Message from @Little Boots

Discord ID: 461271838438457344

2018-06-26 20:10:08 UTC  

Different people believe different things and so what is right is subjective and different for each person.

2018-06-26 20:11:48 UTC  

Why is it wrong for the communist revolutionary to take your farm? Without God, without someone higher to say what is right or wrong, then the revolutionary could be right if his movement is popular. It has been throughout history at different times and places.

2018-06-26 20:13:14 UTC  

The idea that morality is just "don't do something to someone unless you want them to do it to you" is essentially libertarianism. The best example of a libertarian system is Kowloon Walled City. No government, infested with drugs, gambling, and prostitution.

2018-06-26 20:39:44 UTC  

Laws aren't morals.

2018-06-26 20:39:59 UTC  

That's why we call them "Laws" and not "Codes of morality."

2018-06-26 20:40:59 UTC  


2018-06-26 20:41:06 UTC  

But he's equating the two

2018-06-26 20:41:18 UTC  

Says it's right or wrong because people voted on it

2018-06-26 20:41:41 UTC  

A Law is the written rules that govern a society and can, and often do, have no baring on right and wrong. For example, the law requires that you pay your taxes, regardless of the morality of it.

2018-06-26 20:42:07 UTC  

Morals are unwritten laws dictated by society as a whole and are affirmed by common belief, not by the force of the state.

2018-06-26 20:43:00 UTC  

I missed a large conversation

2018-06-26 20:43:09 UTC  

And what if the common belief is different? Such as the middle east, where the common belief is that you can be killed for not being Muslim

2018-06-26 20:43:43 UTC  

In fact Muslims are a massive population worldwide and in about 50 countries are the majority

2018-06-26 20:44:19 UTC  

In Saudi Arabia, the common belief is that a victim of rape should be stoned to death for adultery...

2018-06-26 20:44:19 UTC  

"That the current morales may have derived from religion is meaningless, we can continue to use them without the religion."

Again, the problem is how do you get people to follow them? If there is no higher power to give them any sort of inherent meaning and, in turn, the weight of importance needed to be followed, then why would people follow them? This is why religion us so important in maintaining morality and why there will be no such thing as a "post-religion" society. Society, itself, is an abstract concept built upon belief and that belief is built upon religious devotion and faith.

2018-06-26 20:45:05 UTC  

Islam is a unique case where religion is governance. It is less religion and more ideology.

2018-06-26 20:46:01 UTC  

>Have morals without Religion

Look at Europe, only 3% of the population are Saved Christians. When you remove God and allow man to operate under their own laws, society collapses.

2018-06-26 20:46:12 UTC  

It is a governance by religion

2018-06-26 20:46:52 UTC  

Islamic countries derive their laws from religious principles. As do all countries

2018-06-26 20:48:34 UTC  

Or in some, laws are derived from a lack of religion

2018-06-26 20:49:36 UTC  

No, it's more like Sharia is the law. Islam is the system of governance, which acts more ideological than religiously inclined. Where Christianity can be separate from government, Islam is the system of governance.

2018-06-26 20:50:03 UTC  

If you follow the atheist perspective then at some point humanity was just savage warring tribes raping and killing each other and there would be nothing wrong with it simply because that's what everyone did

2018-06-26 20:50:51 UTC  

Islam is most definitely a religion. An insane, corrupt, bizarre, illogical, dangerous religion, but a religion none the less. Not all religions are equal.

2018-06-26 20:51:08 UTC  

Not all are good.

2018-06-26 20:51:52 UTC  

Sharia itself is derived from the Quran and the teachings of Mohammed

2018-06-26 20:52:09 UTC  

I know, but I find Islam to be such a unique religion that it acts less like a religion and more like an ideology.

2018-06-26 20:53:44 UTC  

Slavery is legal in Islam because the religion allows it. Conversely, slavery is illegal pretty much everywhere else because of Christianity

2018-06-26 20:54:58 UTC  

While historically, Christian Europe did have slaves, they weren't the same slaves as blacks on a plantation. They were exclusively Muslim prisoners of war and used for military purposes such as rowing ships.

2018-06-26 20:55:23 UTC  

It was in fact illegal to have a Christian slave

2018-06-26 21:35:10 UTC  

Also, it kind of helps that Christianity isn't a legalistic religion.

2018-06-26 21:50:29 UTC  

The Bible tells us why everyone “knows” right from wrong. Everyone is descended from Adam and Eve. The laws are written in our hearts. Your basic human morality comes from God. Things get twisted when sin nature enters the picture and distorts society.

2018-06-26 23:27:00 UTC  

Again all the changes in religion to get it where it is today were made by people not god.

2018-06-26 23:28:48 UTC  

I didnt say that laws were full on morals I said that they are the minimum allowable morals one can hold without being damaging to others or society.

2018-06-26 23:30:28 UTC  

Europe may be bad but in many cases South America is worse despite being more homogeneous and more religious.

2018-06-26 23:51:53 UTC  

South America has a religious history. That does not make it religious.

2018-06-26 23:52:59 UTC  

There would also be that blacks are religious but also more deviant than average

2018-06-26 23:53:02 UTC  

Some religions have been exactly the same since their inception. Especially moral principles. There was never a time in history where mainstream Christianity endorsed murder, rape, homosexuality, or abortion for example

2018-06-26 23:53:29 UTC  

How many blacks go to church on a regular basis? And what are the basic tenets of their faith?

2018-06-26 23:54:15 UTC  

Catholics are also beginning to accept homosexuality in some ways

2018-06-26 23:54:28 UTC  

The religion is not.

2018-06-26 23:54:53 UTC  

The pope did unless I'm misremembering things