Message from @Korin Dickman

Discord ID: 690316060649586760

2020-03-19 16:33:59 UTC  

I'm still not sure why exactly Italy got hit so hard by the plague. Was their government incompetent like in Finland right now or was it something else?

2020-03-19 17:09:48 UTC  

I am constantly torn between it's just a bad flue and this is the beginning of the end. Like how man people are dying more than normal that they are already at capacity.

2020-03-19 17:14:08 UTC  

>A spokesman for the local authority explained: "The crematorium of Bergamo, working at full capacity, 24 hours a day, can cremate 25 dead.

2020-03-19 17:14:28 UTC  

Wtf that's like nothing.

2020-03-19 18:29:52 UTC  

It's worse then flu for sure but I wouldn't consider it a world ending scenario. Destabilization will occur that is certain. We already see it unraveling but Chinese were able to put it under control. Same will happen here but it will take far longer and will have much more severe consequences.

2020-03-19 18:33:44 UTC  

I don't know about Italian government but Finland is going to be considerably worse because of their bat shit insane feminist government. If rural communities in there self isolate they have a shot at waiting out the peak but other then that they look like another Italy in the making.

2020-03-19 18:36:06 UTC  

Tl;dr - the worst is still to come but it isn't the world's end.

2020-03-19 18:38:35 UTC  

the thing about the spanish flu was that it came in several waves and it decimated virtually all classes of people. i am afraid WUFLU will be the same. what if this virus wipes out 1/3 of global population. 2.5 billion ppl its going to be chaos

2020-03-19 19:25:19 UTC  

yeah no

2020-03-19 19:26:00 UTC  

only less than a fifth has to go to the hospital at all

2020-03-19 19:34:54 UTC  


2020-03-19 19:34:58 UTC  

more like half go to the hospital

2020-03-19 19:35:08 UTC  

5-10% die

2020-03-19 19:35:10 UTC  

which is still bad

2020-03-19 20:38:43 UTC  

His community tab, newest post. India's numbers are starting to increase quickly and we now we have supposedly confirmed mutation in form of COVID 20.

2020-03-19 21:07:09 UTC  


2020-03-19 21:07:21 UTC  

there are hundreds of genomes already

2020-03-19 21:08:10 UTC  

why would you suddenly put one into a different class

2020-03-19 21:20:23 UTC  

I read some Japanes study says it effects bloodtype A the hardest and type O has resistance.

2020-03-19 21:49:34 UTC  

It must be something specific if they differentiate it with a name.

2020-03-19 22:49:49 UTC  

BTW, brew (tea) from purple coneflower is good to improve your immune system. Just don't drink it more then 2 weeks straight (onece a day). After 2 weeks one week break. Not recommended for immuno compromised.

2020-03-20 01:20:57 UTC  

Reality is just a spook

2020-03-20 01:25:08 UTC  

We need some of those nazi crematoria

i use the nazi crematoria in my coffee every morning

2020-03-20 11:15:59 UTC  

I was guilt trapped to buy something completely unnecessary by my father

2020-03-20 11:16:21 UTC  

walking around the store, no toiletpaper, had a good chuckle

2020-03-20 11:16:39 UTC  

got the goods and went to the counter

2020-03-20 11:17:32 UTC  

3 seconds after i got in the line some ***CLEARLY SICK*** guy lines up behind me

2020-03-20 11:18:09 UTC  

stood there 50 cm away from me for 2 minutes, sniffing and coughing

2020-03-20 11:18:37 UTC  

I probably got the gift now, for an utterly stupid reason

2020-03-20 11:19:08 UTC  

and because of that reckless bastard behind me

2020-03-20 14:31:03 UTC  

Since the Gym closed I am trying to come up with a home workout plan, keep in mind I don't have any equipment. This is what I have atm any advice would be appreciated. Once this gets too easy I suppose I will increase to 12 each or add additional sets

10 Push Ups
10 Crunches
10 Squats
10 Seconds of Plank
10 Leg Lifts
10 Punches' Each Arm
10 Jumping Jacks

2020-03-20 14:52:11 UTC  

those rep amounts are nothing <:jej:612818843672379396>

2020-03-20 14:52:43 UTC  

it's not a terrible start but it's far too scattered

2020-03-20 14:52:55 UTC  

also no back exercises at all

2020-03-20 14:53:35 UTC  


2020-03-20 14:53:59 UTC  

I'd cut the cardio

2020-03-20 14:54:12 UTC  

and add more sets

2020-03-20 14:54:22 UTC  

so you'd have something like