Message from @McBacoon
Discord ID: 592029986437988362
yes, lets pray
"american stroke association"
lol yeah
Nixon is based
I call executive privilege to be one of the most based thing a president can do
-df executive privilege
**Executive Privilege**: [Euphemism] for the [phrase] "[Fuck You]!"
*Issa: "Congress will supeona documents from [the Justice] Department."
Holder: "Um, ah, [the dog ate it], [I can't find it], uh...nope, not going to do it."
Issa: "We are going to vote you in Contempt of Congress"
Obama: "Executive Privilege"*
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@Techpriest atleast he got Pinochet in power
definitely based
Nixon was a good guy
he dindu nuffin
He even held responsibility for the Watergate scandal
so his friends didn't go to prison
there are 30 radio channels
20+ of them work
and wtf dose based mean
**Based**: Is when you dont [care] what people think
[its a way of life]
Doing what you [want]
how u want
wearing what u want
*the [LV] book bag looks [gay on] you
[idc] im based*
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simple as
like when u base a chicken
i get it
wtf is elected polition
wtf is Israel?
*ban hammer incoming*
wtf is Palestine?
its prob just for being active
is that even a real country?
whats this
-df Palestine
**palestine**: Modern day not-quite-country situated in and adjacent to Israel. The area is currently involved in a bloody struggle for [independence] from Israel. Despite what the anti-Israeli Western media likes to say, the politics of the situation have almost nothing to do with the [Palestinian] people themselves and everything to do with other Middle Eastern states (and some power-mongering militants) trying to get revenge on Israel for being owned in the Six-day War (namely Egypt, Jordan and [Syria], whom most coincidentally lost the Palestinian territories during said war).
For years the Palestinian Authority, the main [governing] entity for the region, was run by [Yasser Arafat], a wolf-in-sheeps-clothing who clandestinely sponsored terrorism against Israel knowing full well it would prevent the peace and independence he claimed to desire. Of course, this is the same guy who turned down a perfectly good peace agreement brokered by the US and agreed to by Israel for no good reason so it should be expected.
*[Palestine] might actually get its independence now that [Arafat] is out of the picture and sane people are [running the show] there.*
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Im out, boutta play more minecraft
playing terarria