Message from @Poppy Rider

Discord ID: 489570227290636288

2018-09-12 22:05:13 UTC  

In the late 70s early 80s the economy was in shit so the interest rate was 22% in order to keep on par with west germany.

2018-09-12 22:38:37 UTC  

If it's not the banks buy the bonds, who are they selling them to.

2018-09-12 22:42:51 UTC  

The usual suspect that buy bonds, other central banks, pension, funds sovereign wealth fund other uber rich, that have large quantities of cash they need to store inflation safely and don’t want to buy risky bonds like Greece or Italy, and must be tied to the euro

2018-09-12 22:44:49 UTC  

Now that I'm at a computer, and off work now...

2018-09-12 22:45:51 UTC  

To get to the point: In general I'd say that fears and concerns about 'hoarding money' generally stem from a concern for the haves and have nots.

2018-09-12 22:46:36 UTC  

Most people who raise it as a concern are trying to advocate for some means of separating a person from their property.

2018-09-12 22:47:12 UTC  

I'm not one of those 'Taxation is Theft' types

2018-09-12 22:47:24 UTC  

but... it kind of is, in a way.

2018-09-12 22:48:14 UTC  

Imagine if money were substituted for any other goods that can be bought *with* money.

2018-09-12 22:48:50 UTC  

Let's say you farm rice.

2018-09-12 22:49:31 UTC  

You handle your fields entirely on your own. You've purchased grain silos, etc. you've got the means to store as much rice as you like.

2018-09-12 22:50:38 UTC  

Would you argue that, at a certain point, this person's excess rice from farming should be taken from them, based on the fact that they have it and aren't doing anything with it?

2018-09-12 22:51:43 UTC  

Would you argue that they're only entitled to the amount of rice that they need to sustain themselves?

2018-09-12 22:51:54 UTC  

With some here and there for trade?

2018-09-12 22:54:44 UTC  

You can't compere a field of rice that you farm on your own to money. You are not providing a service to aquire that 'wealth' so you aren't taking from the system.

2018-09-12 22:55:29 UTC  

If there is only a certian amount of land to grow the communities wealth then it's a different story.

2018-09-12 22:55:50 UTC  

Ah, so if they own more land than they need

2018-09-12 22:55:57 UTC  

then they might have to give up some of that land.

2018-09-12 22:55:58 UTC  

If this is the case then yes he should only be entitled to his share.

2018-09-12 22:56:35 UTC  

But what if he paid for that land that he grows the rice on?

2018-09-12 22:57:17 UTC  

Then everyoone else was stupid and he is going to pay the price in form a pitch fork up his arse.

2018-09-12 22:57:41 UTC  

Are you justifying that, though?

2018-09-12 22:57:50 UTC  


2018-09-12 22:58:45 UTC  

Currency is a commodity like anything else.

2018-09-12 22:58:50 UTC  

It is either that. He gives it away or takes everyone as a slave.

2018-09-12 22:59:04 UTC  

The only difference is that it's only use is barter for other commodities.

2018-09-12 22:59:52 UTC  

Sometimes the commodity you buy with currency is shares in a company, which in itself is another currency representing a portion of said company's assets and profit.

2018-09-12 23:00:39 UTC  

You can buy other currencies with your own currency.

2018-09-12 23:01:10 UTC  

And the values of those commodities you're exchanging is generally analyzed and agreed upon.

2018-09-12 23:01:17 UTC  

Crypto is largely the same way.

2018-09-12 23:01:55 UTC  

Supply and Demand dictate economics.

2018-09-12 23:02:13 UTC  

Not anything else. not government, even.

2018-09-12 23:02:25 UTC  

Although government has the strings it can pull to manipulate it

2018-09-12 23:02:57 UTC  

If some nation-ending apocalyptic event were to occur tomorrow, like Hillary replacing Trump or something...

2018-09-12 23:03:18 UTC  

There would still be people who would accept USD. It would still have a certain value.

2018-09-12 23:03:44 UTC  

Almost inexplicably

2018-09-12 23:04:13 UTC  

But the core reason is, common currency is a proxy for goods in barter.

2018-09-12 23:04:59 UTC  

I work some on-demand jobs.

2018-09-12 23:05:18 UTC  

If I get a drive for a 30 dollar fare

2018-09-12 23:05:51 UTC  

load it on to my card, and buy 20 dollars of gas with it

2018-09-12 23:06:11 UTC  

Thinking of it as spending money is a basic way of looking at it.