Message from @Ghostler

Discord ID: 410171644037038080

2018-02-05 18:28:04 UTC  

the people that autistically screech with completely unfounded opinions

2018-02-05 18:39:55 UTC  

i wish i could agree they're just harmless screechers,

but people have gotten their reputation damaged, got fired and such over just allegations, imagine if theres even a "video proof" claim

2018-02-05 18:41:44 UTC  

i mean this shit has been going on since humans existed

2018-02-05 18:49:17 UTC  

the difference is that in the past you could ask if they have evidence, and they have none, and some will actually then realise it might not be real

with this it'll simply guarantee gullible people will buy whatever you serve them,

and with CNN peddling stories like Two scoops of ice cream, fake forged videos won't be off their realm of narrative telling

2018-02-05 19:03:59 UTC  

They already can fake video.

2018-02-05 19:04:13 UTC  

Well to an extent.

2018-02-05 19:09:19 UTC  

Can combine it with this to make it seem even more realistic

2018-02-05 20:17:48 UTC  

Tim Pool died in malmo and someone behind the scenes is representing him now

2018-02-05 20:23:25 UTC  

must be his evil twin brother, Tom Pond

2018-02-05 20:29:52 UTC  

not even a lookalike is used now

2018-02-05 20:30:06 UTC  

The technology exists currently for very fluid wax masks

2018-02-05 20:30:33 UTC  

The only way to really know for sure is to make the ambient temperature above 88 deg F

2018-02-05 20:31:14 UTC  

You see; back in the early 80's there was a hacker conglomerate out of El Paso

2018-02-05 20:31:48 UTC  

They had been researching Facial recognition as part of a larger DARPA project

2018-02-05 20:33:13 UTC  

They were attempting to figure out what the larger purpose of the project was; and eventually they'd stumble upon it in 1991. Mass surveillance; gathering everything possible from 24/7 cameras around the world.

2018-02-05 20:33:57 UTC  

DARPA, in league with the NSA had been essentially backdooring every DVR and every associated piece of hardware to stream what data it could directly to sites all across the US.

2018-02-05 20:34:13 UTC  

It was a large distributed system, much like the one that currently exists today.

2018-02-05 20:35:04 UTC  

So in 1992; knowing that their faces were already registered, mapped; and they were being tracked everywhere as they were research assets, they decided to take matters into their own hands.

2018-02-05 20:35:23 UTC  

First, they put eye protection on

2018-02-05 20:35:40 UTC  

Then they put 70/30 mixtures of sufuric acid splashed onto their face

2018-02-05 20:36:18 UTC  

melting it, as it were; to prevent any unique facial signs from appearing

2018-02-05 20:37:30 UTC  

Once they healed from the burns, about 4-5 months down the road, they began to don 'masks' of this wax

2018-02-05 20:38:39 UTC  

it was temporary at first, but the scarring and nullification of their facial features added a good place for the wax to keep a hold on what remained of their skin

2018-02-05 20:38:47 UTC  

They took up new faces

2018-02-05 20:39:17 UTC  

Facial recognition was useless when they could change their facial features pretty much at will.

2018-02-05 20:40:09 UTC  

To test this; in 1993 there was a large robbery at the first national bank building, in El Paso

2018-02-05 20:41:15 UTC  

6 members of the group went in, threatened to blow the place up if they were not presented with a million dollars.... All with the face of David Duchovny.

2018-02-05 20:41:47 UTC  

The bank quickly caved.

2018-02-05 20:42:13 UTC  

When the feds began to look into it; the only real piece of evidence was a DNA sample and some of the leftover wax

2018-02-05 20:43:17 UTC  

It wouldn't be until 2010 that the sample would be linked to a large string of corporate fraud at tech companies around the US; and one from a DARPA research lab.

2018-02-05 20:44:37 UTC  

Since they had ALL dropped off the map; all 16 members of that conglomerate were put on a fbi watch list; but there was no way to know which was guilty

2018-02-05 20:45:46 UTC  

In early 2011 there would be an incident at a computer store in New Hampshire during winter. A customer walks in and he quickly runs to the bathroom; escaping the snow

2018-02-05 20:46:02 UTC  

but the heat in the building is on overdrive. Everyone's sweating

2018-02-05 20:46:20 UTC  

He comes back out, grabs some items and then walks to the counter.

2018-02-05 20:46:46 UTC  

The cashier notices peach colored droplets falling from his face

2018-02-05 20:47:27 UTC  

The customers face becomes distorted, and suddenly the customer runs out after noticing his predicament.

2018-02-05 20:48:02 UTC  

Before his exit though, a large chunk of wax falls, revealing to the security cameras a scarred cheek.

2018-02-05 20:48:41 UTC  

Initially, it's treated as a strange occurrence; but an hour later they get a call from the FBI

2018-02-05 20:48:53 UTC  

They are told to close up for the day

2018-02-05 20:49:09 UTC  

The workers were told not to speak of the incident ever again.