC  

possibly fantasy/sci-fi

2018-09-09 02:33:40 UTC  

lmao what a stupid name

2018-09-09 02:33:52 UTC  

at least call it high velocity ammunition or something

2018-09-09 02:34:14 UTC

2018-09-09 02:34:54 UTC  

it's the bullet wings upgrade

2018-09-09 02:36:01 UTC  

i wouldn't mind that change if they upped recoil actually

2018-09-09 02:36:58 UTC  

you have prosthetic limbs to reduce your recoil

2018-09-09 02:37:31 UTC  

it's gearpunk

2018-09-09 02:39:05 UTC

2018-09-09 02:45:16 UTC  

bullet deviation lol

2018-09-09 02:45:19 UTC  

BF V is shit

2018-09-09 02:56:19 UTC  

the gameplay isnt even that great

2018-09-09 02:56:26 UTC  

the only thing it has going is it looks pretty

2018-09-09 02:58:20 UTC  

i used to like BF

2018-09-09 02:58:28 UTC  

the state of shooters atm makes me sad

2018-09-09 02:58:47 UTC  

D00M 2016 was good

2018-09-09 02:58:58 UTC  

Multiplayer was lackluster though

2018-09-09 03:01:02 UTC  

i guess i should have said multiplayer shooters lol

2018-09-09 05:55:51 UTC

2018-09-09 06:17:16 UTC  


2018-09-09 06:54:10 UTC  

wtf is that a pig rolling around in compost?

2018-09-09 07:03:34 UTC  

girls frontline has no traps, i don't think ANY of the '*characters representing anthropomorphic ~!fill in the blank!~*' ever betray gender they choose. If you want Tomboys you have to play a game with girls, if you want traps you have to play one with guys.

2018-09-09 07:04:10 UTC  

frontline did a april fools joke where they pretending they were changing it to guys frontline or something iirc

2018-09-09 07:04:16 UTC  

League of Legends has a trap

2018-09-09 07:04:37 UTC  
