Message from @Lagomaster24

Discord ID: 482942888909733889

2018-08-25 13:23:32 UTC  

"Now set your guns to Full-semi-automatic soldiers"

2018-08-25 13:39:19 UTC  

“ Search your souls ( What’s left of them), Republicans “ by Charles Blow on The New York Times

NYT considers calling the fake news media the enemy of the people as a call to violence and a suppression of their free speech, but in this article they make the argument that Trump voters are” the enemy of the republic “. Is this a call to violence against Trump voters and Republicans? Is their free speech being impede by the NYT? It’s almost like they think their lives and speech have more value than other American citizens.

2018-08-25 13:40:38 UTC  

Is this what they call appeal to emotion?

2018-08-25 13:48:49 UTC  

Maybe. I think it’s really just a thinly vailed attack. A bit of concern trolling.

2018-08-25 13:51:15 UTC  

Be thankful it's in the 'Opinion' section.

2018-08-25 13:52:01 UTC  

No doubt before long they'll publish such articles as if they were objective fact.

2018-08-25 13:54:51 UTC  

That’s a solid prediction @Atkins

My opinion of opinion sections from news outlets like the NYT is that they are often used for Astroturfing.

2018-08-25 13:55:21 UTC  

>using 'right side of history' in 2018
that's like using the term snowflake.. cringe af

2018-08-25 13:55:41 UTC  


2018-08-25 14:13:56 UTC  

Yeah, and I take issue when someones so sure that historians will look upon them fondly.

2018-08-25 14:54:34 UTC  

“Right side of history” means drone striking sixteen year old US citizens. Lmao, we’re not just going to leave that out of the text books.

2018-08-25 14:57:53 UTC  

They are certain of their victory. They will completely rewrite history if they win.

It’s like Lenin said in response to a request to spare a historians life, “ The revolution does not need historians “ read about it below

“ The remains of the Romanovs “ by Anastasia Edel on The New York Times Red Century 21/40

Second Red Century article I’ve covered that isn’t pro communist propaganda. It details the brutal methods the revolutionaries killed the Romanovs family off. Also has a reveling quote from Lenin “ The Revolution does not need historians “.

2018-08-25 15:37:11 UTC  

“ Xfinity driver Conor Daly loses sponsorship over father’s slur” on ESPN

This is how far it’s come. People are literally being held accountable for the sins of their fathers. How long before people straight up lose their jobs and face being ostracized by society over a family members comments?

2018-08-25 15:41:47 UTC  

Wait, but what was the slur?

2018-08-25 16:00:01 UTC  

"Also, this has gone beyond ridiculous at this point. What's the endgame? Children turning on their parents?" 1984 involved children turning on their families too. Now obviously thats fiction (for now) but as you mentioned the Cultural Revolution happened, and another example may be how the Nazi's convinced people to oust their Jewish friends and neighbors.

2018-08-25 16:01:07 UTC  

The Hitler Youth were told to report "Race Traitorius Behaviors" to the Party leadership

2018-08-25 16:01:28 UTC  


2018-08-25 16:01:32 UTC  

i havent heard anything on the slur used

2018-08-25 16:02:06 UTC  

just that it was common for his father where he came from but once he learned of its use in america he stopped using it

2018-08-25 16:02:21 UTC  

or something like that

2018-08-25 16:02:37 UTC  

hm intersting

2018-08-25 16:02:53 UTC  

wait if it was OK where he was from then isnt that his CULTURE

2018-08-25 16:03:03 UTC  

and by far leftist logic it should be OK

2018-08-25 16:03:08 UTC  


2018-08-25 16:03:38 UTC  

that would imply actual logic or consistent morality

2018-08-25 16:03:47 UTC  

which uh

2018-08-25 16:03:48 UTC  

kek truuuuuuuuu

2018-08-25 16:03:48 UTC  


2018-08-25 16:04:31 UTC  

although if one brought that up convincingly enough they would probs cause them confusion

2018-08-25 16:04:39 UTC  

SJW is confused

2018-08-25 16:04:47 UTC  

SJW hits itself in confusion

2018-08-25 16:05:12 UTC  

gotta punch nazis

2018-08-25 16:05:14 UTC  

I mean ive nearly seen it irl

2018-08-25 16:05:52 UTC  

made a strong argument against "rape culture" and the guy stumbled around trying to counter

2018-08-25 16:07:19 UTC  

i wonder what it would take to convince a far leftist/sjw that they are nazis

2018-08-25 16:08:52 UTC  

I have shown then the second half of the NAZI 25 point plan and they claim it is fake propaganda

2018-08-25 16:09:02 UTC  


2018-08-25 16:10:24 UTC  

From Wikipedia:

2018-08-25 16:11:02 UTC  

The 25-point Program of the NSDAP
We demand the unification of all Germans in the Greater Germany on the basis of the people's right to self-determination.
We demand equality of rights for the German people in respect to the other nations; abrogation of the peace treaties of Versailles and St. Germain.
We demand land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people and colonization for our surplus population.
Only a member of the race can be a citizen. A member of the race can only be one who is of German blood, without consideration of creed. Consequently, no Jew can be a member of the race.
Whoever has no citizenship is to be able to live in Germany only as a guest and must be under the authority of legislation for foreigners.

2018-08-25 16:11:30 UTC  

The right to determine matters concerning administration and law belongs only to the citizen. Therefore, we demand that every public office, of any sort whatsoever, whether in the Reich, the county or municipality, be filled only by citizens. We combat the corrupting parliamentary economy, office-holding only according to party inclinations without consideration of character or abilities.
We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. If it is impossible to sustain the total population of the State, then the members of foreign nations (non-citizens) are to be expelled from the Reich.
Any further immigration of non-citizens is to be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans, who have immigrated to Germany since 2 August 1914, be forced immediately to leave the Reich.
All citizens must have equal rights and obligations.

2018-08-25 16:11:49 UTC  

The first obligation of every citizen must be to productively work mentally or physically. The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all. Consequently, we demand:
Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery.
In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.
We demand the nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).
We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.
We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare.