Message from @TheSlavPill
Discord ID: 260949582056259584
Virgin Mary was actually called Shaniqua
Shaniqua Johnson and she had a daughter named Levitra
(google it)
Poor Jaimie, she is cucking on Gab
she has to, the poor things brain would implode if she entered this chat
RIGHTWING COLLECTIVIST WOOT, CIA controlled opposition confirmed
lol, i actually emailed her a link to the first hangout, and told her to come in and meet the altright. needless to say, she never showed
oh well, for what its worth I approve of your taste in women
i want to red pill her, because she seems okay (no sex or anything involved here, not thinking with my dick or anything) but yea, she's not bad I don't think. just a little too libertarian right now
blondes are a killer
i mean, she is fucking hot, did you see her pics before she turned round and made a pic of her hair her profile?
yeah, but her taxes are more important than her kids - she struck me as that sort
but yeah, I wouldn't say n
yea. i think so. she's very pro-choice. i once sent her a hasthag that said #HaveMyAbortion
''have my abortion''
Man Ever
"I trust my Muslim friends more than I trust you."
This one is prog to the bone
arms spaghetti
someone call in the execution squads
the witch needs to burn
let's invite her in, Heimat get on it!
if I was jewish I'd call her a shiksa
oh my oh my when you said libertarian i thaught she was into guns and muh freedumbs
not into abortion and sarcasm
I have no idea if she's jewish or not. she said one time that she is german though
"Am I the only one here who has Muslim friends? I know wonderful people who are Muslim. They're good people, better than a lot of Christians I know."
@TheSlavPill Fetch the flamethrower
on it
We have a RemoveKebabSympathizer mission tomorrow morning
first the came for jaimie and i said nothing
the funny thing is i actually do have a ''muslim'' friend