Message from @RyeNorth
Discord ID: 408476636342779905
see you get to a point in identity collectivism where it just doesn't make any fucking sense
Yes the best and most loyal white people should rule white countires how is that a bad thing?
So just go against nature and die out because that is what will happen if whites keep being an atomized individual.
i mean you could also just
value someone's performance and success
instead of their skin color and whether or not they have a dick
Aussie, people like you keep acting like a coup is inevitable.
And the more you act like it
the higher the chance you make it a violent reality.
and it may not go the way you hope.
White's do yes but non whites no they want or countires becasue they are better than their home countires.
attack his character and you just fortify his naive position
Right now, we've got 'based individuals' breaking rank and file off of the left
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to win
and everyone else is going to lose
This fucking planet is a king of the hill game
and I'm the fuckin' silverback
I'm going to make 9/11 look like a fuckin' cherry bomb
It's better to have violence to save a group then distroy a group.
But you're WRONG.
You're not helping anything
You're just building a cycle.
You know how people in the alt right keep saying
that the regressive left is the alt right's best recruiting tactic?
It works the other way around.
People like you KILL conservatisim.
Stop making a movement repulsive.
The people in this channel
by and large
are the cure to the plague.
attack his character
and it just fortifies his position
I'm not attacking his character
I'm attacking his methodology.
I don't care if I'm part of a cycle as you put it because what I am doing is to save a group while you are just talking about nothing of importance.
lol furry
its not really a group