Message from @DefinitlyNotInsane - NL
Discord ID: 507547847118422037
Anon back at it again with the poor decisions
who even does that
How the fuck
this si why we need to speed up natural selection again
Oreos > ants
of anyone wondered i would use a screwdriver and some painkillers
Change of topic, please
Cute traps. Much better.
cut the oreos in half, and then remove
There's one about someone putting live ants into his penis using a straw as well, and then shooting them out
i think i know why women generally live longer
An Anon, obviously
these two are by far my favourite webm's
looks like the chemicals/water finally got to him
na. Jones been at this since forever. Here's him in Waking Life in 06
I think his message still rings true if you can separate the message from the noise
The attack on Jones is an attack on free speech
I would hop in the shower
And use the water to melt the oreos out of my foreskin
I was hoping you'd say "with Alex Jones"
Oh wait