Message from @Andrules

Discord ID: 455202606374060032

2018-06-09 20:26:39 UTC  

Saint Boniface

2018-06-09 22:37:13 UTC  

If a bunch of people say the same thing tbere is probable truth in it, how would it support a lie? Its different from the jews doing 911 thing as these sources are reputable and not started by an internet rumor. For instance Jesus is around in Islamic writings. While it isnt definite proof its corroborating evidence that backs up his exiatance in a competing faith.

2018-06-09 22:37:35 UTC  

Also the Jews do everything shit is retarded.

2018-06-09 22:38:48 UTC  

It requires that most governments turn a blind eye or be completely oblivious to their shenanigns. And continue to allow solely for jew benefit.

2018-06-09 22:39:31 UTC  

But somehow internet edgelords know the truth? Not likely.

2018-06-09 22:40:59 UTC  

If Jews did 911 its because someone in America let them do it and helped it along. Jews have influence but it isnt a free check to play God at will.

2018-06-09 23:26:56 UTC  

My God

2018-06-09 23:27:03 UTC  

There's someone else that thinks the same as me

2018-06-09 23:54:38 UTC  

Idk I try to be completely fair about it.

2018-06-09 23:54:57 UTC  

Im sure Jesus is based somehow in reality

2018-06-09 23:55:53 UTC  

That there is no historical writings on him is somewhat irrelevant as everything with him in it is treated as religious text.

2018-06-09 23:57:08 UTC  

Relegion is heavily based in history and while the fiction is in religious text it shouldnt be disregarded entirely on that fact alone

2018-06-09 23:58:11 UTC  

I might get around to reading summa theologica

2018-06-09 23:58:35 UTC  

But that shits too long for me to just read on a whim

2018-06-10 00:03:52 UTC  

Well that and the fact that Jerusalem was sacked in 60 A.D., meaning that any records of his existence would have been lost during the Jewish revolt. However, thanks to Josephus and Tacitus, we know that Christianity was a thing as early as 80-90 A.D..

2018-06-10 00:16:43 UTC  

There's a handful of writings. Josephus and Tacitus mentioned him briefly

2018-06-10 00:16:50 UTC  

Not in any detail

2018-06-10 00:17:31 UTC  

Summa is really long but it's a good insight into Catholicism and Christianity in general, viewed through a kind of Greek logic perspective

2018-06-10 00:20:26 UTC  

It's something a lot of social justice Catholics would prefer to ignore. It destroys the whole tolerance, ecumenism, etc thing and also gives strong arguments in favor of capital punishment

2018-06-10 02:51:32 UTC  

Aren’t there Roman writings attributing problems with the Jews to Jesus?

2018-06-10 02:52:38 UTC  

I remember reading or watching something that mentioned Rome having to deal with Jews that were causing trouble because of Jesus.

2018-06-10 03:12:16 UTC  

Jesus was very much so a real man lol
idk why anyone still thinks that is up to debate

2018-06-10 03:25:31 UTC  

Yeah I fully believe that Jesus was a real man that existed.

2018-06-10 03:32:09 UTC  

I believe in the man not so much the acts he performed

2018-06-10 03:33:45 UTC  

The real reason people refuse to believe or find any reason not to is quite simply because the person wants to live their life the way they want to and not be told what they do is wrong. Because most of them have the attitude that, "If it makes you happy it is good for you." Which is a dumb argument because it promotes Moral relativism and Humanism because that means it is OK so long as it makes someone happy.

2018-06-10 03:37:18 UTC  

At the end of the day, nonbelievers really just don't care and take comfort in their vanity. They are content to just live in the mundanity of their own lives and serve only themselves.

2018-06-10 03:41:16 UTC  


2018-06-10 03:41:19 UTC  

And so when you have a person that is fine with mundanity of life and is perfectly happy with their vanity they have no care to serve a higher calling. And when their vanity is attacked in form of them being told they need to quit and serve a higher power, they get triggered and become poised to destroy their assailants or come up arguments that complement what they want to perceive and lock themselves in their own dogmas.

2018-06-10 03:42:19 UTC  

Which proves the point that people are very shallow.

2018-06-10 03:43:27 UTC  

i would imagine most atheists have a complex with authority deriving from a bad relationship with their parents

2018-06-10 03:43:34 UTC  

Problem with atheists is that they seek to destroy others faith rather then simply adhere to their beliefs

2018-06-10 03:44:55 UTC  

True Atheism is in itself a cult. Because atheism is the belief that there is nothing and thus have a belief of disbelief.

2018-06-10 03:45:30 UTC  

i actually got into an argument with a gay/atheist earlier today about the right for private companies to deny service. he absolutely refused to accept the fact that 1, they clearly can afford to be turned away because they provide little profit to the company, but the main factor being that they are a private company. if it were a chain, that is one thing. but a private company has every right to deny a customer and it doesn't matter the basis

2018-06-10 03:45:49 UTC  

in reference to gay cakes, obviously

2018-06-10 03:46:19 UTC  

muh equal rights!

2018-06-10 03:46:36 UTC  

>Equal rights
Egalitarianism is a lie

2018-06-10 03:46:38 UTC  

Any company can refuse any service for any reason

2018-06-10 03:46:57 UTC  

exactly what i tried to explain. he was a brick wall. and this guy was a friend for at least 7 years

2018-06-10 03:47:14 UTC  

The cake store should have just said no and told them to go elsewhere

2018-06-10 03:47:45 UTC  

The only thing they can't do is descriminate agaisnt employees

2018-06-10 03:47:48 UTC  

and you know these cases are brought by degenerates who just want to cause problems and get frivolous cases for settlements