Message from @H. George Wells

Discord ID: 533026031209152534

2019-01-10 18:31:41 UTC  

news is just always out of Cali or one of the rare states where its 18. I think most of the 1st world is like that, but part of that is on account of MSM appealing to parents, and other on account i don't think its legal almost anywhere to have full interaction, aka you can fuck a 16 year old in UK, Most of US/CAN/EUR etc, but if you share those photos to the internet 馃殦

2019-01-10 18:32:04 UTC  

which personally im fine with

2019-01-10 19:04:44 UTC  

15-16 is a problem in most peoples minds when its like with a 30+ person

2019-01-10 19:05:12 UTC  

we call them pedos but they really are not. Creeps taking advantage of inexperienced people? sure. pedo? not really.

2019-01-10 19:13:02 UTC  

depends on context, but ya usually 90% of the time, i still kinda dono why that has to write off the 10% of the time when its just two adult minded people consenting properly but with a weird age gap.
Still in my mind 16 and definitely 17 is the type of age where you aren't likely to be naturally impressed by older people, both sexes feel at their peak for their life and no longer look up to adults just cause they are old. in the case somebody like this would get raped same rapist would probably rape a 25 year old supermodel the same way if they had more money or status to pull it off

2019-01-10 19:14:40 UTC  

one of those thigns where i don't think sheltering people helps them think smarter, and at same time inhibits their genuine interactions (HS love affairs being in question because nobody going through HS wants to potentially get a false statutory rape thrown on them and ruin their life)

2019-01-10 19:37:19 UTC

2019-01-10 19:38:19 UTC  

full orthodox

2019-01-10 19:39:21 UTC  

most teenage guys in high school will want to fuck the hot teacher if one is around, why not make it legal? I mean, if the student isn't in one of their classes, there is no conflict of interest. If there is a conflict, well thats what codes of conduct are for, no lawyers needed. /s

hookup culture is a tumor on our society

2019-01-10 19:41:01 UTC  

also older than dirt so good luck removing it

2019-01-10 19:41:32 UTC  

worked well for prostitution

removing it completely is impossible but you don't need to further it either

2019-01-10 19:58:14 UTC  

I'm speaking more from perspective of somebody who was socially conservative in HS, and thus didn't have sex, and im very sure that its fucked me up in my adulthood not getting over that barrier sooner when i had potentially multiple chances to

2019-01-10 19:59:33 UTC  

college memes aren't the same as they used to be, thats more like "how easy can i have a lawsuit filed against me"

2019-01-10 20:00:31 UTC  

and there is a difference between exposing people to life experiences and growth, and telling them to be flatout irresponsible

2019-01-10 20:01:08 UTC  

maybe decent analogy. Finnish Driving School vs "Hey kid u dono how to drive so go hoon this car like a madman", two very different things but you could conflate pictures of them for the same thing even if they very much aren't

2019-01-10 20:03:36 UTC  

One is simply they other without any discipline or responsibility, but assuming one or both is wrong just because similar can be bad is throwing the baby out with the bathwater

2019-01-10 20:07:08 UTC  

i'd argue saying "any casual sex or experimentation is wrong" isn't taking sex seriously, even if obviously too much sex, too many kinks etc, obviously can be. thats just helicopter parent mindset in action

2019-01-10 20:55:08 UTC

2019-01-10 21:06:23 UTC  

Is it no context time?

2019-01-10 21:06:31 UTC  

I think it's no context time

2019-01-10 21:06:37 UTC

2019-01-10 21:10:02 UTC

2019-01-10 23:21:40 UTC

2019-01-10 23:38:39 UTC  

@效懈泻懈 fuck man

2019-01-10 23:38:45 UTC  

that was well done

2019-01-10 23:51:31 UTC  
2019-01-11 00:04:18 UTC  


2019-01-11 00:05:35 UTC  

Money, Success, Fame, Bronies.

2019-01-11 00:07:15 UTC  

Cowboys who love other cowboys

2019-01-11 03:02:06 UTC

2019-01-11 03:48:08 UTC  

@Rouqen are you alive

2019-01-11 03:49:24 UTC  

What do you think of my Vsauce Meme?

2019-01-11 03:50:15 UTC

2019-01-11 03:50:44 UTC  

Is it better than the no effect version?

2019-01-11 03:51:00 UTC  

both are good

2019-01-11 03:51:09 UTC  

I imagine they can both be used for stuff