Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 490591344365142017

2018-09-15 18:28:27 UTC  

Are funds mismanaged in the US military? As badly as I've been told? I'm not sure I trust the people who told me that it was as bad as they say it is, they didn't source anything

2018-09-15 18:29:01 UTC  

They said apparently they have ridiculous amounts of tanks that they're not doing anything with, and keep building more for no reason, which didn't sound right

2018-09-15 18:29:39 UTC  

They also explained that the way the budget works, they HAVE to spend all of their allocated budget, resulting in wastage since they have leftover money, which sounds a little crazy

2018-09-15 18:30:01 UTC  

Yes and no.

2018-09-15 18:30:22 UTC  

I'm especially sceptical since I called them out on military spending increases, they made it sound super horrible but I asked them if it was more money or a higher percentage and they stopped responding

2018-09-15 18:30:23 UTC  

The US military isn't nearly as corrupt as some (like South Korea) but it does have a good bit of bureaucratic largesse.

2018-09-15 18:30:36 UTC  


2018-09-15 18:30:58 UTC  

The "have to spend all the allocated budget" is a fact in all levels of American government.

2018-09-15 18:31:19 UTC  

*Technically* you don't have to, but if you do the budget gets reallocated the next year permanently, so no one ever does.

2018-09-15 18:31:33 UTC  

It's a big part of why government programs end up costing so much.

2018-09-15 18:32:06 UTC  

And it's not unique to the military. The DMV does it, NASA does it, the National Park Service does it...

2018-09-15 18:32:08 UTC  

Oh okay, so they're forced to upkeep their level of spending for fear that the government will cut funding

2018-09-15 18:32:15 UTC  

Yeah beasically.

2018-09-15 18:32:40 UTC  

As for making tanks and stuff. They produce them under contract years (often decades) in advance not really knowing when they'll need them.

2018-09-15 18:33:31 UTC  

It's not easy to just "make a tank." You have to do lots of design work, build the machining and tooling, hire all the people to build it (which for a tank means getting security clearances and checking the supply chain for infiltrators)...

2018-09-15 18:33:46 UTC  

So they do build stuff and then drop it in the motor pool to be used later.

2018-09-15 18:33:47 UTC  

Yeah, it takes a lot of time, I feel you

2018-09-15 18:34:18 UTC  

Anti-military types will claim that's "a ridiculous number of tanks that are sitting ariund"

2018-09-15 18:34:30 UTC  

That's their exact wording

2018-09-15 18:34:45 UTC  

Which, aside from the "ridiculous" part (which is a subjective evaluation) is mostly because they aren't shooting anybody at the moment.

2018-09-15 18:34:51 UTC  

Which is probably better than the alternative.

2018-09-15 18:35:13 UTC  

The best level of military deployment is a question without an easy answer.

2018-09-15 18:35:24 UTC  

The US has a massive military. It also has massive obligations.

2018-09-15 18:35:39 UTC  

And alot of that comes down to holding a stick big enough no one makes you use it.

2018-09-15 18:35:41 UTC  

Yeah, I remember people were talking about how the US have global presence

2018-09-15 18:36:22 UTC  

Europe was completely was almost dependent on the US for defense. Japan, Korea and Taiwan usually measure their time to fight against China alone in weeks of months.

2018-09-15 18:36:47 UTC  

Europe's position is a bit more questionable mostly just because there's not too many obvious threats aside from Russia.

2018-09-15 18:37:03 UTC  

But the South China sea has been warming up.

2018-09-15 18:37:18 UTC  

And China is making a massive bid for military capabilities.

2018-09-15 18:38:10 UTC  

Ah, I get ya

2018-09-15 18:38:18 UTC  

The US military was actually downsizing from Iraq for awhile now IIRC

2018-09-15 18:38:27 UTC  

So it's less on edge than in the past.

2018-09-15 18:38:36 UTC  

Actually been cancelling jet fighter orders last I heard.

2018-09-15 18:39:41 UTC  

It is a fact that in terms of things like Tanks and planes, the US military is orders of magnitude larger than it's opposition. It's actually very similar to the UK navy just around the 1900s.

2018-09-15 18:40:01 UTC  

Which is slightly worrying. When Germany caught up around 1900-1910...

2018-09-15 18:41:03 UTC  

We're probably several decades away from China challenging the US, but when the China/Russia/Africa Axis hits critical mass things could get much harder.

2018-09-15 18:41:16 UTC  

If it hits critical mass.

2018-09-15 18:42:20 UTC  

Oh, my favorite "spend the whole allocation" Public universities do it. And private universities on public grants.

2018-09-15 18:42:28 UTC  

The US need to clamp down on socialism before that happens because you guys will have so many double agents

2018-09-15 18:42:57 UTC  

Do the socialists recognize China as communist?

2018-09-15 18:43:08 UTC  

I can't tell anymore.