Message from @Stefan Payne

Discord ID: 508820802012184590

2018-11-05 01:47:19 UTC  

The bottom line, deal with the border

2018-11-05 01:47:28 UTC  

What jurisiction does the US have over Illegal Aliens? Can they take in their Driver's License? Can they take in their Passports??

2018-11-05 01:47:44 UTC  

This *is* dealing with the border.

2018-11-05 01:48:01 UTC  

Passports only go to citizens. Not even green cards get passports.

2018-11-05 01:48:23 UTC  

There is not going to be any law passed by congress regarding the wall, or border control, or citizenship, or anything constructive at all ever.

2018-11-05 01:48:29 UTC  

Ergo not subject to US Juristiction

2018-11-05 01:48:47 UTC  

We have the jurisdiction to prosecute them for crimes beyond just deporting them. We claim jurisdiction to tax them. We apparently have them sign up for selective service.

2018-11-05 01:49:11 UTC  

They are not going to pass any laws that help the situation because the democrats **want** a bazillion illegals here, so they can give them citizenship and have a permanent majority. Total power for all time. They are not going to do any legislative action to prevent that ever.

2018-11-05 01:49:15 UTC  

Someone doesn;t need to have a passport to be subject to the law

2018-11-05 01:49:29 UTC  

One of the framers of the 14th, Senator Jacob Howard said that
"This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States."

2018-11-05 01:49:47 UTC  

That's so cut and dry that it's obvious that this shit is unconstitutional

2018-11-05 01:49:59 UTC  

There is much debate about the comma after "aliens,". It's not supposed to be there.

2018-11-05 01:50:02 UTC  

So forcing the SCOTUS to rule on this is the only way anything positive is ever going to happen. Legislation is not forthcoming, ever.

2018-11-05 01:50:27 UTC  

Okay lets take the comma out.

2018-11-05 01:50:40 UTC  


2018-11-05 01:50:50 UTC  

Perhaps, but the founding fathers said this should be handled by the Congress and the states. It is a miscarriage of their intent not to yield to the legislative branch.

2018-11-05 01:51:27 UTC  

I'm pretty sure the founding fathers weren't oaky with rogue states passing legislature that is unconstitutonal

2018-11-05 01:51:39 UTC  

Anything that is not covered by the constitution is fair game

2018-11-05 01:51:46 UTC  

But that's an amendment, friend

2018-11-05 01:52:04 UTC  

Foreigners as defined by aliens who belong to families..." Again, i'm not making up these interpretations. They are the precedent that has existed throughout the 20th and 21st century until apparently the past few weeks

2018-11-05 01:52:12 UTC  

Founding Fathers made a system where the Country can't be fucked by just one or two population centers and made the Electoral College.

2018-11-05 01:52:29 UTC  

You said the comma after aliens

2018-11-05 01:52:33 UTC  

That's not helpful at all. Leaving this to congress means ***NO*** action will be taken, and that in two years, or six years, or however long it takes for democrats to claw their way back into power that they will give blanket amnesty and citizenship to tens of millions of illegals and have total unassailable domination of all branches of government for all fucking time.

2018-11-05 01:52:37 UTC  

You can't delete every comma in the sentance

2018-11-05 01:52:44 UTC  

I didn't

2018-11-05 01:52:59 UTC  

Again, I'm just sharing the precedent up until now.

2018-11-05 01:53:00 UTC  

Foreigners, aliens who belong to blah blah blah

2018-11-05 01:53:10 UTC  

I want actual, real world practical solutions that actually solve the fucking problem.

2018-11-05 01:53:14 UTC  

Yes, but that precedent flies on the face of the 14th

2018-11-05 01:53:24 UTC  

Dread Scott was precedent

2018-11-05 01:53:43 UTC  

The court can get shit wrong because they're politically motivated

2018-11-05 01:53:45 UTC  

No it doesn't. Not in my reading at least. But ultimately it will depend on the reading of six men and three women it seems.

2018-11-05 01:54:29 UTC  

You can't have your own personal truth regarding the meaning of the 14th. The framers made it clear in their writings

2018-11-05 01:54:30 UTC  

It would never have occurred me that something so foundational would be controversial.

2018-11-05 01:54:43 UTC  

You can't bend reality to justify bad policy post hoc

2018-11-05 01:54:51 UTC  

It is clear to me. And everyone else until a few weeks ago.

2018-11-05 01:55:19 UTC  

People have disagreed with this for a while. It just wasn;t in the spotlight till Trump said something

2018-11-05 01:55:26 UTC  

Until a few weeks ago nobody dreamed that even Trump would have the balls to challenge this.

2018-11-05 01:55:27 UTC  

Remember, we're not making the case to implement birthright citizenship. Birthright citizenship has been the law of the land for 150 years.

2018-11-05 01:55:50 UTC  

Yes, and that law is based on unconstitutional rulings on the 14th by leftists judges

2018-11-05 01:56:40 UTC  

Looks like we'll all have to agree to disagree