Message from @MicMac

Discord ID: 680947096689573965

2020-02-15 17:20:35 UTC  


2020-02-15 17:27:22 UTC  

@Mr. Nessel we should just close out borders altogether in europe

2020-02-15 17:27:31 UTC  

That will solve the problem

2020-02-15 17:30:46 UTC  

I'd love if Schengen properly enforced its own borders rather than passing on the burden to Greece/Italy/Spain and having Germany bribe Turkey not to open the floodgates

2020-02-20 17:13:27 UTC  

AfD guy (Gauland): "Hanau shooter was **clearly insane**, he mentioned something about "grooming gangs" and "America".

2020-02-20 17:13:31 UTC  


2020-02-20 17:13:46 UTC  

idiots everwhere

2020-02-20 17:15:07 UTC  

Massive fag and hypocrite that guy

2020-02-20 17:17:06 UTC  

Also tried to call others out for instrumentalising the attack to go after the AfD for political gain, when the AfD has done the same thing with islamic attacks

2020-02-21 12:29:02 UTC  

Based Vaush

2020-02-22 17:16:23 UTC  

@McFansy, @Shekel Stealer or anyone else. Do you remember Barbra Spectre and her infamous speech to the Sweeds explaining how Jews were going to lead Europe into a multi-cultural mode? She said Europe would not survive if they do not. Do you have any insight into the theory of what she was talking about relating to survival? It's easy to dismiss as a disingenuous trick but if I was to assume it was a good-faith argument, in thier mind, what survival is at risk? What does a multi-cultural mode solve relating to survival?

2020-02-22 17:38:34 UTC  

Either it's meant in the "we need migrants prop up pensions ponzi schemes in a shrinking society" sense or Macron's view

2020-02-22 17:39:48 UTC  

Macron would like the EU to remove itself from Nato and become the main neoliberal force on the planet, which is why he also likes the idea of extending the common market to Africa

2020-02-22 17:40:40 UTC  

In the head of someone like him population=power

2020-02-22 17:41:20 UTC  

Though I think that jewish woman isn't that much concerned abotu the survival of Europe. It's vacuous rhetoric more than anything

2020-02-22 19:37:50 UTC  

@MicMac If you want to understand the mindset of the eternal rootless cosmopolitan watch Academic Agent's video on "The World View of Leon Wieseltier".

2020-02-23 01:15:16 UTC  

@MicMac If I was being generous, I would say she is talking about economic and population collapse, as Nesselblatt said. This is also assuming a lot of things. That immigrants are economically beneficial, that white fertility rates can't be raised etc. But obviously multi-culturalism is advantageous for Jews so she has a strong motive to say stuff like that.

2020-02-23 01:17:13 UTC  

Yeah, the motivation is transparent. I was curious if there was actually anything substantial to an argument.

2020-02-23 01:17:34 UTC  

I could float an unorthodox theory.

2020-02-23 01:20:39 UTC  

In an era of bioengineered weapons having a greater pool of genetic diversity would be an advantage, or by inverse deadly.

2020-02-23 01:21:11 UTC  

The same goes for the complexity in designing a bioweapon.

2020-02-23 01:22:05 UTC  


2020-02-23 01:23:44 UTC  

Yeah, I know what you mean. The argument for biodiversity in food crops is very similar to this. I'm not sure whether it would be applicable to humans however, just considering how much biodiversity already exists within races. It's an interesting point though, and maybe something worth looking into.

2020-02-23 01:28:10 UTC  

That's the best argument I've been able to rationalize for a good-intentioned reason that elites would be going this direction.

2020-02-23 01:30:22 UTC  

Eventually though, if they got their way, all racial biodiversity would be eradicated and we would all become a single monorace. So maybe it wouldn't matter in the long run.

2020-02-23 01:31:03 UTC  

It could be that they genuinely believe the shit they teach our kids. I sometimes think they really have drank their own cool aid.

2020-02-23 01:34:35 UTC  

Most of them truly believe their own bullshit. "All men were created equal" which even biblically is not true. Try telling them that the Canaanites were the same as the Israelites. God commanded that his chosen people exterminate another race of people. How does that even remotely line up with what we are being taught today?

2020-02-23 01:36:45 UTC  

Might explain why the browbeat Chistians with equality while simultaneously hating and shitting on Christianity

2020-02-23 01:38:49 UTC  

They require the veneer of Christianity without any of the morality. Like someone wearing the skin of another person pretending to be that person. Why do Christian leaders put up with it?

2020-02-23 01:40:11 UTC  

Simple, they are losing numbers within there parishs.

2020-02-23 01:40:56 UTC  

With Dwindling numbers presits will do anything to keep up there numbers.

2020-02-23 01:46:01 UTC  

People are leaving the churches who preach soft Christianity. That's why the fundamentalist's churches are growing and the mainline churches are shrinking.

2020-02-23 02:01:23 UTC  

The churches I go to are crawling with babies and thier attractive moms.

2020-02-23 02:03:04 UTC  


2020-02-23 02:04:50 UTC  


2020-02-23 02:05:08 UTC  

Pascha season is upon us. It's bigger than Christmas in Orthodoxy. If you want to see some shit this is the time of year to go.

2020-02-23 02:05:46 UTC  

One interesting divergence from East and West Christianity..

2020-02-23 02:07:04 UTC  

For Catholics, it's all about the crucifixion, that's when Christianity began. For the Orthodox it's the resurrection, that's when Christianity began.

2020-02-23 02:07:43 UTC  

This has major philosophical ramifications

2020-02-23 16:44:42 UTC