Message from @FunnyStarRunner
Discord ID: 504827960675663878
Since Charlie.
i'm putin in that video with him speaking english but he has a stance like he's trying to scare off a bear
I'll take that test in a bit
big oof
i aint no commie
better dead than red
Literally Stalin
Lmao i got Putin
really? a pizza crust tin?
is that on some guys kitchen counter>?
even these pictures look fake
im not biting
It seems to imply orange man bad, so it must be true
Are there any bombfakes using dildos yet?
I swear I saw one in this discord already
Yeah this is in this channel if you scroll up. From @Atkins
oh no
@DrWittMDPhD still looks more legit than the ones that got sent
Pocket pussy is a nice touch
Does that make it a shaped charge?
That's the detonation device. When the dildo goes in the fleshlight
Boom boom happens
Orange Man Kill Dems
Fuck man.