Message from @Katze Miaulitzer

Discord ID: 687132016738697226

2020-03-11 02:53:09 UTC  

Jews have a disproportionate representation in academia

2020-03-11 02:53:26 UTC  

any one group having a disproportionate representation if they're a minority of the population isn't a good sign

2020-03-11 02:54:33 UTC  

It’s called working your way to the top and paving the way for generations upon generations

2020-03-11 02:54:45 UTC  

Won't have power if we take it from them.

2020-03-11 02:55:14 UTC  

That’s not very cash money of you

2020-03-11 02:55:28 UTC  

Ok jew

2020-03-11 02:55:45 UTC  

@Katze Miaulitzer except that doesn't

2020-03-11 02:55:48 UTC  

make much sense

2020-03-11 02:55:59 UTC  

is it necessarily fair

2020-03-11 02:56:07 UTC  

to pave the way for a minority group for generations

2020-03-11 02:56:08 UTC  


2020-03-11 02:56:14 UTC  

with over sixty percent of harvard graduates being Jews?

2020-03-11 02:56:34 UTC  

How do you think Jews get so much money?

2020-03-11 02:56:39 UTC  

only twenty percent of faculty is of caucasian or east asian descent

2020-03-11 02:56:55 UTC  

they gained this originally through usurous practices

2020-03-11 02:57:03 UTC  

after bondage slavery by the romans

2020-03-11 02:57:08 UTC  

and egyptians

2020-03-11 02:57:09 UTC  

They gained it through investing

2020-03-11 02:57:12 UTC  


2020-03-11 02:57:16 UTC  

that was later on

2020-03-11 02:57:19 UTC  

Modern day Jews you fucktard

2020-03-11 02:57:25 UTC  

the history doesn't lie

2020-03-11 02:57:34 UTC  

calling everyone a fucktard isn't an argument; sorry

2020-03-11 02:57:39 UTC  

Omg we aren’t in the BC’s

2020-03-11 02:57:51 UTC  

if you trace the lineage of jewish wealth

2020-03-11 02:58:01 UTC  

it all goes back to this history

2020-03-11 02:58:09 UTC  

thats all that matters

2020-03-11 02:58:19 UTC  

If you trace the Jewish wealth you’d know that it was looted

2020-03-11 02:58:26 UTC  

jews are a million dollar ethnic group; they don't comprise of billions in the world population lol

2020-03-11 02:58:33 UTC  


2020-03-11 02:58:43 UTC  

what your saying doesn't necessarily account for much of anything

2020-03-11 02:58:48 UTC  

it doesn't disprove what im saying

2020-03-11 02:58:53 UTC  

nor does it really address the argument

2020-03-11 02:58:59 UTC  


2020-03-11 02:59:05 UTC  


2020-03-11 02:59:12 UTC  

which is that Jews and their predominance in the public is strange and more so hereditary

2020-03-11 02:59:15 UTC  

rather than earned

2020-03-11 02:59:20 UTC  

ok female

2020-03-11 02:59:30 UTC  

idk if shes disagreeing with us or not

2020-03-11 02:59:34 UTC  

could be saying it ironically