Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 495622742423633940

2018-09-29 15:40:23 UTC  

Who decides what is moral?

2018-09-29 15:40:46 UTC  

Naturally, looking from **our** perspective, killing people in Gulags or concentration camps is imoral

2018-09-29 15:41:01 UTC  

But for those people that believe in that, that action is not imoral

2018-09-29 15:41:14 UTC  

Then which one is right?

2018-09-29 15:41:17 UTC  

In fact, for a true Nazi, killing Jews is just the right way to be

2018-09-29 15:41:22 UTC  

Or is there no such thing as morality?

2018-09-29 15:41:37 UTC  

Its not up to me or to you to decide what thread of morality prevails

2018-09-29 15:41:43 UTC  

But for society as a whole

2018-09-29 15:41:55 UTC  

You will never reach a consensus, a universal one

2018-09-29 15:42:02 UTC  

But the majority will dictate

2018-09-29 15:42:19 UTC  

Society as a whole generally accepts Judeo-Christian morality as being right

2018-09-29 15:42:29 UTC  


2018-09-29 15:42:57 UTC  

The majority dictated that communism was right in the Russian Civil War. Therefore, communism is right, by your own statement, and thus you are a communist.

2018-09-29 15:43:19 UTC  

You are missing my point, arent you?

2018-09-29 15:43:35 UTC  

Morality is based on where you are and when you are

2018-09-29 15:44:02 UTC  

If the majority of people in country A believe Communism to be morally correct, then it is morally correct **for them**

2018-09-29 15:44:06 UTC  

Nothing to do with us

2018-09-29 15:44:11 UTC  

And if a popular uprising of communists in the US outnumbered people willing to resist, then in your view communism would be right

2018-09-29 15:44:36 UTC  

If the majority of the population believes Communism to be the answer, then it is

2018-09-29 15:44:46 UTC  

Our job, as non-Communists, is to open their eyes

2018-09-29 15:47:50 UTC  

But then we would be wrong

2018-09-29 15:48:01 UTC  

Majority rules cannot be the standard for what is right

2018-09-29 15:48:11 UTC  

In any society

2018-09-29 15:50:00 UTC  

What is the motivation behind your personal crusade against religion?

2018-09-29 15:50:17 UTC  

Why do you think you are right? Our society, in fact most societies think you are wrong

2018-09-29 15:50:32 UTC  

The only ones who might agree are France, Germany, Britain, and North Korea

2018-09-29 16:01:23 UTC  

And then we only have to rewind a bit to see their history with religion and how they have declined since. Pyongyang was once called Jerusalem of the East because of the prevalence of Christianity

2018-09-29 16:02:05 UTC  

France and Germany were major Catholic powers. Note that Catholic Europe produced almost all we know in the scientific world. From astronomy to genetics

2018-09-29 16:26:03 UTC  

Interesting. Moral relativism 🤣. So because the majority of Muslims believe it’s okay to move to Europe and rape and murder non-Muslims it’s morally okay? Because if we, as the minority, believe it’s wrong to rape and murder non-Muslims, then we are wrong.

2018-09-29 16:27:39 UTC  

And even without Muslims, Europe had degeneracy

2018-09-29 16:28:30 UTC  

It started in Britain with Henry VIII. It started in France with the French Revolution, compounded by the loss of Algeria and Indochina

2018-09-29 16:28:47 UTC  

In Germany, with the 30 Years War

2018-09-29 19:45:44 UTC  

Here's the thing. You are foolish to be absolutely sure that there is a god, and you are foolish to believe there is absolutely not a god. I don't know, I've never seen evidence, but I've heard stories about supernatural happenings - and they aren't 'ghost' stories, either. Rather miraculous ones. So, until I see one of those I will hold steadfast in agnosticism.

And if you're wondering Sagif, I don't believe in morals. I don't believe in right or wrong. I believe in what is natural, and coincidently, the Bible speaks a lot of what is natural. Homosexuality isn't natural. Murder isn't natural. Thievery goes against the nature of a unified tribe - and that is what you want, a unified tribe. And so many OTHER laws the bible commands that *are* natural, and that by following them it makes HUMAN life easier.

2018-09-29 19:50:07 UTC  

Now, don't get me wrong. There are some arbitrary laws in the bible, but if we are to follow a code of law that determines moral values, I would rather have Christianity any day. Some forms of Paganism were good, but I abhor Islam, and that is what we are at war against. So telling everyone to 'quit their religion' is a dumb idea - because they won't. You have invaders, and they need to cling to something to fight back. To give them hope. It's the nature of humans, and personally I find it fascinating that humans can look beyond their own and be humble enough to admit that there is something more powerful than them

2018-09-29 20:04:58 UTC  

I certainly believe you can't force people to believe in anything. That's a choice the individual has to make for himself. But blanket attacks on all religion are what leftist degenerates do.

2018-09-29 20:05:15 UTC  

An emotional argument made because someone doesn't like the ban against homosexuality usually

2018-09-29 20:05:53 UTC  

We here, do not deal with emotional arguments. We deal in logic and reason, like Casimir does in arguing the necessity of a religion as the mortar holding a civilization together

2018-09-29 20:06:22 UTC  

The Constitution our guide for law, and faith our guide for morality

2018-09-29 20:06:55 UTC  

I reached my religious convictions through research and logic.

2018-09-29 20:07:28 UTC  

Nothing is self creating except that which must be outside of the limitations of the universe, which cannot create itself.

2018-10-04 22:35:54 UTC