Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 487070801028186113

2018-09-05 23:38:24 UTC  

Apparently the 'protesters' at the Kavanaugh hearing aren't just concerned citizens, they're being granted entry by senators.

2018-09-05 23:39:23 UTC  

I'd heard it from a pundit or two, but reading Slate confirming as much... well then.

2018-09-05 23:42:32 UTC  

Pretty sure they're also getting paid.

2018-09-06 00:04:12 UTC  

“ I am part of the resistance inside the Trump administration “ by anonymous on The New York Times

This article is supposedly from an anonymous source inside the Trump administration. This is either fake news or treasonous. Possibly both. They claim be be intentionally “ thwarting” Trump as part of a cabal of “ senior officials “ that are totally not be part of the Deep State, rebranding it instead as the “ Steady State”.


2018-09-06 00:16:21 UTC  
2018-09-06 00:39:48 UTC  

Oh good weve upgraded our conspiracy theories

2018-09-06 00:40:00 UTC  

From "anonymous sources" to "anonymous senior officals"

2018-09-06 00:49:35 UTC  

And Deep State to Steady State.
Upgrades all around.

2018-09-06 01:06:22 UTC  

i am part of the resistance inside tims discord

2018-09-06 01:09:03 UTC  

It's fabricated out of whole cloth. Media wants to sow division in the administration prior to the mid-terms. Have everyone suspicious of everyone else instead of working together.

2018-09-06 01:09:14 UTC  

I'm part of the resistance inside the resistance inside Tim's discord

2018-09-06 01:09:35 UTC  

The 'lodestar' comment isn't evidence that it's Pence. It's evidence that they want to trick Trump into distrusting his own VP.

2018-09-06 01:10:39 UTC  

Nobody is going to make the connection between that word and Pence in an hour or two after the article goes live, with links and video.

2018-09-06 01:11:42 UTC  

They did research ahead of time, studying Pence and picking out odd aphorisms of his to use in order to emulate him.

2018-09-06 01:12:26 UTC  

If Pence had some deep moral qualms about Trump, don't you think he would've bailed during the campaign?

2018-09-06 01:14:13 UTC  

And if he had some deep moral qualms and thought he was the sole protection the country had from some vile and mentally ill autocrat, why would he write an article in the NYT admitting this? If he was hidden, why expose himself? What does he gain except virtue signalling points?

2018-09-06 01:14:56 UTC  

This is an absolute fabrication and if that should come to light the NYT is in some deep, deep shit.

2018-09-06 01:22:10 UTC  

Excellent analysis @Atkins
It’s also important to remember that the NYT isn’t above putting out completely false propaganda. They did it for communist Russia and they’ve been caught working with the CIA.

2018-09-06 01:24:31 UTC  

I’m the resistance that exists only in @Beemann mind. The resistance to his resistance inside the resistance against Tim’s Discord.

2018-09-06 01:25:28 UTC  

Also lodestar. So you know I’m secretly Pence.

2018-09-06 01:28:22 UTC  

From what I have been able to tell, being proven to have violated this oath results in immediate removal from office, a fine, and up to 1 year in prison.

2018-09-06 01:28:51 UTC  

"...I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."

2018-09-06 01:29:16 UTC  

Ouch. Would the writer of this article, if real, be in violation of this? Sure looks like it.

2018-09-06 01:29:31 UTC  

I'm no lawyer, but yeah definitely looks like it.

2018-09-06 01:29:43 UTC  

“Faithful discharge “

2018-09-06 01:30:12 UTC  

Sounds like deliberate sabotage counts that out.

2018-09-06 01:30:21 UTC  

Not treason, seditious conspiracy, insurrection, or espionage. But really seems like they're not faithfully discharging the duties of office without mental reservation or purpose of evasion.

2018-09-06 01:30:48 UTC  

So maybe criminal sabotage?

2018-09-06 01:31:17 UTC  

Would be better wording I mean.

2018-09-06 01:32:29 UTC  

sabotage would involve destruction of property

2018-09-06 01:34:18 UTC  

I doubt the Jeff Session DoJ would issue a subpoena to the NYT over this. That would clear matters up really fast.

2018-09-06 01:42:00 UTC  

Lets not even humor this with the idea that it is real

2018-09-06 01:42:37 UTC  

Theyve had all their sources dried up so they're using their last ounce of credibility to try and spread distrust amongst the administration

2018-09-06 01:43:12 UTC  

I'm really curious though how subpoena authority interacts with the first amendment's protection of the freedom of the press.

2018-09-06 01:44:50 UTC  

If this article purports to be an admission of a federal crime, does the state attorney have the ability to issue a grand jury subpoena? I am neither a lawyer nor a journalist so I have no idea here.

2018-09-06 01:47:15 UTC  

The purpose of a grand jury subpoena as far as I'm aware is to gather information such that the grand jury can decide whether or not there is a crime. If the author of this article is not someone who has signed the affidavit pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 3333 then there is no crime.

2018-09-06 01:48:49 UTC  

But obviously there has to be some sort of legal mechanism to protect sources who may have committed crimes in the process of disclosing information. I don't know how that plays out legally though.

2018-09-06 01:49:21 UTC  

Didn’t Obama put a journalist in jail for not disclosing a source?