Message from @Mimi

Discord ID: 523727108116316161

2018-12-16 05:00:13 UTC  

would you count this as a furry?

2018-12-16 05:00:32 UTC  

some of my more human characters have more primitive, animalistic, or tribalistic tendencies.

2018-12-16 05:00:44 UTC  

I think that would fall into the more human type character

2018-12-16 05:00:53 UTC  

tried getting people to accurately define what exactly is contained in the category of "furry"

no satisfying answer yet

just seems arbitrary

2018-12-16 05:00:54 UTC  

I only posted this art because the chibi art looks kinda like a fuckin' loli

2018-12-16 05:01:07 UTC  

anthropomorphied characters

2018-12-16 05:01:22 UTC  

is it covered head to toe and fur and is it an animal

2018-12-16 05:01:47 UTC  

does it have to be REAL animals though?

do dragons count? what about aliens?
are turians from ME furries?

2018-12-16 05:02:07 UTC  

You can use imaginary creatures

2018-12-16 05:02:32 UTC  

anything that is, in it's universe.

2018-12-16 05:02:37 UTC  

an animal

2018-12-16 05:02:50 UTC  

and visibly an animal

2018-12-16 05:02:51 UTC  

even fish

2018-12-16 05:02:56 UTC

2018-12-16 05:03:05 UTC  

dragon girls are good

2018-12-16 05:03:22 UTC  

a xenomorph is not a furry

2018-12-16 05:03:28 UTC  

nor is a fucking toaster

2018-12-16 05:03:30 UTC  

or a cat.

2018-12-16 05:03:49 UTC  

that furry alignment chart is probably the best way to compensate for the grey areas of the "furry" definition

it also would count me as one lol

2018-12-16 05:04:19 UTC  

species rebel, anatomy purist

2018-12-16 05:04:32 UTC  


2018-12-16 05:05:38 UTC  

so it has to be an animal?

2018-12-16 05:05:54 UTC  

by your definition

2018-12-16 05:06:12 UTC  


2018-12-16 05:06:14 UTC  

Fictional or real....

2018-12-16 05:06:17 UTC  

Anthropomorphied animal

2018-12-16 05:06:29 UTC  

and I don't wanna see what an anthropomorphic xenomorph looks like

2018-12-16 05:06:37 UTC  

I'd rather eat a bullet if you know what I mean.

2018-12-16 05:06:41 UTC  

aren't xenomorphs animals though?

2018-12-16 05:06:58 UTC  

could be argued that xenomorphs are already anthropomorphic but that's not one i'd make

2018-12-16 05:07:20 UTC  

so are primates but you can still have a monkey furry

2018-12-16 05:07:27 UTC  


2018-12-16 05:07:43 UTC  

though they arne't that popular

2018-12-16 05:07:54 UTC  


2018-12-16 05:08:05 UTC  

xenomorphs have a more hunched over, animalistic body.

2018-12-16 05:08:13 UTC  

though they can stand up on two legs if they WANT

2018-12-16 05:08:17 UTC  

similar to a bear

2018-12-16 05:08:35 UTC  

there are more feral variants though

like xenomorphs that spawn from canines

2018-12-16 05:08:49 UTC  

there's different variants

2018-12-16 05:09:00 UTC

2018-12-16 05:09:05 UTC