Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 525348127155290112

2018-12-20 16:15:19 UTC  

You've lost everything.

2018-12-20 16:15:21 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:16:10 UTC  

Right, which is why I'm rather stringent about protection of property, and why I encourage others to be as well

2018-12-20 16:17:55 UTC  

The trouble with tech is that the more you have, the more vulnerable you are.

2018-12-20 16:18:04 UTC  

Oh for sure

2018-12-20 16:19:03 UTC  

How many people could survive if the internet disappeared overnight?

2018-12-20 16:19:57 UTC  

How many wouldn't be able to function?

2018-12-20 16:20:08 UTC  

Probably a lot to be honest. I think most people's "reliance" is superficial

2018-12-20 16:20:29 UTC  

There's a few edge cases where someone would be screwed, and streamers would have to find jobs

2018-12-20 16:20:46 UTC  

Consider that I did not just mean for private use

2018-12-20 16:21:31 UTC  

Did we yeet every backup system and all knowledge of how to operate offline?

2018-12-20 16:21:57 UTC  

Not knowledge. How much is there, though?

2018-12-20 16:22:31 UTC  

Even our phone lines are turning VOIP

2018-12-20 16:24:11 UTC  

Yeah, I find it worrisome.

2018-12-20 16:24:20 UTC  

A lot of the old systems are still kept around for emergencies though, no?

2018-12-20 16:24:53 UTC  

100% uptime cannot be guaranteed

2018-12-20 16:25:11 UTC  

No internet also means cell phones are down.

2018-12-20 16:25:26 UTC  

No credit cards at grocery stores

2018-12-20 16:25:40 UTC  

No synchronized inventory systems

2018-12-20 16:25:41 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:25:54 UTC  

Banks can't check your balance

2018-12-20 16:25:55 UTC  

it's like after a hurricane

2018-12-20 16:26:03 UTC  

Worse than that

2018-12-20 16:26:07 UTC  

2 of them -_-

2018-12-20 16:26:18 UTC  

I lived through Harvey.

2018-12-20 16:26:47 UTC  

Irma and Maria

2018-12-20 16:27:06 UTC  

Ah, Florida man?

2018-12-20 16:27:13 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:27:31 UTC  

Just referring to it then?

2018-12-20 16:27:39 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:27:46 UTC  

... Oh.

2018-12-20 16:28:07 UTC  

Yeah, that's a better example, actually.

2018-12-20 16:28:15 UTC  

But that, worldwide...

2018-12-20 16:28:23 UTC  

I can imagine

2018-12-20 16:28:31 UTC  

This is now a Deus Ex thread

2018-12-20 16:28:32 UTC  

And that's just internet.

2018-12-20 16:28:53 UTC  

We didn't even take away electricity

2018-12-20 16:29:07 UTC  

I recall once, that supposedly china turned "off" their routers and there was a major internet blackout

2018-12-20 16:29:50 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:29:55 UTC  


2018-12-20 16:30:12 UTC  

Unless you want us to read that in a Hispanic affectation