Message from @7183

Discord ID: 679443828221935636

2020-02-18 21:45:25 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:45:30 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:45:35 UTC  

Get off your device nibba

2020-02-18 21:45:35 UTC  

Or eye drops

2020-02-18 21:45:42 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:45:57 UTC  

-df 8chan

2020-02-18 21:45:58 UTC  

**8chan**: Like a deeper layer of Hell, 8chan is an image board for anyone who is too much of an [edgelord] for 4chan. Created during the [Gamergate] fiasco when even [the brass] of 4chan decided that situation was getting out of hand and became a base of operations of sorts for the GG crowd.
*[4chan] [banned] me for posting [CP] so I joined 8chan.*
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2020-02-18 21:46:04 UTC  

My left eye actually do be hurting doe 🐼😳🐼🐼

2020-02-18 21:46:11 UTC  

-df weeb

2020-02-18 21:46:12 UTC  

**Weeb**: Lesser version of a weeaboo. Watches [CGDCT] anime, may or may not have a [body pillow]/waifu, usually browses r/[animemes]. Whatever you do, don't call them a fucking weeb; it only makes them more powerful.
*r/[animemes] is [full] of [weebs].*
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2020-02-18 21:46:25 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:46:29 UTC  

8chan is long gone - this bot needs an update

2020-02-18 21:46:31 UTC  

-df normie weeb

2020-02-18 21:46:32 UTC  

**Normie**: A person gravitating to social standards, accepted practices, and [fads] of their own time & geographic grouping without [broader] cultural perspectives from which they draw.

[Normies] possess a lack of interest in ideas not easily accessible or being outside of their/society's current range of acceptance. A straight. A follower.

Most [normies] adopt a "popularity is the only measure of good or bad" mindset at an early age.

Normies typically have a sense of cultural superiority over "counter culture" movements & foreign cultures. They will often try to discredit out cultures or choices falling outside of their majority think claiming those of other dispositions are mentally ill or [out of touch] with reality.

By perspective normies of [this generation] would have been the social outcasts of the uber conformist 50s.

Most normies don't believe they are so. A deep generational delusion has since persisted -allowing them to believe they are defying a system of social rules long since [defunct].

This group can easily be [molded] to suit virtually any desired value system. In Americas capitalist system, normies have been adapted to consume whats easily attainable with little to no resistance. Popular is good. Therefore all that has been perceived to be [vetted] by their peers then is accepted.

As their majority cultural definitions are rooted in shallow concepts and fads that soon expire they're often then called old.
*Johnny thinks he's cool and [open minded] because he listens to [Katy perry] but he's just got [normie] taste in music.*
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2020-02-18 21:46:55 UTC  

Weebs are people who change their culture and act Japanese

2020-02-18 21:46:55 UTC  

Time to ban katze for spamming

2020-02-18 21:47:03 UTC  

Aka nikkers

2020-02-18 21:47:04 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:47:05 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:47:08 UTC  

Weebs are otakus

2020-02-18 21:47:12 UTC  

That’s based af

2020-02-18 21:47:20 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:47:24 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:47:26 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:47:27 UTC  

Nick Gurr

2020-02-18 21:47:39 UTC  

Nicholas J Fuentes

2020-02-18 21:47:40 UTC  

And otakus are the smelly gamestop smelling dorks, heavy breathing, high sodium diet, neckbeard, and musty odor

2020-02-18 21:47:51 UTC  

Nickolas Gertrude

2020-02-18 21:47:58 UTC  

Weebs smells like a dirty microwave

2020-02-18 21:48:11 UTC  

I smell like a musty vagina

2020-02-18 21:48:22 UTC  

That grease stuck in the microwave crevices. Thats what a weeb smells like

2020-02-18 21:48:22 UTC  

from the 1860’s

2020-02-18 21:48:25 UTC  

I will now drink lots of water

2020-02-18 21:48:26 UTC  

With syphilis

2020-02-18 21:48:37 UTC  

Weebs can be cute tho, they aren't all fat

2020-02-18 21:48:44 UTC  

I weigh 95lbs or so

2020-02-18 21:48:48 UTC  

I’m not fat

2020-02-18 21:48:49 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:48:49 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:48:52 UTC  

I swear

2020-02-18 21:48:58 UTC  

Weebs can be skinny and awkward too