Message from @fuck12moredeadcops

Discord ID: 633050392661327898

2019-10-13 21:14:16 UTC  


2019-10-13 21:14:17 UTC  

They face violent crimes because they are trying to harass women like a bunch of crazy perverts

2019-10-13 21:14:24 UTC  

TERF shit is just old transphobia repackaged as pro-women

2019-10-13 21:14:26 UTC  

There is even a term for that, Autosomething

2019-10-13 21:14:32 UTC  

they have a fetish for pretending to be women

2019-10-13 21:14:40 UTC  

TFW biology doesn’t determine anything about you, unless it’s your gender identity then it’s important

2019-10-13 21:14:43 UTC  

Traps are gay?

2019-10-13 21:14:52 UTC  

Let me consult my terf handbook

2019-10-13 21:15:06 UTC  

It is nonsensical and anti-thetical to the entire idea of feminism as gender liberation

2019-10-13 21:15:10 UTC  

yea but nobody said that, we said biology matters

2019-10-13 21:15:14 UTC  

we said gender doesn't matter

2019-10-13 21:15:27 UTC  

If you’re a feminist gender does matter

2019-10-13 21:15:31 UTC  

gender is the excuse the trannies are using

2019-10-13 21:15:33 UTC  

It is literally what you engage with primarily

2019-10-13 21:15:43 UTC  

I'm not a feminist as stated earlier

2019-10-13 21:15:45 UTC  

Gender theory is scientific quackery

2019-10-13 21:16:00 UTC  

It is not the excuse it is the point of contention between queer people and their allies, and reaction

2019-10-13 21:16:02 UTC  

I don't pretend I can 'be a woman', i know we are different

2019-10-13 21:16:06 UTC  
2019-10-13 21:16:12 UTC  

for males to think they can be women is the height of male arrogance

2019-10-13 21:16:15 UTC  

@Sh0t Because you’re a biological determinist

2019-10-13 21:16:17 UTC  

they have gone full circle

2019-10-13 21:16:36 UTC  

And you believe your dick determines certain things about yourself that it demonstrably doesn’t not

2019-10-13 21:16:47 UTC  


2019-10-13 21:16:51 UTC  

That's the term

2019-10-13 21:17:05 UTC  

-df autogynephilia

2019-10-13 21:17:05 UTC  

**autogynephilia**: A sexuality that consists of someone being aroused by the idea of themselves being the opposite sex. Not to be confused with transsexualism, which is a medical condition defined by sex [dysphoria].

Autogynephiles are a source of [false information] about [transsexual] people, and are very harmful to the medical care of transsexuals, as they make a lot of people believe that transsexualism is the result of autogynephilia. Autogynephiles are also known as crossdreamers as an attempt to seem less dangerous.
*Autogynephiles often go through medical transition to satisfy their fetish, and will often cause themselves discomfort, or [dysphoria], with their sex as a result. [Autogynephilia] is [harmful] to transsexuals, as autogynephiles are a large part of the de-transitioning demographic that makes medical care for transsexuals difficult to acquire.*
*(<>)* *1 more results*

2019-10-13 21:17:15 UTC  

@fuck12moredeadcops Dr John Money, the inventor of gender theory’s experiment on David Reimer failed to prove his own theory.

2019-10-13 21:17:26 UTC  


2019-10-13 21:17:33 UTC  

What does this prove about gender theory as a field?

2019-10-13 21:17:55 UTC  

Most of the problems they have would go away if they would leave lesbians alone and don't try to go into female spaces

2019-10-13 21:18:14 UTC  

LGB should Drop the T

2019-10-13 21:18:23 UTC  

Totalyl different situation, AND they tend to be homophobes

2019-10-13 21:18:30 UTC  

That it’s pseudoscience that helps mentally ill people cope with their mentally illness

2019-10-13 21:18:34 UTC  

I think everyone should leave other people alone sexually if they’re disinterested, but the idea of cis exclusive spaces is antithetical to the liberation of anybody

2019-10-13 21:18:43 UTC  

You are trying to gaslight me by acting like the attacks on lesbians dont exist

2019-10-13 21:19:07 UTC  

@Alexstrasza How does one instance of somebody literally forcing a transitional prognosis on a cis person prove gender theory is wrong?

2019-10-13 21:19:28 UTC  

The David Reimar case was one where a doctor attempted to force someone to identify in a certain way without their approval

2019-10-13 21:19:50 UTC  

David Reimar was never trans, and raising him as a girl was cruel, and evidence of the fact that your gender identity isn’t necessarily taught

2019-10-13 21:19:58 UTC  

And that we don’t fully understand what causes it

2019-10-13 21:20:16 UTC  

IF lesbians don't want any cocks around, is that evil?