Message from @Poppy Rider

Discord ID: 501408824520081409

2018-10-15 14:55:22 UTC  

"Women's or men's team"
If you've gone through male puberty you're on the men's team. Teams are split based on dimorphism, not identity

2018-10-15 14:55:23 UTC  

*gets smacked*

2018-10-15 14:55:26 UTC  

that's about it, from my experience most people who don't feel comfy with he / she only require they not the tumblerina pronouns

2018-10-15 14:55:37 UTC  

yeah bee it should be

2018-10-15 14:55:39 UTC  

>hello there she

2018-10-15 14:55:52 UTC  


2018-10-15 14:56:06 UTC  

@shinsoo If you are born a bloke and then decide you are now a 'Xer' and Xer happens to be primarily female but you are also an avid footballer so now you want to play on the girls team. It's not fair. You can Identify as what the hell you like but that isn't going to take precedence over fair play.

2018-10-15 14:56:35 UTC  

why are you even giving legimacy to idea that there is more than two genders?

2018-10-15 14:56:52 UTC  

Prisons. You get done for rape, as a man, decide you are now a Xer and want to be sent to a female prison.

2018-10-15 14:56:59 UTC  

Fuck even I'd do that.

2018-10-15 14:57:12 UTC  

The problem I have with "new pronouns" are they're hard to define and I find a lot of the "new genders" aren't actual... genders, they're adjectives to describe one's gender. I see gender more as the perspective one has on their sex and don't give it any real credence outside of cis, trans and asexual

2018-10-15 14:57:29 UTC  

Trans != >2genders

2018-10-15 14:57:35 UTC  

Wait, asexual is a sexuality, I mean agender

2018-10-15 14:57:39 UTC  

sports aren't differentiated by pronoun though @Poppy Rider
no matter your pronoun, if you've transitioned, you should play with others of your gender

2018-10-15 14:58:17 UTC  

As far as bio there is only two. But the third is still considered a birth defect as far as I know.

2018-10-15 14:58:17 UTC  

nonbinaries and agender ppl are a bit more difficult

2018-10-15 14:58:31 UTC  

gender identity to be precise, you can identify somwhere between the two genders

2018-10-15 14:58:51 UTC  

@shinsoo what do you mean exactly when you say gender?

2018-10-15 14:58:56 UTC  

the idea is you don't fall what is strictly considered one way or another

2018-10-15 14:59:32 UTC  

as in, if you're a trans guy you should play with other guys after transitioning

2018-10-15 14:59:39 UTC  

If you were born a man and went through puberty as a man you should not be allowed anywhere near competitive female sports. Also you don't get to play against the girls coz that's how you identify.

2018-10-15 14:59:55 UTC  

If you're a transwoman MMA fighter you should fight women?

2018-10-15 15:00:17 UTC  

aye, if you've transitioned

2018-10-15 15:00:22 UTC  


2018-10-15 15:00:27 UTC  

You're just going to get women injured m8

2018-10-15 15:00:29 UTC  

you're wroge.

2018-10-15 15:00:30 UTC  

Never right to hit a woman

2018-10-15 15:00:55 UTC  

The main things that concern/frustrate me are;
a) when people try and identify as something abstract that has no relation to sex, e.g. my girlfriend once unironically saw someone on tumblr say their gender identity was Chinese
b) when people think having certain superficial qualities make them intersex- a stereotypically boyish girl is not necessarily transsexual

2018-10-15 15:00:58 UTC  

Transitioning doesn't undo the amount of testosterone you've had pumped into your system. Dimorphism isn't going to be undone with pills

2018-10-15 15:01:28 UTC  

cutting out your dick doesnt change your sex.
you are still man with mutilated gentelas

2018-10-15 15:01:46 UTC  

you're trying to get a woman to play in the male leagues
that's ridiculous

2018-10-15 15:02:17 UTC  

I'm trying to get someone with male levels of testosterone to compete with those who also have similar levels

2018-10-15 15:02:21 UTC  

The amount of T in a man can never be the same as you can pump into a woman without serious damage.

2018-10-15 15:02:28 UTC  

I identify as a man with tattoos all over my face. I can't join the police service or the military. It severely limits my choice in life. You can't expect to change something so drastic as your gender and face no side effects. Choices have consequences.

2018-10-15 15:02:30 UTC  

I think the issue Beemann is trying to bring up is that a trans woman MMA fighter has an unfair biological advantage- it would be of no concern if a trans woman was identical to a biological female, but the issue is that a trans woman is generally taller, stronger, has longer reach, and weighs more

2018-10-15 15:02:50 UTC  

So generally speaking a cis woman will get the shit kicked out of her

2018-10-15 15:03:05 UTC  

she wouldn't have a significant advantage after transitioning tho
look at Fallon Fox

2018-10-15 15:03:58 UTC  

she's a featherweight and not particularly remarkable

2018-10-15 15:04:04 UTC  

I'm not sure I know Fallon Fox

2018-10-15 15:04:49 UTC  

You are talking about bone mass, tendon strength and muscular density.

2018-10-15 15:04:51 UTC  

she's the trans woman mma fighter that made headlines