Message from @Noveltist

Discord ID: 671405675984846858

2020-01-20 02:58:14 UTC  

Some amount of individual autonomy and markets are good, but they must be checked by political power to ensure they serve the nation

2020-01-20 02:59:10 UTC  

You seem ok

2020-01-20 04:03:41 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
"Social Nationalist Discordian Workers' Party" discord server
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
United States
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ?
Haven't read it, heard it was either a meme book or bad read, but I want to give it a try and judge for myself
5. What is your opinion on equality?
Equality for those who don't pose threats is tolerable. When we treat dangerous people or unworthy people just the same as some of the greatest and most productive members of society, then there is a problem.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
I am a Strasserist, because I find myself to be economically left yet culturally/socially right.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
I would like to expand my general knowledge of third positionism, specifically fascism. I have been interested in politics since the 2016 US election
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
Liberals have no use, they're effectively human cattle. Fascists, on the other hand, have their uses and are generally intelligent from my experience.
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
An ideal world of mine is one in which the people are equal, reasonably, are free from both capitalist and communist oppression, and take part in traditional values.

2020-01-20 04:03:51 UTC  

breaking into two pieces due to character constraints

2020-01-20 04:12:16 UTC  

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
It values depravity, self serving interests and absolute selfishness and degeneracy above all else.
It is sickening.
11. What is your religion?
I am a Catholic.
12. What is your opinion on Marx and Marxism?
I have not studied it expressly, but I have generally negative views on it. It appears to go to the far end of equality and the what not, valuing the absolute destruction of hierarchies and destroying traditional culture in the name of a new and modern culture.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
Being an American I would consider myself a civic nationalist. My race is important to me, but ethnic nationalism seems to be relatively pointless over here. If I was from any other continent, I would most likely be an ethnic nationalist.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
All nations deserve their own chance. In the case that a nation is undeveloped (e.g. an african tribal nation in the 19th century), I could tolerate an imperialist power taking them under their wing and helping them along, so long as exploitation of the land & people does not occur. I'm generally against modern and oppressive imperialism.
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
So long as they are similar enough to my own, and it would benefit us both.
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?
I consider myself to be no kind of accelerationist, and that making things worse to make them better in the long run makes no sense to me, as it could be made so bad it could not be repaired.

2020-01-20 22:29:56 UTC  

1. Where did you find us?
"Social Nationalist Discordian Workers' Party" discord server
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work).

2020-01-20 23:05:14 UTC  

@Heterosexual Gamer Monarchist answer the rest of questions

2020-01-21 07:17:13 UTC  

3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in).
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason?
A lot of memes about it. I disagree with its views.
5. What is your opinion on equality?
All humans are equal before God but it is a part of our earthly lives and spirituality to create hierarchies. Those higher up in the hierarchy must be loyal and work for higher powers and ideals and culture and people that are in their authority, otherwise it is tyranny. Those who are lower in the hierarchy must be obedient, thought not always mindlessly, to their superiors and also be loyal and serve higher powers and ideals, their loved ones, their culture and their people and their leaders and rulers. Rebellion is justified if it is directed against corrupt elites and aims to fix society, but not if it is directed against legitimate authority and aims to implement unvirtuous ideals. I don't like aristocracy.
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed)
I don't have a specific ideology I'd identify with but non-hereditary and non-elective monarchism, economic socialism, what you might call National Bolshevism and anti-racism together with anti-globalism.
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics?
Pretty much since I understood what politics are. Even when I'm not involved I like to study them.
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
Depends from what kind of liberal, what kind of fascist and in which context. Mostly the less their ideology is similar to mine and the more it is actively opposed to it the more I'd oppose them.

2020-01-21 07:20:28 UTC  

9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
Hard to say but what I know is that all of humanity never should be under one human government. There should be a certain opposition or alternative in other parts of the world in case something goes wrong.

2020-01-21 07:35:20 UTC  

10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
It's crude, tasteless and uninteresting.
11. What is your religion?
12. What is your opinion on Marx and Marxism?
Marx and Marxism are mostly wrong but they had some good ideas like that the ruling class could do better.
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
I'm not into race and racism. There are certain racial differences but I think they aren't as significant as many people believe. I'd say I support a synthesis of civic, cultural and ethnic nationalism.
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
Depends from what kind of imperialism. Meaningless oppression goal of which is just to satisfy the conqueror's desires is awful, but at the same time it were empires that achieved many of the greatest of humanity's achievements and many empires from the Akkadians to the Ming and the Qing did benefit those who they were "imperializing".
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?
I don't support acclerationism.

2020-01-21 18:22:15 UTC  

@Ja'far 313 @Meyber answer vetting

2020-01-21 18:34:42 UTC  

im shia islam

2020-01-21 18:46:46 UTC  

that isnt answering but ok

2020-01-22 00:18:41 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? @Deleted User
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 18
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). us
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? cringe tbh
5. What is your opinion on equality? I think all men are equal but I'm not an egalitarian
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) neo confederate fascism/ huey long gang
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I've been involved since I was little
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that? I like fascists and I think liberals can be won over
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why? Universal Nationalism
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why? cringe
11. What is your religion? protestant
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? marx had some good points but went too far
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist? I am all of those
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism? cringe
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically? yes
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be? I do not support accelerationism, I think we should work on improving ourselves in a more wholesome way

2020-01-22 00:18:48 UTC  
2020-01-22 11:03:56 UTC  

lemme in

2020-01-22 11:03:59 UTC  


2020-01-23 02:55:59 UTC  

1. Cercle Proudhon server
2. 18
3. Australia
4. Its retarded. No true third positionist should support what is advocated for in that book
5. undesirable goal
6. I am a fascist and third positionist. I believe in the dismantling of liberal democracy and capitalism and the establishment of a strong state that will defend the interests of the collective. I think labels like left and right are pretty arbitrary.
7. ive been interested in politics for about 3 years. would like to learn more about idealist philosophy
8. Liberals need to be taught how destructive their ideology is and why materialism and individualism should be opposed.
9. a world free from materialist and individualist systems.
10. it promotes degeneracy and hedonism.
11. Agnostic
12. i oppose all materialist worldviews
13. i would consider myself a cultural and ethnic nationalist
14. im anti-imperialis
15. yes
16. i dont support accelerationism, although i think U/Acc has some interesting analyses

2020-01-23 23:19:31 UTC  

@Meyber answer vetting

2020-01-27 17:25:21 UTC  

1. I got a invite somewhere on a political server.
2. 17
3. United States
4. I've read it out of curiosity. I honestly didnt like it. It's just ranting.
5. I dont belive in equality. We are all different and that is what makes us special. I respect people who are different.
6. Fascist. I am a corporatist.
7. Falagism. I have been into politics since I was 14.
8. I treat them how I would want to be treated. I believe that getting along and being nice as possible is the only way to get a politcal debate done.
9. Where we all live in different nations and express our cultures through ultranationalism.
10. A lot of it is just corporate trash however some things I do like. But a lot of it is garbage.
11. Agnostic
12. I used to be a Marxist, but now I am not.
13. Cultural nationalist, but I love all forms of nationalism
14. Its bad.
15. Of course
16. I dont know what kind of accelerationist I am but i do like accelerationism.

2020-01-27 17:26:27 UTC  
2020-01-27 20:16:19 UTC  

@Meyber answer vetting

2020-01-28 23:39:47 UTC  

1. Someone on Instagram sent me the link to this discord

2020-01-28 23:40:18 UTC  

2. I'm 18

2020-01-28 23:40:33 UTC  

3. I'm American

2020-01-28 23:41:37 UTC  

4. I've never read Seige myself, I've heard mixed thoughts about it in online circles I participate in

2020-01-28 23:42:53 UTC  

5. Equality is not something that exists in nature, nor in any human society. The only place where people should be equal are courtrooms and hell.

2020-01-28 23:45:08 UTC  

6. I'm socially a reactionary/radical traditionalist. Economically I'm a distributist/corporatist. When it comes to foreign policy I'm an isolationist. And when it comes to size/type of government I'm a Statist that supports autocracy.

2020-01-28 23:46:37 UTC  

7. I would like to learn more about differences in economic views on the third position. I've been interested in politics since I was 10-11.

2020-01-28 23:47:35 UTC  

8. I treat a liberal as a friend and slowly redpilled them. I treat a Fascist as a friend. I would treat liberals like that because most of them are good people, simply mislead. I would treat a Fascist that way because a Fascist is a friend.

2020-01-28 23:48:46 UTC  

9. My ideal world is a world filled with homogeneous nations, that are third positionist or thereabout politically, and all Traditional Catholic.

2020-01-28 23:50:18 UTC  

9. (Continued) I believe diverse nations are self-destructive in nature, I think third position politics are the best systems. And I'm a Catholic and I believe in Extra Ecclesiastica Nulla Salis.

2020-01-28 23:53:04 UTC  

10. I think today's popular culture is degenerate, due to the easy access to drugs, pornography, "casual" sex, abortion, birth control, welfare, and the large population of sluts and sodomites.

2020-01-28 23:53:19 UTC  

11. I'm a Traditionalist Catholic

2020-01-28 23:54:24 UTC  

12. My opinion on (((Marx))) is the same as most economists-that he had many terrible ideas that led to the death of many millions of people and that his predictions simply did not come to pass

2020-01-28 23:55:06 UTC  

13. I would consider myself somewhere between a cultural and ethnic Nationalist

2020-01-28 23:57:25 UTC  

13. (Continued) I believe race is real and that "[t]here are racial considerations too grave to be brushed aside for any sentimental reasons. Biological laws tell us that certain divergent people will not mix or blend." -- President Calvin Coolidge

2020-01-28 23:58:43 UTC  

14. I don't think imperialism is a good system for the imperialists, but it does benefit the imperialized historically

2020-01-28 23:59:15 UTC  

15. Yes, I'm against retarded purity spiralling and I desire a big-tent, dissident right movement

2020-01-30 01:56:33 UTC  

1. Where did you find us? Gabrielleite
2. How old are you? (We need to know your real age to treat you as the way it fits your biological brain work). 17
3. What is your nationality? (The country you live in). Malaysian
4. How do you think about Siege by James Mason ? Some good points here and there but mostly poop
5. What is your opinion on equality?
Its a facade
6. What is your ideology? Is it socially conservative and economically leftist or center? (Make it Detailed) Socially Conservative, Pro-Tradition highly Nationalistic and Economically Corporatistic
7. What ideology/worldview do you want to learn and how long have you been with politics? I have been a serious Fascist since May 2019
8. How do you treat a liberal and a fascist, why would you treat them like that?
I would attempt to convert a liberal to increase our numbers and a fascist as our own brothers for unity
9. What is the ideal world of yours and why?
My ideal world is one where my Dayak people are free because we have been under occupation from Malaysia for dedcades.
10. What do you think about nowadays's popular culture and why?
Degenerate because it encourages regressive thinking and self destructive practices as normal

2020-01-30 02:01:38 UTC  

11. What is your religion?
12. What is your opinion on marx and Marxism? Marx is a Somewhat redpilled Jew but his ideals contradict my own
13. What’s your thoughts on race? Would you call yourself a civic, cultural, or ethnic nationalist?
Im an Ethnic Nationalist and a race realist
14. What’s your opinion on imperialism?
Destructive for every subjugated state
15. Are you willing to work with people that are different from you ideologically?
Yes I have worked with Nationalists before
16. What are your thoughts on acclerationism? And if you support it what type of acclerationist would you consider yourself to be?
Accelerationism is useful to bring down your enemies however Im undecided what kind of accelerationsist I am