Message from @vexmasina44

Discord ID: 700703392363970560

2020-04-14 19:35:03 UTC

2020-04-14 19:46:30 UTC  

Very good video. I know this video was more about arguing in bad faith and values, but one way to continue that argument is asking how much does it matter. You can come a priori to the conclusion that banning abortion and guns does work, but with every thing this is not the single factor deciding how many homicides or whatever there are.
Economic policy for example doesn't completely determine the wealth of a nation because taxes only come after productivity which itself is driven mostly by technology. The Soviet Union was still richer than some free market city state of the middle ages because they had modern machines.
Same goes for crime. First you have to have a population willing to do crime before policing that crime actually makes a difference.

2020-04-15 08:12:22 UTC  

That felt like a weird form of PragerU

2020-04-15 10:12:59 UTC  

Thanks, I’m going to share this with all my normie conservative friends since I’m trying really hard to redpill them.

2020-04-16 13:08:16 UTC  
2020-04-16 16:48:26 UTC this is one I did a while back. It’s meant to be simple and straightforward.

2020-04-16 20:54:28 UTC  

@Yak I honestly just thought it was just conspiracy nonsense at the beginning of the video but by the end I think I lean more towards it being true than it being false

2020-04-16 22:40:50 UTC  

@Canadian Man This reminds me of one of my favorite country songs that’s actual country and not pop with a country twang.

2020-04-17 14:24:35 UTC  

If the dollar and Euro lose value we're fucked at this point

2020-04-17 14:25:12 UTC  

It'll take years if not decades to bring back manufacturing once they stop selling

2020-04-18 03:33:20 UTC  
2020-04-18 03:33:31 UTC  


2020-04-18 03:33:38 UTC  

<:ohno:646357377959985182> <:stab:612819511263100959>

2020-04-18 04:48:43 UTC  

the handle towards my hand

2020-04-18 04:48:53 UTC  

come, let me clutch thee

2020-04-18 04:49:57 UTC  

(something like that, I learned that page by heart in school but its been a while)

2020-04-18 23:36:20 UTC  

cool visualization

2020-04-18 23:36:35 UTC  

ominous message at the end lmao

2020-04-19 12:41:45 UTC