Message from @AH-64

Discord ID: 697383021954990090

2020-04-07 22:05:09 UTC  

They got to keep sacrificing children for their master Moloch

2020-04-07 22:07:46 UTC  

BASED texas

2020-04-07 22:08:41 UTC  

Oh fail sorry misread the tweet

2020-04-07 22:09:21 UTC  

I thought they wanted to found abortions.

2020-04-07 22:09:41 UTC  

Thats great news

2020-04-07 23:13:20 UTC  

Potatoes beat grain.

2020-04-07 23:13:58 UTC  

Potatoes are miracle food

2020-04-07 23:14:09 UTC  

Potatoes go with everything.

2020-04-07 23:14:33 UTC  

They especially go well with more potatoes.

2020-04-07 23:16:06 UTC  

ok Irish

2020-04-08 02:03:46 UTC  


2020-04-08 02:03:49 UTC  


2020-04-08 02:03:53 UTC  


2020-04-08 04:29:00 UTC  


2020-04-08 04:29:19 UTC  

Man, this remake of The Stand is so bizarre and unrealistic

2020-04-08 09:49:17 UTC  

I'll keep this short, because I think I said all I had to say yesterday, and reiterating our arguments won't do any good. There's this bit I want to comment on:
>Do you know what that means? They are admitting to the fact that these people are not white but since these Arabs maintained Christianity in there heavily Islamic homeland's they are gotten the "honorary" status.
I know that it implies they aren't white per se, but it also means they'd like them to be white, because of our shared religion (and thus culture). You don't give an honorary title to someone completely unworthy of the real title. You might name someone an honorary general if he has shown himself a capable commander, but stands outside the military hierarchy, for example. If you give it to someone who never had combat experience and never saw a military in his life, that would be odd (I suspect honorary degrees from universities work just that way, but my point stands, because the practice is odd). An honorary title is like an allegory to an actual title.

Granted, the fact they're called "honorary whites" does mean they're not "actual whites". It does suggest that there is more to whiteness than genotype or phenotype, however. Now, you admitted as much now, and that is pretty much what I wanted: For you (not you personally, but the people who commented here) to

That brings us to what I see as the *real* problem with ethnocentrism: If ethnicity is as multicausal as it gets, stemming from no less than five underlying factors, then I don't see how you can determine ethnicity non-arbitrarily, and that, in turn, means all your categories are arbitrary.

2020-04-08 09:49:31 UTC  

Not so short after all, my bad.

2020-04-08 09:51:09 UTC  

It is not just that Iranians are "blue" and Scots are "red", and that there is a spectrum running from Iranians to Scots, but that you have five different, non-commensurate factors by which you could construct either point on the spectrum as well as the spectrum itself.

2020-04-08 09:53:08 UTC  

The reason why the obvious cases are so clear that you can use them to lead my argument ad absurdum is that there, you only have to look at genotype and phenotype, two factors extremely closely linked. This eliminates all arbitrariness. I am talking of the cases of comparing negroes and any european race, or, for that matter, any european race and australian aborigines. Here, the genetic and phenotypical differences alone are sufficient to construct the spectrum.

2020-04-08 09:54:05 UTC  

In other words, you use two methods for determining ethnicity, one for the groups with extremely obvious geno- and phenotypical differences, and one for the groups where that is not the case.

2020-04-08 10:02:10 UTC  

Then don't complain about him burning down churches tbqh

2020-04-08 10:03:17 UTC  

what part of its ok when we do it dont people understand

2020-04-08 10:09:36 UTC  

When your superstitions enslave you to a tree, the christian lumberjacks will free you.

2020-04-08 10:10:16 UTC  

What about trees and churches tho

2020-04-08 10:10:41 UTC  

What’s wrong with liking them both

2020-04-08 10:18:05 UTC  

Honorary whites is a stupid concept Hitler came up with because of racial mysticism (Aryans good, therefore good people honorary Aryans). At the very least the 5 classical races of anthropology objectively exist (look at the K5 best fit cluster thingy), whether or not you decide to split up Caucasians into "old" Caucasians and Europeans is a different matter

2020-04-08 10:21:06 UTC  

I’d say there’s more than 5 tbh

2020-04-08 10:21:50 UTC  

Even aryans can be classed into three groups now between the western the Iranic and Indic

2020-04-08 10:26:17 UTC  

I agree that Caucasians could and should be subdivided

2020-04-08 10:26:39 UTC  

Same with Africans because there's a shitload of heterogeneity within Africans

2020-04-08 10:26:57 UTC  

Nilotes and the Khoi San have very little in common

2020-04-08 11:14:21 UTC  

Hey all where is best to post a longer article I've written regarding “The dissident right needs to adapt” stream?

2020-04-08 11:14:47 UTC  

article reccomendations

2020-04-08 11:14:57 UTC  

or just here in gneeral

2020-04-08 11:15:08 UTC  


2020-04-08 11:16:43 UTC  

Hello all,

Long time listener first time caller…

I just listened to “The dissident right needs to adapt” stream, I actually thought it was very good. I’ve been into the dissident right scene for several years and only started to start to chime into the conversation recently. Due to the lockdown tentatively started youtubing, just going on streams atm… have another unrelated YT channel I run my own film production company outside of my real job offshore/subsea electrical control systems.

I’ve always admired Endeavour as he is more grounded than some other online commentators. So joined this discord server, wrapping my head round discord as I’ve just started using it, so a total noob with discord in all honesty.

Regarding the state of the dissident right, it does need to change. We have similar outcomes we want to see, deep down we all want change in the areas of mass migration, the return of industry and turning around the decay of the west. The political solution to this needs to be tangible and based in reality not a right wing wet dream…

I’m Scottish and while my country is a SJW fantasyland atm, I think that is going to change. We have dankula and woes in Scotland, while woes is far further to the right. Dankula has become far more accepted in the wider cultural sphere. Woes is still a political oddity in Scotland all honesty, only really known in these circles.

I know what I’m going to say will ruffle a few feathers but I think honesty is key to a wider political impact. Mark Collett is equivalent to Richard Spencer, a political hate figure even in centrist circles. These people probably do more damage to the movement than help it. I do understand they have stuck their necks out and respect them for it. I believe in free speech for all. While in the US you guys have that luxury in Europe it's not the case with hate speech laws.

2020-04-08 11:17:38 UTC  

Neo nazism does not wash with the British electorate, fact. Even with the issues about revisionism and over representation of Jews in positions of power. It’s politically toxic here, the spirit of British nationalism is deeply tied into the world wars. Its such a mind fuck to get the Brtish public to do a 180 on this it just wont happen when our grandfathers fought and died, to say their deaths were based on a lie is such a mental backflip its just not gonna happen. Even in the post Iraq mindset.

Furthermore, if anyone has been watching the patriotic alternative speeches I was really disappointed. The only one that truly stood out was “secret sources” well worth a watch. I feel Mark comes across as insincere, woes turned into a MIGTOW and laura towler chuckling about deporting british citizens. This was a fucking disaster for the movement. This is exactly the kind of thing which will crush the movement, it gives our enemies more ammo. The only reason this didn't get picked up in the media was due to covid.

People in the movement are fantastis, Mark talking about how he “doesn't want statues built for him” who comes out with shit like that!? Or Richard Spencer demanding in a recent stream that “We must have power” while having a few hundred watching his streams. Let’s get fucking real here...

This is too big an issue to be left to irrational voices, too much is at stake for the movement itself to be crushed by unrealistic expectations of what is possible. The issues surrounding degeneracy is alienating young people and turning them off to our cause. I’m not trying to black pill people here, but I hope its a wake up call to reasonable minds willing to discuss this civilly.

Like I say I’ve started YT and willing to come stream with anyone that wants to talk about anything rationally and honestly. I’m not looking for drama, but being honest and open to the future of the movement, it is critical.

Hope this has been insightful,

Kind regards,
