Message from @pratel

Discord ID: 543979170556936227

2019-02-10 02:09:51 UTC  

At some point though, I think China and or Russia might spot the opportunity. Then things will get very nasty.

2019-02-10 02:09:52 UTC  

You think the big wigs at the top care about their employees?

2019-02-10 02:10:19 UTC  

Some do. The left is very good at organizing people and starting employee revolts. Look at Google and the CIA.

2019-02-10 02:10:30 UTC  

No, but they care about their own lives

2019-02-10 02:10:37 UTC  

And it only takes a couple well positioned people and a bit of propaganda.

2019-02-10 02:10:43 UTC  

Chances of the owner of a bank getting bombed are pretty low given antifa usually attacks local business and rarely the people they actually hate.

2019-02-10 02:10:45 UTC  

And a general culture of fear.

2019-02-10 02:10:51 UTC  

so much to unpack reading this conversation

2019-02-10 02:11:08 UTC  

See, the CIA is interesting

2019-02-10 02:11:41 UTC  

Because that goes back to talk about the credit networks threatening to cut off interbanking network access

2019-02-10 02:12:13 UTC  

Or to that government program desided to threaten banks to "defend terrorist" which was never shut down

2019-02-10 02:12:54 UTC  

And if you can prove someone in the government is using that program to suppress political opponents, that is a major violation of the first amendment.

2019-02-10 02:13:14 UTC  

And actually violation, unlike the company doing it on its own.

2019-02-10 02:13:57 UTC  

the problem is such proof is nearly impossible to obtain

2019-02-10 02:14:57 UTC  

See, the problem is that you want to find a way to blame the government. You're telling me that the FBI, the people who'd be investigating these things and deciding who's a terrorist has repeatedly denied the Proud Boys are even an "extremist organization" and yet they're the one pulling the accounts? I'd expect to see something much bigger and more sudden in that case.

2019-02-10 02:15:24 UTC  

No, it's that really woke, really promising new Harvard grad who's playing culture warrior at the bank and terrorizing his/her co-workers into silence.

2019-02-10 02:16:34 UTC  

I dont think its the government i think its corporations and their leaders

2019-02-10 02:18:29 UTC  

There was a bill that was approved to go for he floor to shutdown the program, but it's been stuck in limbo awaiting to be voted on since 2017 if I remember

2019-02-10 02:18:51 UTC  

lol what? 2027 lol

2019-02-10 02:18:57 UTC  

he means 2017

2019-02-10 02:19:00 UTC  

Republicans are worse than useless...

2019-02-10 02:19:13 UTC  

individualists trying to fight collectivists

2019-02-10 02:19:26 UTC  

Yeah, and that's the crux of the problem.

2019-02-10 02:19:55 UTC  

I've come here years ago and said, "we really need to find a way to organize and push back" and every time it just gets shut down.

2019-02-10 02:20:00 UTC  

"The pendulum will swing back"

2019-02-10 02:20:53 UTC  

Pushing back is difficult for most people because the instiutions are left dominated

2019-02-10 02:20:59 UTC  

or at least they appear that way

2019-02-10 02:22:23 UTC  

Theres also the worry of turning into that which they despise and fear

2019-02-10 02:22:57 UTC  

A collectvist mob which survives on outrage and lashes out against any aggression, real or percieved

2019-02-10 02:24:46 UTC  

As bad as it seems, was this really worse than the Red Scare was for the communists? The 60s came pretty quickly afterwards. And it's not like the Communists just took it laying down.

A year ago I would have said "it's not that bad." Now I'm not so sure.

But I can say if everyone sits on their hands and keeps playing the "we're better than them game" you'll find yourself crushed beneath an authoritarian boot. Quite possibly for the remainder of your natural life.

2019-02-10 02:25:06 UTC  

```A collectvist mob which survives on outrage and lashes out against any aggression, real or percieved```

Atleast, As I got shot, I made sure to fight fair.

2019-02-10 02:25:18 UTC  

yea could you imagine protests like the yellow vests going on in washington DC? I can't. I feel like that is what we need

2019-02-10 02:25:42 UTC  

but we have just enough dollar menu's to justify the shit we have to take lol

2019-02-10 02:25:47 UTC  

No, what we need is something closer to what the Communists did. A way to play defense and enable our people *already in these organizations*

2019-02-10 02:26:03 UTC  

Here is the problem, how do you fight back without becoming indistinguishable from the opposition?

2019-02-10 02:26:04 UTC  


2019-02-10 02:26:19 UTC  

And most of all, a shift in the culture to be more expressive and more able and willing to fight.

2019-02-10 02:26:33 UTC  

No more of these "go woke go broke" excuses.

2019-02-10 02:26:41 UTC  

The communists created the problems we have today by the tactics they used to survive and they had the benefit of their opponents reaching too far too quickly

2019-02-10 02:27:24 UTC  

So? Perfection is the enemy of good enough.

2019-02-10 02:28:10 UTC  

Once again, how do we fight without becoming them?