Message from @Dr.Cosby
Discord ID: 632439553243742208
Where they peel his skin off and shit
Gang members, who cares? Probably drug dealers and murderers
Gang members usually are
I don’t believe in torturing the lower level ones though
The bosses though
So go watch that stuff to your heart's content, and keep your perverted fantasies the fuck out of actual politics.
Can I ask you a question @Dr.Cosby
That’s a different story
Bro you think butt sex is based
I swear dr is trying to get himself hated and possibly killed
I think torture is too far for a punishment. Simple death penalty is clean and decisive for punishing bad criminals
Dr: Bill Cosby made a mistake. Think about human rights.
Also Dr: Fuck you Alex, I hate you. God you saying Bill Cosby deserves to die ruffles my feathers😡
Idk what you're talking about anymore
Well, not you Charles
This place is filled with narcissistic FUCKS
imagine being a men’s right activist 😂
Ok I imagined it
Where did MRAs go wrong?
fathers looking for a more even family court situation wasn't too bad of a goal
There are many double standards about men and women in general
yeah I know about the double standards. What is men’s rights activism even for? Lol
Real feminism is for equality of both genders
Yeah feminism is supposed to be
Men's rights activism is for balancing out areas where men are disadvantaged.
Such as sexual assault - both in being a victim of the assault, as well as false accusations
Also divorce and child custody related proceedings
Family Court is a big part of it, custody. IN some states you can pay child support for children that are not yours, etc
I guess third wave feminism have caused some men being in disadvantage
It was inevitable after they were given voting rights
Omg this edgy kid again
Yeah, everyone you disagree with is an edgy kid
ALright buddy
Healthy mentality to hold