Message from @LOL

Discord ID: 634228669535223808

2019-10-17 02:11:29 UTC  

There isn't a single Republican candidate that is less cucky than Trump

2019-10-17 02:12:43 UTC  

Unless you're one of those cucky Tulsi gabbard Cucks that believes that females should have power

2019-10-17 02:13:12 UTC  

HF with that lol

2019-10-17 02:22:26 UTC  

It's just how righties are.

2019-10-17 02:22:52 UTC  

They are the biggest snowflake cucklords

2019-10-17 02:22:59 UTC  

And then project it onto everyone else lol

2019-10-17 03:15:15 UTC  

-df libtard

2019-10-17 03:15:15 UTC  

**libtard**: noun
1. an individual, whose thinking process has been
rendered impaired by [political correctness] and the
failure to understand that people are responsible
for their actions and the world does not owe lazy
or stupid people a living.
*That libtard voted for someone with no [qualifications] to be president and now everyone is losing his old [health care] [coverage].*
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2019-10-17 03:15:52 UTC  

@Gоd liberals are snowflake

2019-10-17 03:15:57 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:16:12 UTC  

They are the whiners with no jobs

2019-10-17 03:16:13 UTC  

-df snowflake

2019-10-17 03:16:13 UTC  

**Snowflake**: A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie "Fight Club" from the quote “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on [the political left], who is easily offended or felt they needed a "[safe space]" away from the [harsh realities] of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject.
*Comedians have a hard time performing on college campuses anymore because of all the little [snowflakes] [running around] that get [offended] by just about anything they say.*
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2019-10-17 03:16:23 UTC  

Live in basements

2019-10-17 03:16:32 UTC  

And too scared to find a partner

2019-10-17 03:16:36 UTC  

So they are virgins

2019-10-17 03:17:28 UTC  

-df republican

2019-10-17 03:17:28 UTC  

**Republican**: [The people] who [write] the definitions for [Democrat].
*[For the people] who [write] definitions for Republican,see [Democrat].*
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2019-10-17 03:17:56 UTC  

@LOL you’re a centrist?

2019-10-17 03:18:07 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:18:18 UTC  

Not a libtard

2019-10-17 03:18:21 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:18:26 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:18:41 UTC  

Centrists don’t usually have such decisive views

2019-10-17 03:18:54 UTC  

One goes a wee wee wee, the other goes a BOOM BOOM 💥

2019-10-17 03:19:22 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:20:12 UTC  

I suppose you’re more of an independent

2019-10-17 03:20:32 UTC  

What do u think about republicans @LOL

2019-10-17 03:20:56 UTC  

They’re not perfect

2019-10-17 03:21:09 UTC  

How so

2019-10-17 03:21:15 UTC  

-df centrist

2019-10-17 03:21:15 UTC  

**centrist**: CENTRISTS espouse a "[middle ground]" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor [government intervention] and sometimes support individual freedom of choice. Centrists pride themselves on keeping an [open mind], tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.
*A centrist may say something such as the following: Abortion should be legal, but only in certain situations such as the woman having [conceived] during rape or not having the financial ability to pay for the baby, as well as others.

"I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.~[Evelyn] [Beatrice] Hall*
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2019-10-17 03:21:49 UTC  

The spending can get out of control

2019-10-17 03:23:03 UTC  

I think the republicans biggest fault is they can’t see how dumb trump is

2019-10-17 03:23:33 UTC  

Well, we can’t just say he’s dumb

2019-10-17 03:23:33 UTC  

At least they’re not as stupid as liberals

2019-10-17 03:23:39 UTC  

Number one, trump is old

2019-10-17 03:23:54 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:24:04 UTC  

When people get older, some don’t filter what they say as much it’s just natural

2019-10-17 03:24:14 UTC  


2019-10-17 03:24:20 UTC  

Ik my grandpa doesn’t have as much of a filter