Message from @4AM_critter πŸ‰

Discord ID: 540675254704537623

2019-01-31 14:25:59 UTC  

Powershell is bloat, takes ages to load, i.e., not instantly.

2019-01-31 15:25:46 UTC  

PS pipelining is pretty cool if your background is Unix.

2019-01-31 16:09:57 UTC  

Microsoft is good like every third mainline release

2019-01-31 16:10:25 UTC  

Xp good, me and Vista bad 7 good 8 and ten bad.

2019-01-31 16:10:37 UTC  

So the next one will probably be good

2019-01-31 16:16:16 UTC  

MS has doubled down on anti privacy, centralized bs though

2019-01-31 16:16:22 UTC  

That's my primary concern

2019-01-31 17:08:38 UTC  

@possumsquat93 i am now satisfied

2019-01-31 17:24:12 UTC  

Also I've never had PS not launch instantly

2019-01-31 21:47:13 UTC  

sooo whats this i hear bout them lefties trying to kill kids that have allready been born?

2019-01-31 21:47:46 UTC  

is ca 9 months not enough to decide wether you want undertake the enormous task of raising a kid?

2019-01-31 21:49:20 UTC  

Virginia they are looking at a bill to kill in the hoo ha

2019-01-31 21:49:34 UTC  

sounds great

2019-01-31 21:49:43 UTC  

give it 2 years and we can legally abort stupid people

2019-01-31 21:49:54 UTC  

again the left destroys itself

2019-01-31 21:50:06 UTC  

checkmate amy schumer

2019-01-31 22:06:45 UTC  

building the wall is just another step for the government to completely control who can or cannot leave the USA. Change my mind (don't know if this point has been raised about the wall yet, if so feel free to message me with links of discussions)

2019-01-31 22:44:44 UTC  

Why change your mind? That's already correct.

2019-01-31 22:44:56 UTC  

That's exactly what walls are for

2019-01-31 23:28:36 UTC  

so why is the population which argues most for less government control in strongest support for the wall?

2019-01-31 23:30:25 UTC  

Perhaps because a static wall would net the same effect as a massive government apparatus. It is about achieving an outcome with the smallest possible government

2019-01-31 23:31:06 UTC  

Protecting the boarder is one of the functions the smaller govt people are fine with

2019-01-31 23:31:24 UTC  

Imagine the sheer size of ICE/Border Patrol agency if it should have the same effect as a wall.

2019-01-31 23:31:30 UTC  

read my first statement. A wall can prohibit crossing the border from both sides

2019-01-31 23:35:09 UTC  

Imagine a radical faction taking control over the USA and persecuting political opponents. Now total control over the border means pollitical enemies have it that much harder to get out of the states

2019-01-31 23:36:42 UTC  

It's somehow a related argument as in the free speach debate. Infringing on free speach gives that tool to whichever faction in power. As soon as you find yourself on the wrong side of political oppinion, those changes can backfire very strong

2019-01-31 23:36:57 UTC  

If a radical faction takes control over the government anything can be used against the people

2019-01-31 23:37:43 UTC  

IDs, national parks, tax returns, etc

2019-01-31 23:59:48 UTC  

The state will always be used against against the people. It's very existence necessarily violates the NAP.

2019-02-01 00:00:18 UTC  

Build the iron curtain!

2019-02-01 00:02:16 UTC  
2019-02-01 01:25:18 UTC  

We have more guns than people. The only radicals with anything close to a shot at controlling the U.S. would be Ancaps and they have a reputation for hating gov't in any form.

2019-02-01 01:27:46 UTC  

Then again there are also the 3%ers and the rest of the Libertarian movement.

2019-02-01 01:29:02 UTC  

I fully expect Motti tactics to be used if a radicalized U.S. gov't tries to deal with counter revolutionaries.

2019-02-01 02:28:23 UTC  

Not in any form, just in monopolized form.

2019-02-01 02:39:40 UTC  

```"I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual. Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation ofΒ private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights."
-Murray N. Rothbard.```

2019-02-01 02:41:24 UTC  

```"Briefly, the State is that organization in society which attempts to maintain a monopoly of the use of force and violence in a given territorial area; in particular, it is the only organization in society that obtains its revenue not by voluntary contribution or payment for services rendered but by coercion."
-Murray N. Rothbard.```

2019-02-01 07:26:20 UTC  

@Hugh_Mongoose Stereotyping Republicans as the party known for wanting smaller government is detached. Libertarians want smaller government.
That doesn't mean the right wouldn't desire smaller government. They're just taking a realistic approach to it. See also: Ben Shapiro.

2019-02-01 07:43:56 UTC  

See also: ✑

2019-02-01 07:44:05 UTC  

@ZetaBlues I did not want to imply that the whole party wants that, however I think it is fair to say, that (from how it is shown in European Media), the group that wants small government is mainly represented by the republican party, e.g. The Tea Party, Tom and Rand Paul, etc while I do not know about any major representatives of small government from the Democrats. I think that the LDC and the DFC can be dismissed as fairly small groups without much political power. However this is how I perceive it from Europe. If you tell me this is not the case, and libertarians are equally devided between Dems and Reps (at least those who don't vote third party) then I will accept that.

2019-02-01 07:46:49 UTC  

From Australia, I percieve Democrats and Republicans as having as many significant differences as Jordan Peterson and Sam Harris, i.e., none.