Message from @gamerlord

Discord ID: 694253322944905217

2020-03-30 17:57:33 UTC  
2020-03-30 17:57:57 UTC  

While whoring is the oldest profession, stripping is the copest profession

2020-03-30 18:04:38 UTC  

So true

2020-03-30 18:05:00 UTC  

4real I cant think of a 1up

2020-03-30 18:05:33 UTC

2020-03-30 18:13:41 UTC  

filing w/ turbo tax is retarded easy

2020-03-30 18:13:50 UTC  


2020-03-30 18:13:51 UTC  

if ur like a freshman ur probably SOL

2020-03-30 18:14:01 UTC  

but no reason seniors shouldn't know how to do it FFS

2020-03-30 18:14:13 UTC  

took 10 mins

2020-03-30 18:26:30 UTC  

For wat?

2020-03-30 18:28:59 UTC  

This fucking highschooler Jesus Christ

2020-03-30 18:33:21 UTC  

black man came up to me for spare change "help me with the bus chad?" he started getting hostile till he was like "oh nvm you're just a kid"

2020-03-30 18:33:24 UTC  

shit is getting bad

2020-03-30 18:33:29 UTC  

the programming has set in

2020-03-30 18:33:32 UTC  

Hunter gatherer is the oldest profession @B|ack|ce

2020-03-30 18:33:43 UTC  

altho thankfully he was a respectable elderly black folx

2020-03-30 18:34:21 UTC  

hunter gatherer is pre-civilization, professions are a construct of civilization

2020-03-30 18:34:27 UTC  


2020-03-30 18:34:35 UTC  


2020-03-30 18:34:50 UTC  

First profession is the bowl maker them

2020-03-30 18:35:04 UTC  

people were fucking for pelts before bowls were invented

2020-03-30 18:35:20 UTC  

Return to tradition i say

2020-03-30 18:35:32 UTC  

Id skin my dog for some tight slit

2020-03-30 18:35:48 UTC  

already ahead of you, I converted my 401k into a chest of precious stones, spices, and furs

2020-03-30 18:36:02 UTC  

I have learnt to flint knapp

2020-03-30 18:36:16 UTC  

I have a stockpile of hundreds of spears

2020-03-30 18:36:29 UTC  

we need an NRA but for spears

2020-03-30 18:36:39 UTC  

I DEMAND open carry for spears

2020-03-30 18:36:55 UTC  

Spears are untraceable

2020-03-30 18:36:57 UTC  

I need a halberd for my protection

2020-03-30 18:37:03 UTC  

I conceal carry a boar spear

2020-03-30 18:37:06 UTC  


2020-03-30 18:37:51 UTC  

weev is the closest thing to the joker we have in our society

2020-03-30 18:38:02 UTC  


2020-03-30 18:38:34 UTC  

Kek weev

2020-03-30 18:51:06 UTC

2020-03-30 18:51:45 UTC  

Hello kony2012 stan

2020-03-30 18:52:02 UTC  

Halberd? A man of quality I see

2020-03-30 18:52:14 UTC  

The superior pole arm