Message from @Mr. Nessel

Discord ID: 697186087394869450

2020-04-07 20:22:36 UTC  

Or Cypriots

2020-04-07 20:23:01 UTC

2020-04-07 20:23:19 UTC  

Sardinians and South Italians are in the spot where they are mostly because they're almost entirely early European farmers

2020-04-07 20:24:17 UTC  

Since early European farmers are closest to middle easterners of the three European ancestry sources

2020-04-07 20:24:58 UTC  

Yes but are basically the same genetically.

2020-04-07 20:25:01 UTC  

If you pay attention Ashkenazis are around about where Maltese are too

2020-04-07 20:26:22 UTC  

I'm fairly open to them being meds but I remember seeing something showing their admixture sources

2020-04-07 20:26:33 UTC  

Here’s a response to vargs thoughts on writing since the original video isn’t up

2020-04-07 20:28:43 UTC  

somethign like this

2020-04-07 20:34:18 UTC  

> I am not deconstructing the reality of race but your conception of it.
You haven't deconstructed any conception at all you have done is say that there are groups are close to being white or that you can break down whites into more groups within the category.

> This begs the question of how exactly your categorization works. It's not as simple as with color.
Like you said "categorizing by phenotype, genotype, and also geography, linguistics, history". It is not simple but it does not mean the categories are not there

> What may be insurmountable is the fact that there are peoples who, for whatever reason, don't know entire color families but have twenty names for shades of green

> You already saw it here, some people admitted to Christian Arabs being "honorary whites".
Do you know what that means? They are admitting to the fact that these **people are not white** but since these Arabs maintained Christianity in there heavily Islamic homeland's they are gotten the "honorary" status.

> If some tribe has no concept of redness, can we say red has a mind-independent existence? Hardly. In that, colors are different from ethnic groups.
And? It is still a category and there is no shit lib tier arguments that will change that. @AH-64

2020-04-07 20:36:01 UTC  

@Mac I'll get back at you tomorrow. Don't have the time for a proper response rn.

2020-04-07 20:38:06 UTC  

Will watch

2020-04-07 20:38:23 UTC  

Its fine @AH-64

2020-04-07 20:42:01 UTC  

Bro I love Masaman. Good Stuff on Genetics

2020-04-07 20:42:09 UTC  


2020-04-07 20:45:39 UTC  

I'll concede Malta is mediterranean. I must've misremembered or been confused because of Fst maps

2020-04-07 20:47:13 UTC  

I'll make sure to look up stuff for Cyprus again just to be sure I'm not talking nonsense

2020-04-07 20:48:01 UTC  

People are confusing Genetic cluster maps, admixture and haplogroups for all being the same thing and its very annoying. If we were to use haplogroups to determine what someone is then we would have to say that the pastoralists of Central west Africa are white since most of their haplogroup is R1B

2020-04-07 20:48:36 UTC  

I'm aware haplogroups aren't good for determining race, just migration patterns

2020-04-07 20:49:04 UTC  

And I know there are downsides to Fst but I must've gotten it mixed up nonetheless

2020-04-07 20:49:28 UTC  

By the way Uralics are more than 99%<European Caucasoid and less than 1%>Mongoloid, most of their Asiatic populations is dying out, so in my opinion is better to include all of them.

2020-04-07 20:50:30 UTC  

@Mr. Nessel Masaman posted a graph showing Cypriots something around 50-60% Euro admixture. I dont know where he got that from, Ill have to ask him his source for this.

2020-04-07 20:50:41 UTC  

Uralics are pretty heterogeneous so I'd have to look into them.

2020-04-07 20:50:55 UTC  

As in Uralics are a set of peoples

2020-04-07 20:51:06 UTC  

I'd expect admixtures etc. to vary

2020-04-07 20:52:33 UTC  

I remember some youtuber who is Cypriot Greek who had a lot of jewish ancestry. Was interesting

2020-04-07 20:52:42 UTC  

I believe that most of the non Euro admixture in cyprus actually isnt due to phoenician but instead from Neolithic Anatolians/Caucasus peoples.

2020-04-07 20:52:50 UTC  

They have like 4 Asiatic groups with 20.000 population in total and a lot of them have russian admixture.

2020-04-07 20:53:03 UTC  

Neolithic Anatolians would be basically white

2020-04-07 20:53:05 UTC  
2020-04-07 20:53:24 UTC  

I'd expect most of Cyprus' admixture to come from it being a trade hub since the bronze age

2020-04-07 20:53:35 UTC  

fair number of it is yes

2020-04-07 20:53:38 UTC  

but not the bulk

2020-04-07 20:54:17 UTC  

I don't Remember the number exactly I must look it up

2020-04-07 20:54:36 UTC  

Regarding Anatolians I'd like to look up eventually if the Hittites were white

2020-04-07 20:55:04 UTC

2020-04-07 20:56:04 UTC  

I remember hearing Anatolian farmers descended from the Natufians

2020-04-07 20:56:10 UTC  

Was that revised or what

2020-04-07 20:57:35 UTC  

Anatolian farmers were originally from the fertile crescent and were pushed north by the Semites.