Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 544269216002474029

2019-02-10 21:27:43 UTC  

as long as parents have only 1 or 2 kids

2019-02-10 21:27:48 UTC  

they'll mostly be able to support them

2019-02-10 21:28:04 UTC  

in middle class homes yes

2019-02-10 21:28:16 UTC  

but in lower income homes it's much harder to support a child

2019-02-10 21:28:21 UTC  

especially as a single parent

2019-02-10 21:28:32 UTC  

which is why welfare exists

2019-02-10 21:28:50 UTC  

it allows families to be supported by government aid

2019-02-10 21:28:56 UTC  

and helps them be propped up

2019-02-10 21:29:31 UTC  

yes but if the rich are taxed and more money goes to those poorer house holds the lower classes would have a much higher quality of life

2019-02-10 21:29:44 UTC  

welfare and minimum wage does not equal a good standard of living

2019-02-10 21:30:14 UTC  

taxing the rich means that the rich will want to have less people hired and those lower class people will not be hired as frequent

2019-02-10 21:30:16 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-02-10 21:30:28 UTC  

the rich will take their businesses out of the country and just leave because they're being unfairly taxed

2019-02-10 21:30:33 UTC  

not necessarily

2019-02-10 21:30:33 UTC  

and then no one gets any money

2019-02-10 21:30:35 UTC  


2019-02-10 21:30:39 UTC  


2019-02-10 21:30:54 UTC  

they won't stay if they're going to be taxed as hard

2019-02-10 21:31:26 UTC  

if they get taxed then it leads them to less profit

2019-02-10 21:31:27 UTC  

i'm not saying tax them super hard

2019-02-10 21:31:33 UTC  

but increase there taxes

2019-02-10 21:31:35 UTC  

less profit means it's not as good as other countries that tax the same

2019-02-10 21:31:41 UTC  

i know,

2019-02-10 21:31:46 UTC  

increasing them will do this regardless

2019-02-10 21:31:52 UTC  

because it's still not as profitable for them

2019-02-10 21:32:09 UTC  

tell me,

2019-02-10 21:32:15 UTC  

say i'm a business owner

2019-02-10 21:32:22 UTC  

and i have a business and i want to sell my product

2019-02-10 21:32:30 UTC  

and theres two countries i can market this two:

2019-02-10 21:32:48 UTC  

a country that has laws which tax me more because i simply have money

2019-02-10 21:32:56 UTC  

or a country that taxes everyone the same

2019-02-10 21:33:03 UTC  

i'd chose the country that taxes the same

2019-02-10 21:33:08 UTC  

since it'll make me more money

2019-02-10 21:33:21 UTC  

it makes the country that taxes me more less appealing because i lose more money

2019-02-10 21:33:27 UTC  

that's how the world market works

2019-02-10 21:33:41 UTC  

and that's why nations like zimbabwe have stalled behind and lacked

2019-02-10 21:34:03 UTC  

because usually with the government getting less money cause theres less money in the country in general

2019-02-10 21:34:07 UTC  

it leads to more corruption

2019-02-10 21:34:10 UTC  

more violence

2019-02-10 21:34:19 UTC  

and maybe even authoritarian dictatorships

2019-02-10 21:34:29 UTC  

which i'm sure you don't like