Message from @Darksigner22

Discord ID: 656433326646624257

2019-12-16 07:04:09 UTC  

What’s your thoughts on these new vetting questions I have in mind? You are seeing the verification questions of our server. Answer every question to get verified, there will be no exception to anywho.

1. Widerstand Youth Group
2. <18
3. Serbian/Dinaric
4. Most of the book is pretty shit but I do buy into the idea of insurectionary accelerationism.
5. Egalitarianism is regressive
6. I'm a futurist and fascist, I'd definitely call my social policy on the extreme right and my economic views are kinda leftist. I don't buy into Marxist socialism but there are plenty of other idealist socialist philosophers out there.
7. Idk about 2-3 years
8. I treat liberals like the practice targets they are and I'm indifferent to fascists
9. :)
10. I see it as reactionary regressive and femenine which is all bad.
11. Im Christian Orthodox but I don't really care about religion that much
12. Not a fan of Marx there were plenty of others socialists and Marxism and materialism are outdated and worthless ideas imo.
13. I'm definitely an ethnic nationalist
14. Not a fan
15. Yes

2019-12-16 14:59:09 UTC  

@vhozonian @Dale Gribble @Deleted User if yall want in answer the vetting question

2019-12-16 15:01:24 UTC  


2019-12-16 15:31:13 UTC  

1. Widerstand Youth Group
2. 20
3. Puerto Rican
4. I haven't read his books
5. It is a failure and makes everyone equally unhappy
6. I would be considered a National Syndicalist, social policies are majority conservative whilst economically I'm mostly left.
7. I want to learn about what the Social Nationalist believe in, and the Strasserists too. I've been learning about politics since I was 14 years old
8. I hate liberals very much and I'm ok with Fascists
9. My ideal world would be a equally industrialized and agricultural with many happy families with lots of healthy children.
10. I think it's dystopian but not the cool kind would prefer to live in a Stalinist society desu
11. I'm a church going Roman Catholic, while I prefer Catholicism my country is not religiously homogenous and I must be pragmatic to the Protestant population.
12. Atheistic and Materialistic, both are a horrible combination.
13. Both Cultural and Ethnic nationalist.
14. I don't like it, which is a problem and strongly disagree with Falangism (i.e the so called pan hispanism)
15. Yes.

2019-12-16 15:31:54 UTC  

@vhozonian you seem good

2019-12-16 15:31:56 UTC  

Okay you're good

2019-12-16 22:55:03 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Widerstand Youth Group
2. How old are you? 17
3. What is your nationality? United States
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? Sadly have not have the chance to read it
5. What is your opinion on equality? it is overused and ends up justifing degenerate actions and destroys valuable culture
6. What is your ideology? Capitalist Fascist, Southern Nationalist(free and independant south us),Environmentalism(dont believe in climate change but am old fashion and believe in planting trees,protecting endangered species, perserving wildlife, etc)
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I want to know more third position idealogys and since 2012
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?liberal need to be trown from hecopters as shark food(because they are a cancer to society) and fascist would be a close friend of mine
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? a world of soverign nations that leave eachother alone. also a homeland for each race and religion
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? its gone to such average boring trash
11. What is your religion? Church of Christ
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Just unrealistic
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? an cultural nationalist
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? if the land has an historical, cultural, and same language as an nation then imperialism is fine
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?sure if it means i can still have my homeland

2019-12-16 22:56:36 UTC  

Please wait a sec

2019-12-16 22:57:50 UTC  

@Deleted User state capitalist or free market capitalism

2019-12-16 22:58:32 UTC  

state capitalist

2019-12-16 22:58:43 UTC  

That’s good enough for me

2019-12-16 22:58:55 UTC  

We’re ok with state capitalists

2019-12-16 22:59:02 UTC  


2019-12-17 00:01:20 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? supe folot
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 18
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). US south
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? not too educated about it
5. What is your opinion on equality? in point to mutually assured destruction, and only if attacked. observe and guide others in their defense, until too severe the loss
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) Adaptive, politics is a pendulum and must be adapted to balance
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? depends on where fate may guide in desire and in faith akin to the force, i've dipped in for years since exposure in curiosity over rather stupid conflicts
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? neutral
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? a world of sovereign nations that leave each other alone. also a homeland for each race and religion -a home land and 1 preserve per-country, knowledge is a divine right, hindered of all glory by purges.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? -neutral, much to learn, much to be blinded by, over all, like the words of a book, the paint of this phase in the masterpiece
11. What is your religion? -i believe in god, religion however is a construct of mankind, my devotion shouldn't be tainted by imperfect mankind and only upon my shoulders shall i bear my failures

2019-12-17 00:01:57 UTC  

Bro you didn’t answer the questions

2019-12-17 00:02:22 UTC  

i am editing it, i accidentally deleted a space and i tried reinserting it

2019-12-17 00:02:34 UTC  


2019-12-17 00:15:04 UTC  

12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? -staunch anti-communists, even if they did it wrong, they could never get it right unless the were not as power hungry
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? mutual defense to preserve pure genes from inter mixing
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? mixed, there's a use to it's policy, like palpatine's use of a republic
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? yes, there is no avoiding it

2019-12-17 00:16:03 UTC  

@Deleted User okay u seem good

2019-12-17 00:16:50 UTC  

@Deleted User what ideological roles do u want

2019-12-17 09:51:41 UTC  

1. The Leviathan
2. 21 21 21
3. USA
4. Never read it, don't care if what I heard about him being a Satanist is true
5. Equality is a false god
6. Christian Right Wing- politcally scizhophrenic tbh
7. Facism/Monarchism, been 'in' politics for about 4yrs
8. I treat them the same as any other human, with respect towards their person and opionion
9. Ideal world would be Christian and Serbian Speaking, and without vanity plates
10. Trash, we are putting the worst role models and turning them into idols for our youth
11. Christian
12. Garbage and a rip off of Hegelism from what I've researched
13. don't know what civic vs cultural is, however being Serbian I'm naturally inclined to believe Serbians are the best
14. With the exception of the mess it made in the middle east after ww1, no qualms.
15. Yes

2019-12-17 16:27:08 UTC  

@Dale Gribble answer vetting

2019-12-17 23:28:23 UTC  

1. @csd 13

2. 16

3. USA

4. haven't read it, hear mixed things about it.

5. thats too complicated for me to fit into a vetting answer, to sum it up: in law yes, in nature no

6. British Fascism, Ethnic Nationalism.

7. National Socialism (more than i do now) and i've been in politics around 2 years now

8. Caution for each, there are respectable men and women on both sides, and there are men and women who would have be lynched on both as well

9. A world free of jewish influence, where whatever happens, whenever and why ever it happens, you can at least know "this wasn't (((their fault))"

10. >takes drugs to have sex without getting pregnant
>drugs cause depression
>take drugs to mask the depression
>anti depressants ruin sex drive
>take drugs to...

11. Agnostic Atheist

12. Degeneracy

13. De Jure cultural nationalist, but de facto ethnat as culture is heavily influenced by race

14. i'm not sure, i've seen two differing definitions on imperialism, one i'm ok with the other i'm not

15. my friend/sister figure is a degenerate through and through, i still love her very much and would do anything for her, i would work with anyone if it furthered a goal i believed in, and i would befriend anyone if they weren't a total dick outside of their political beliefs. siegefags get the rope.

2019-12-18 04:50:35 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Cercle Proudhon partnership
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 20
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). American
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? Indifferent, not for sake of unfamiliarity. It’s interesting I suppose.
5. What is your opinion on equality? Depends on how it’s defined. If we’re defining it as most of the above answers seem to define it, then I’m indifferent, because they refer to a specific breed of contemporary liberal wonkery that I have no attachment to. If we’re talking equality generally, as in, do I desire that more people than not are equal in maximal value, then I see no reason to declare it a false god. It’s kind of an uninteresting question.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) Socially moderate, would probably be described as economically left. I’m probably closest to some kind of futurist fascist, though I’m not in principle opposed to certain forms of regulated democratic institutions internal to the state. The problems that concern me most are philosophical and religious, so I don’t hone my views in this area too much, but think of the types of people who read Yukio Mishima *and not* necessarily Mein Kampf.

2019-12-18 04:58:25 UTC  

7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I’m not sure what “being with politics” means, but if it means something like being politically self conscious and aware of political problems, 5 years or so. As for ideology and worldview to learn about, I just like talking to people, so I’m interested in assessing and mediating the views of as many people as I talk to to find the Truth™️.
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? In real life, in simple interpersonal relations? Indifferently. I’m not really concerned with preferential or negative treatment based on political opinion since I myself am not organized for the sake of a political struggle. If I was, I’d answer differently I suppose.

2019-12-18 04:58:27 UTC  

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? A world in which humans span multiple stars, perhaps even galaxies, are sovereign, perhaps even immortal. I just want more.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? Boring and stale. I don’t know if it’s culturally harmful, because I think people consume pop culture too disingenuously and ironically for them to actually adopt implicit messages, but it’s harmful intellectually in its lack of substance. I like some modern art and culture of course, but it’s either fringe or for passing the time.
11. What is your religion? Christianity
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? I’m a philosopher, and an idealist at that. I find Marx and Marxist philosophers interesting some times, but generally wrong philosophically. I think the critique of capital is valuable and interesting, perhaps even correct in some significant sense, but I have no attachment to the conclusions particular Marxists draw from it.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? Uninterested in racial identity. To the extent that I’m a nationalist on my good days I’m civic and if I’m grumpy or depressed maybe I’m cultural.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? Unregulated imperialism is, like all irrational and formless absurdities, politically undesirable.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? That’s what I’m here to do.

2019-12-18 13:28:34 UTC  

1. The Leviathan
2. 17
3. Kazakh
4. Haven't read, but imagine it as typical neo-Nazi manifesto
5. Equality can only exist between equals
6. Traditional Conservatism, Distributism, with big influence from (High) Toryism
7. Anarcho-fascism, don't remember exact time
8. Kindly, with respect. They still a human beings, and i'm not a judge.
9. —
10. A complex thing. Depending on which part of popular culture you point. Cinematography and popular Music are in obvious decline.
11. Hesitate between Anglicanism and Catholicism
12. A wrong theory, that led to slaughter of scale never seen before
13. Racial difference **may** exist, but ethnic and cultural difference are far more important. However, difference shouldn't be made as fetish for new cult. I reject nationalism as product of the Enlightenment
14. Mixed. Congo and Angola are both arguments against and for
15. Of course

2019-12-19 21:18:02 UTC  

Ah so this is a LARPer server

2019-12-19 21:18:08 UTC  


2019-12-19 21:18:32 UTC  

Question about Siege tells me everything I need to know lol

2019-12-19 21:18:53 UTC  

We don’t allow siegetards in

2019-12-19 21:19:12 UTC  

If your gonna act like a sperg than leave

2019-12-19 21:25:47 UTC  


2019-12-19 21:56:04 UTC  

@Dale Gribble <@500345414948618243> if yall don't answer yall going to get kicked

2019-12-20 01:24:57 UTC  

Im from Texas and hate niggers just let me in

2019-12-20 01:25:20 UTC  

Then leave

2019-12-20 01:25:27 UTC  

How old are you

2019-12-20 01:25:36 UTC  

Why do you care

2019-12-20 01:26:19 UTC  

Cuz you must be a major faggot boomer to expect people to write an essay for a discord server

2019-12-20 01:26:26 UTC  

Nice try fbi

2019-12-20 01:27:32 UTC  

Stupid Fed