Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 489151989922660363

2018-09-11 19:01:29 UTC  

i have problems with people like you Max. And people like you exist in every group of people, Christian, Atheist, Buddhists, Muslim

2018-09-11 19:01:44 UTC  

Also the book he's been shilling is just Aquinas's 5 Proofs

2018-09-11 19:02:21 UTC  

It's neither new nor uncontested

2018-09-11 19:02:36 UTC  

And certainly not worth an intermission for

2018-09-11 19:03:32 UTC  

I don't have problems with people like the pastor at my catholic college i went to school, or the pastor at my local church when i was younger and forced to go. I don't have problems with the pastor out where my parents like to vacation

2018-09-11 19:04:10 UTC  

no problems with my family, nor my gf's family (jewish and christian), nor my gf who happens to be pagan of all things.

2018-09-11 19:04:32 UTC  

all these people earned my respect through actions and how they interact with the world

2018-09-11 19:05:22 UTC  

you are not a good or moral person just because you are religious. Just like non-religious people are not bad or amoral just for being non-religious

2018-09-11 19:07:20 UTC  

I have a problem with institutions, and corruption.

2018-09-11 19:09:13 UTC  

and i have a problem with people, who use the fact "i am part of x" to then claim "therefore i am more good and moral than you". Because often times they are not. They are not by default less good or moral, but they certainly are not more good or moral.

2018-09-11 19:11:51 UTC  

@Beeman "There's no atheist ideological framework, however the catholic church has one and fails their own test" -- sorry, try again, there are multiple Atheist ideological frameworks. Atheism is just the starting point for many ideologies, many of which have turned oppressive and murderous. Nice try doddging away from any accountability for anything your coreligionists ever do. "Atheists dindu nuffin" and "ATheism is just lack of belief so you can never criticize or qeustion us." Once agian, when they do this, ATheists give the rest of us in the Non-Atheist population no reason whatsoever to ever trust them, do business with them, or give a rat's ass about their rights. Or their feelings.

2018-09-11 19:12:40 UTC  

There goes @Grenade123 lying like a typical Atheist again, completely, about how I treated him, and what I said.

2018-09-11 19:13:10 UTC  

So,l again, no reason to keep talking to this typ8ical Atheist, but he does help the rest of us establish that yes, indeed, Atheists lie constantly about religious people, right to their faces. Why respect them?

2018-09-11 19:13:53 UTC  

And there goes @Beeman lying right to a religious man's face about him, suggesting all I've done is "shill" a single book. Internet Atheist Identitarians ALWAYS LIE. It's why everybody hates them.\

2018-09-11 19:14:00 UTC  

You can criticize individual atheists, but there's no explicit Atheist Pope, no Atheist Bible etc, so it's even more disconnected than say, targeting two different Christians on the basis of their faith, without knowing denomination.

2018-09-11 19:14:07 UTC  

(Internet Atheists always wind up especially hating each other in the end, have you noticed?)

2018-09-11 19:14:19 UTC  

"A single book" point to where I said it was only one that you ever shilled

2018-09-11 19:15:01 UTC  

There was a specific book you repeatedly brought up

2018-09-11 19:15:05 UTC  

5 proofs

2018-09-11 19:15:09 UTC  

Now notice how @Beemann instead of just acknowledging the reality of his religious views, and the many Atheist ideologies that have turned murderous, ro anything else, h e just keeps claiming his ideology is perfect and above reproach. Again, there is no reason for th ose of us who reject Atheism to care what these slimy abusive dishonest Atheists think, is there?

2018-09-11 19:15:22 UTC  

"Let me call all atheists bad people, then call them liars for saying pointing out you just called them a bad person, then say you never said they were a bad person"

2018-09-11 19:15:24 UTC  

Which was literally just an elaboration of Aquinas' 5 proofs

Also nice strawman

2018-09-11 19:15:46 UTC  

Please address my actual points, and not the ones you would rather deal with

2018-09-11 19:15:51 UTC  

Now @Beemann lies right in froint of everybody, where they can verify I gave multiple completely polite referencs to multiple sources, including multiple books and videos, and offered more. Why can't Beeman stop lying, even when everybody present can go verify he's lying?

2018-09-11 19:16:18 UTC  

You seem like the stereotypical smug self-important self-righteous atheist who just 'switched teams' without actually changing your thought process.

2018-09-11 19:16:25 UTC  

>you specifically references a particular book repeatedly
>you liar, I referenced multiple books
I'm not lying if there's no contradiction

2018-09-11 19:16:32 UTC  

The problem @Beemann appears to have is that I gave comletely neutral and polite answers to inquiries when asked for research and references. Everything I stated was social science data. But Beeman can't h andle it. I think it's the cognitive dissonance of having his cult ideology questioned.

2018-09-11 19:16:58 UTC  

>social science
Who's lying now?

2018-09-11 19:17:16 UTC  

I think it was him, or one of the others, who denied having father issues, then ran away crying saying I had insulted someone from a broken home--himself. Can't remember which of th ese Cultist Atheist Identitiarians did that, but it was also h ilarious. "I don't have father isseus! Waaah, you just hurt me and I come from a broken home!" It was hysterical.

2018-09-11 19:17:17 UTC  

I find it shameful that you would tarnish the good name of Maximilian Kolbe by acting this way.

2018-09-11 19:17:47 UTC  

All anyone has to do is scroll up and see @Beemann is aparently a genuine pathological liar: he really can't stop himself.

2018-09-11 19:17:48 UTC  

"I won't discuss things with you unless you read 5 proofs"
"How dare you criticize the book I demanded you read, and my position for supporting it on that foundation?"

2018-09-11 19:18:27 UTC  

@Schedrevka Nice try, but why would St. Max care about your opinion, and why would anyone believe you know anything about him? And why would anyone care about Shedrevka's moral opinions for that matter?

2018-09-11 19:18:27 UTC  

Does the Catholic Church support projection? Oh I guess they do go after pedophiles repeatedly don't they.

2018-09-11 19:18:52 UTC  

Don't worry, I'm sure supporting the most heathen sector of Christendom is the right answer

2018-09-11 19:19:04 UTC  

ROFLMAO. He was given multiple book references, multiple other links, and he still just won't back down and admit he got something wrong. He needs to just keep lying.

2018-09-11 19:19:12 UTC  

Keep having fun i n your ridicu lous little ideological bubble world.

2018-09-11 19:19:38 UTC  

Also, keep dodging the question you ca n't answer: why should those of us in the Non-Atheist Majority give a flying fcuk if his rights are violated or if his feelings are hurt? He can't answer it. None of them can.

2018-09-11 19:19:43 UTC  

>this book proves X
>no it doesn't
>lmao you're lying about all the references I gave you

2018-09-11 19:19:51 UTC  

I never claimed he would care. I only claimed that *I* care, and anyone who is a good person should care at least on some level what a stranger thinks. I know about him because I was raised Catholic, have respect for the Catholic teachings, and attended a church named after him for much of my life.

2018-09-11 19:19:53 UTC  

Are you breaking right now?