Message from @Beemann
Discord ID: 530821358855389208
investmant IS the international market
heck we even have investment companys literally just to invest in things and make money by making other people make money at any cost
American investors are also not investing in Brazil to get more food dumped into America. It's going to China
im sorry but i dont see any problems with funding other countries who have it worse
when did i say more food dumped into america? i mean WE DO dump a lot of brazilian food into america but im talking about international capitalist markets
Also America has ridiculous amounts of agricultural "room", it's just that soy competes with corn there
your assuming that what america does is has other countries make more food for it, while it does do that america is running up to the edge of what we can actually demand produced for us, thus investment into other economys produce for a world market but what also happens is that in order for the us market to maintain exports we import some from that world market to account for what we dont maintain domesticly and thus has our own export of the eact same product we are importing. this is to keep a larger economy on a global scale intigrated
" i recognize that the capitalistic system within the united states and other western countries does promote a lifestyle within the population but additionally it seeks to exploit methods of producing what it also promotes demand for in the 1st world by any means necessary including VAST investment into deforestation agriculture."
US and Western/Central Europe are the First World. The idea that the US is causing deforestation in Brazil to produce food that the First World has in excess is absurd
There is less demand in the US for food than there is food. Production of food per person is ludicrous compared to what it was even 100 years ago
We're multiple orders of magnitude more efficient now than we ever were
theres HUGE potential demand in other countrys around the world that the world market that investors are investing into are hoping to unlock with exports from various sources (including sources that burn the most important forest in the world down in order to maintain increased production) and also simply giving it away to subsidized gowning economys that could potentially become paying consumers
Fun fact. Many western medical companies are big investors in south american cattle and pork raising. The reason a lot of the base hormones used in drug production are produced in cattles and pigs glands
Sorry if I come off as know-it-all smart ass
That makes a lot more sense than food production
the north american market is running out of ways to increase profitability domesticly and investment into international markets means increased profits for american investors which is a way for the american economy to contenue growth because investment means money going back to the investor and if the investor is american its money in america but this also means that that production has to go somewhere which @Beemann you bring up with the question of overproduction because YES we overproduce, the way we deal with that problem is that we basicly do ANYTHING we can think of to get rid of our overproduction and even then we often waste around 40% of it, yet consumption of products is still rising and so is production, what we have done is either finding ways to get developed markets to consume more either by the people themselves actually consuming more of it or by getting the population to increase (though that doesent work well in 1st world countries). the other methods we have is simply getting those foreign producers to export abroad and trying to open up new markets for consumption, any way to get more people to demand for products is acceptible, and lastly we do just donate a lot of that which earns good boy points nationally and internationally
the core principle of the market that the united states and eu have is profits must always increase, and they cant increase without consumption of production or reducing the cost of production, we do ANYTHING we can get away with in order to maintain this
So what's the issue with selling to other nations that underproduce? Brazil sells to China, China then focuses their efforts on not-soy, and makes those products cheaper
burning the most important forest in the world to the ground
also increasing methane production
and soil erosion
Another reason for US meat producers to invest in other places is the EU and other countries ban on American beef, due to the use of estrogen (estradiol beta-2) growth hormones. The EU cap its import of US beef to 1000 metric tons. The new trump deal with EU increases this to 10.000 tons. All must of course be tested and certified to verify it is hormone free
also selling to other nations that underproduce kills any chance of that country ever producing
and underproduction is subjective
Underproduction is based purely on demand, and no nation can produce everything its citizenry could possibly want while making a profit
it is not that these countrys dont produce enough to maintain the survival of their people, its that these nations dont produce enough to maintain a consumption that is more extreme for the individual person and good enough to satisfy the needs of the international market
I wasn't aware that we were meant to go back to subsistence based living
there is a false equivilency that the way you live is completely relitive to every other benefit of the society you live in, technologicaly, socially, and infastructurally. the way people live now is fucking horrible for them regardless of what position they are in the tax bracket. our health is no longer maintained by our choices but insted the accessability of technology that will force us to stay alive to a certain age if we will it to.
The reason that is the production disparities and why I am a free trader this short vid explains that concept in 5min.
The important thing about economic models is to note the always assume no barriers. The phrase “everything being equal” wich in most cases it is not
the united states and europe are examples of sociatys with an economic system that NEEDs increased profitibility at any excuse
Your health is still maintained by your choices. If you decide to eat like shit and be a landmass-kin, you will still die young. If you take care of yourself you will be better for longer
for a long time our method was to promote increased consumption by the american citizine
were reaching the limit to how that can contenue to be sustainible
well the limit to which that can drive profitibility
Pretty sure soy and beef are related, though. A lot of the soy produced goes toward feeding cattle.
so were going to promote that in other countrys and exploit more landmass to the ability to meet a demand for that which we promote so that we can maintain increased profits
and politically we will undermine any opposition
we've got to have money
i just wonder if were ever going to get to a point where people shame others for not being fat
because if you arnt fat you are an enemy to our economy
though that will probably be situational, some occupations demand fitness and those occupations are manditory for the economic system to maintain itself so we may never increase or decrease our current obesity