Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 649404526000078849

2019-11-21 19:19:10 UTC  

I'll let you in

2019-11-21 19:19:16 UTC  


2019-11-24 19:13:18 UTC  

@Deleted User @MiguelangelCR @GhostOfGod if you guys want in your gonna have to answer the vetting questions

2019-11-24 19:13:35 UTC  

Yes I will soon

2019-11-24 19:13:45 UTC  

Yes. Me too

2019-11-25 14:49:47 UTC  

1. Kingdom of Christ.
2. I am 19 years old.
3. Hispanic from Venezuela.
4. I don't know what that is.
5. Equality is from the devil, a false idol. In the heaven the high creatures have a hierarchy, in the last circle of hell the demons have a democracy.
6. The alt right commonly includes attitudes or political opinions like conservative or libtards, Fascism not, the alt right is a pop-word without a real significant. Fascism (including of course, the variants) is a third position, the nation and culture is our priority, is a spiritually political revolution.
7. I want learn more about third position, monarchy, revolutionary fascism. I've been in politics for 6 years, in my country I lead a clandestine movement against communist dictadorship of Venezuela and Cuba (guevarism).
8. Libtards sucks they're slaves of materialism.
9. I'm not have utopian wishes, the ideal world is the real world because only the present crisis of modernity can give us the possibility of fight and conquer our liberty, decadence of western and eastern is necessary to revitalize the spirit of fight. Anyway I prefer a new dark age against the modern world.
10. Means two things: first. Cowardly attitude because the real warriors and strong cultures prefer stay in their land until die, is prefer than run away (example "refugees"). Second. It's an evil social agenda to destroy other cultures.
11. I'm catholic.
12. Marxism sucks, some ideas can be destructive but the marxism is the root for another ideas of modernism and liberalism plastic Era.

2019-11-25 15:12:29 UTC  

Okay you're good

2019-11-27 19:36:47 UTC  

<@&595489244999581697> if you want in your gonna have to answer the questions

2019-11-27 23:00:25 UTC  


2019-11-27 23:00:56 UTC  

Ok, ¿Where are the questions? (Ignore the "¿", i'm Hispanic)

2019-11-27 23:02:13 UTC  

@Deleted User ¿In this same chat?

2019-11-27 23:04:30 UTC  

It’s in <#595480547011330056>

2019-11-27 23:04:30 UTC  

Nevermind, i just se "Vetting-questions", give me a moment

2019-11-27 23:20:40 UTC  

Greetings, here are the answers to your inquiries.

1. I was invited by the owner.
2. 25
3. American
4. I am unfamiliar with his work.
5. Equality does not exist.
6. I am a reactionary Catholic Integralist: it is a far right, paleoconservative ideology.
7. I’d like to learn more about conservatism and traditionalism; I’ve had an interest in politics for about 8 years.
8. I disagree with liberals and often find common ground with fascists. Both deserve a platform in the debate of ideas, preferably so the best idea may win.
9. The ideal world is one where the family is protected, cherished and upheld.
10. Today’s popular culture is pernicious because it is materialist and devoid of any higher metaphysical purpose or orientation.
11. Catholic.
12. Marxism is a cognitive disease.
13. I am a nationalist with sympathies to both the civic and ethnic sides of the argument.
14. Imperialism is typically unfavorable to the nation on the receiving end, but it can also have benefits for them as well. Usually, it is an inadmissible transgression of another nation’s sovereignty—with some notable exceptions.
15. Absolutely, in fact it’s necessary.

2019-11-27 23:23:18 UTC  

Alright I’ll let you in

2019-11-28 00:12:49 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
r/monarchism discord
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
United States
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
Have yet to read it.
5. What is your opinion on equality?
The weak preach equality
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
SocCon Monarchist with Center to center right economic opinions
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
I’ve known politics since 2015 when the election started picking up attention. And I would like to learn about economical left positions
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
Liberal like a normie, and a fascist like a brother, because that is what they are
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
White Christian world
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
Where did it all go wrong? Shits fucked these days, you got cucks, whores, nogs, jews. This culture sucks
11. What is your religion?
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
Idk he seems kinda fucking gay imo
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
Ethnic Nationalist
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
It varies, I can say I have a solid position on it yet
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
Depends on how much our ideologies have in common.

2019-11-28 00:13:39 UTC  

Alright your good

2019-11-28 00:20:28 UTC  

1) MiguelAngel talk me about this group, then, he send me the invitation link.

2) 21 Years old.

3) Nationality: Venezuelan. Blood: Hispanic. I live in Venezuela.

4) I know a little bit about him, but I still don't read your book.

5) Equality its a hoax. Comes from the masonic belief that "Everything with human face, its equal" (Obviously, they don't even respect their belief, if you are not "initiate", they don't see you like an real "equal".
Even more deep in the past, come from the ideas of the era of ilustration, and the french revolution.
The natural order of the world its: Nobody's equal.
there will always be who leads, and who follow, there will always be the strong, and the weak... the smart and the dump.

6) third positionist, Idealist. We can translate "Idealist", like "socially conservative", we have to keep the traditions of our countrys and nations, the actual decadendy its creating a "global culture", degrading the human beings to a simple machine or beast.
In the economics "Center" i follow the "economic pragmatism"... Of course, abolishing the interest that causes servitude, think we have to protec the private property.
i'm against the most of the transnationals (Especially if are of judens)

2019-11-28 00:20:41 UTC  

7) I want to learn about the rest of the third position worldviews, and if i can, promote the creation of a great alliance. I've been in politics i think, since childhood; In sixth grade of primary i had the dream of becoming one day the president of my country. At first innocently, believing thinks like ">Democracy< work's" jajaja. Today, seeing how the world is going, and after 4 years studying historical revisionism, fascism and third position. I'm totally against the decadent modern world.

8) It depends. In my country the political education its very low, almost inexistent there are people that belief that the "Oposition" (MUD- Juan Guaidó, etc) are "rigth, ultra capitalists", the reality is that in Venezuela only exist leftist politicians.
That's why i spend a lot of time debating, educating and so on, the people here. Even if they say "I'm libertarian, liberal, capitalist", usually they know nothing and end up learning or being part of the movement of which i am currently leader.
In case i know someone who identifies as a facist, in a shot conversation i can make miself an idea of his level of honest and knowlegde.

9) The ideal world for me, would be one meritocratic, conected with the natural order of the things in whinch the states and goverments are made of his people for his people, conecting the solutions and needs of the people's. to archieve this world, first of all we have to destroy the marxism and the badly called "democracies". Restore the vital space of each race and take care of our environment.

10) Its cancer. Just like i say before: Come from the masonry and the french revolution, and not only this... each day it turns most leftist. the current rigth dont have the streng to resist the new wave of marxism and neo-marxism. the "progre" culture, the victim and consumist culture its cancer.

2019-11-28 00:20:51 UTC  

11) I was raise catholic, but today i would be a christian. If you want more details, "metaphysical christian, although that is not a "religion" because it has no dogma or specific practices, it means believing in Christ and seeing his teaching from the lens of metaphysics.

12) Marx: A lazy guy, a hebrew working for this people (even if he don't know about it).
Marxism: The most dangerous ideology that exists today, one of the arms of the true rulers of the stablishment.

13)The race its real, even if the media says that "the human race". the reality its "Human specie, with his multiple races"
Ok, in the movement i am, we talk and promote a cultural union, cultural nacionalist. Because my country its multiracial (Thanks to the left goverments that let in a lot of migrants of the worst clase in the mosts of cases, the little "racial unity" that had been lost. So, personally: Ethnic. But temporaly and if its necesary, cultural.

14) Imperialism its natural, like the individuals that leadde and the ones that follow, sometimes the nations act like individuals (Carl G. Jung talks about the "collective mind" and this is only one of the many factors that proves it) When a nation reach his maximun potential, expands, growns and leadde the others.

15) Yes, currently i'm doing this in the movement that i am part. Especially working with people of the conservative rigth (As you will understand, it is very risky to work with "oposition leftists" in a country with a tyrannical leftist government, so i prefer to look for quality over quantity and i go slowly, giving more attention to those who already have their own position.
But, as this is discord and you are not Venezuelans, there is no such risk here, so i am calm.

2019-11-28 00:21:44 UTC  

@Saúl your good I’ll let you in

2019-11-28 05:54:44 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
Cercle Proudhon
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
It's a good book with good ideas, but i hate satanist retards like attomwaffen who overuse it
5. What is your opinion on equality?
legal equality is impracticable. biological equality is not real and i don't see why the law should fit that.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
My ideology is strasserism, so pretty far right socially and economically left.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
nazbol, and i've been into politics for like 5 years maybe
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
i dont really care until we talk about politics, liberals are misguided and think everything is flowers and sunshine (or rather, should be), and the few fascists i talk to are very smart and know a lot about the world and they recognize the reality of the natural order so i treat them with much more respect.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
my ideal world is a world free from rootless international capital, a world of tradition, a world full of diverse cultures, and peoples where every nation is given its own country and chance to succeed.

2019-11-28 06:01:30 UTC  

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
i think its bad because all most people want is just instant material gain at the expense of everything else. i dont like gay marriage or transgenderism or all this progressive stuff (progressive just means progressing more into the globohomo)
11. What is your religion?
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
he's retarded, doesn't understand a thing about humans, but I agree with many of his ideas.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
race is real and determines pratically everything about our lives. it determines (to an extent) our intelligence and how we act (culture.) I am probably a mix of cultural and ethnic nationalism if that's even a thing.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
i believe that peace is impratical and inachievable, and that imperialism was a net good (for the countries affected, not europe_). however i am against imperialism because I think ruling another people is morally wrong.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
yes as long as we have similar goals on a topic

2019-11-28 06:35:10 UTC  

1. The r/monarchism server 2. 17 3. Russia/USA, dual citizenship 4. Hit or miss on some parts, the miss being it enables edgy doomer skull mask wearing dumbasses 5. Not possible in liberal democracy or capitalism 6. Socially leftist economically leftist, mutualism is the closest ideology I’d say 7. I want to learn about left wing nationalism, aka Thomas Sankara, Josip Broz Tito, Palestine, Rojava, etc. 8. As long as they are civil in my vicinity i treat a fascist better than i do a spineless liberal. 9. Regional anti capitalist nationalism, with the economy based around workers co-ops and strong unions 10. I hold absolute disgust towards modern day pop culture, due to it’s inherent purpose of destroying the worker. 11. Eastern Orthodox Christianity 12. I hold respect for Marx and his intentions even if it’s applications have been less than what i had hoped for. 13. Race does not matter in my book, one’s culture heavily outweighs the importance of race. 14. An absolute travesty then, and an abhorrent continuation now. 15. If we can agree on the fundamentals possibly.

2019-11-29 01:17:29 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Monarchism server
2. How old are you? 20
3. What is your nationality? USA
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?- Sadly haven't read it yet
5. What is your opinion on equality? Hard to achieve because of personal bias
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? More socially Right and economically leftish
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? Mostly Any Worldview, I have been super into politics for 6 years
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? Like regular people
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? One where there is respect for culture and traditions
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? It promotes Degenerative sexual culture that hurts the youth
11. What is your religion? Mormonism
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Could see the the damage done by the capitalists and wanted to help, not a big fan though
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? It is the first thing that people notice about you and all races can help further society
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? It built basic infrastructure for the developing nations, but didn't guide them on how to lead
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Of course

2019-11-29 01:21:16 UTC  

Alright you're good

2019-11-29 13:56:59 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Monarchism Server

2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). Early teens right on the very brink of 15

3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). Australia

4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? Never read it

5. What is your opinion on equality? A impossible objective and one i doubt youd actually want to reach

6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)

Germanic pride: I’m proud of my Germanic heritage

Nationalist: I’m proud of Australia and my ancestral home lands

Socialistic: pro free health care, affordable university

Anti-immigration: I dont want near any immigration

Pan-Germanist: Germanic states should be united and Germany deserves its native lands back

7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? Ive been in politics for about 3 years but ive only probably had the right ideas for 1 year. I want to learn more on Nationalism and European history and culture

2019-11-29 13:57:01 UTC  

8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?

Liberal: I’m cautious holding my tounge on politics but ill be friendly. They can be dangerous

Fascist: Ill happily talk about politics but ill be weary unless i know it isnt a fed: fakefash is so common you have to be safe

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Where every people have their own nation where they on their own can thrive separately

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Propaganda mostly

11. What is your religion? Protestant

12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? He was possibly the greatest scourge on the recent times and his ideology is evil in one ideology

13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? Must i answer? If i must i dont mind others if they are in there own country

14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? I wouldnt exist without it

15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? Depends i wouldnt work with a Communist but i would work with a Fascist

2019-11-29 18:36:37 UTC  

@Grifo <@500345414948618243> @GhostOfGod @The Leaf if yall wanna get in. Answer the vetting question

2019-11-29 18:50:15 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
Invited by a member
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
Brazilian, but i currently reside in the United States of America
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
Haven't had the chance to read it yet
5. What is your opinion on equality?
Equality is a false concept, there is no such thing as equality and trying to achieve perfect equality is pure insanity
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
I am a nationalist and a conservative. I am still studying the ways of fascism and I have mostly looked at Brazilian Integralism, however the original Italian Fascism sounds pretty good as well.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
I want to learn more about the different ways of fascism. I have been interested with politics for around 4 years, however, the first couple of years was looking mostly at mainstream politics.

2019-11-29 18:50:21 UTC  

8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
I can tolerate an interaction with a liberal, and I will hear them and their ideas, however, if they show any disrespect to me I will try to avoid interaction, as their ideas are not that meaningful to me and are opposed to my ideals.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
My ideal world would not be materialistic as nowadays, and people would value religion, family and their homeland.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
I believe today's pop-culture is riddled with propagandas to influence people to become promiscuous, immoral and stupid.
11. What is your religion?
Roman Catholic
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism?
Marx was a lazy man who did not even live by his ideals. Marxism is one of the cancers of society and is a tool of manipulation for (((them))).
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
Race is important and does matter, there are obvious differences in intellect and physical capacity related to race. I would call myself a cultural/ civic naitonalist since my homeland of Brazil is way to miscigented to defend an ethnic stance.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
Imperialism is great.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
Depends on the objective. I would listen to their points in an argument, but I doubt it would be very productive to work towards my goals with someone who does not believe my ideology.

2019-11-29 18:52:54 UTC  

@Grifo your good

2019-11-29 22:43:31 UTC  

1: The Leviathan, 2: 17, 3: US, 4: Haven’t read it, 5: Equality is a fake concept, 6: Socially Traditionalist/Conservative, Ultra-Nationalist. Don’t have an real economic position of as yet. 7: Fascism and other third positions themselves 8: I engage in discussions and debates where I merely hear they’re point of view, usually I will throw tidbits in that stumps them, but I treat them with respect even if they don’t to me. 8. My ideal world would be a world with many more countries than we see today, with traditionalist, nationalistic tendencies. 9: Most pop culture today is influenced and bought out by Marxists and liberal elite. 10: I would consider myself culturally Lutheran, but I’m essentially irreligious. 12: Unrealistic Utopian 13: I would consider myself a cultural and ethnic nationalist. I feel that all belong with those who are there own, heterogenous societies lead to collapse. 14: Imperialism was a way to expand societies cultural influences, but failed. 15: I would listen.

2019-11-30 03:54:31 UTC  

Its me

2019-11-30 18:13:26 UTC  

1 sora gave me an inv
2 18
3 half Swede half Irish living in the US (immigrant)
4 despite my profile I think it’s kinda shit
5 I think it’s present in nature in some places and not present in other places
6 socially conservative, authoritarian, with some form of regulated state capitalism that serves the people and national interests
7 I wanna learn more about ns even though I know a decent amount
8 id treat both with respect during an actual debate
9 break down regional unions into individual nationalistic nation states
10 kinda sucks
11 catholic
12 garbage
13 somewhere in between cultural and ethnic? Not 100% sure.
14 although bringing God to other lands was good, it was the precursor to modern globalism
15 yes

2019-11-30 18:19:04 UTC  

Okay you're good

2019-12-01 20:53:54 UTC  

1. @Arditi invited me
2. 21
3. romanian currently staying in the US for university
4. accelerationist trash
5. the only equality is that of merit to a nation/populace as a whole
6. socially conservative, economically dirigiste (promoting an active role of the state in market economics)
7. open to learning about any ideology whatsoever, been following integralist ideals for a while
8. depends on how they act, though usually i try to keep things civil
9. the establishment of nations based on cultural and relevant historical lines
10. lacks morality
11. orthodox
12. any communist ideology is inherently set for failure
13. cultural
14. foreign powers should either seek mutually beneficial cooperation or should remain out of other national affairs entirely- encroaching on foreign lands for the sake of leeching resources is wrong
15. sure

2019-12-01 20:56:04 UTC  

@vodkk what would you say your ideology is

2019-12-01 20:57:01 UTC  

a more populist style of legionarism

2019-12-01 20:57:09 UTC  


2019-12-03 05:53:14 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Cercle proudhon
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).19
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). American
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?No
5. What is your opinion on equality? Equality is only good if you deserve it
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) Totalitarianism, Social Nationalism.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? 2 years, I'm willing to research and Learn almost any ideology I encounter
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? Liberals and economically right fascists (hitlerites) are both Globalist and Imperialist so I treat them in a very similar manner. Economically left fascists like Peron or how Mussolini was before Hitler I can tolerate.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Where everyone is United under the state and a single leader, because totalitarianism eliminates the ability for infighting to manifest
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? I think it's degenerate trash that needs to be destroyed and replaced.
11. What is your religion? N/A
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? I'm not a fan of Marx but some "Marxist" leaders I can tolerate, such as Stalin and Pol Pot
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? Racialism in America would be a major Globalist fallacy. Civic.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Imperialism is a product of global capital that needs to be destroyed.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? That depends if their ideology is worth my respect. Liberals and Anarchists, I will never work with.