Message from @saturnsrings

Discord ID: 574472014933524500

2019-05-05 05:39:55 UTC  

No, the Romans did.

2019-05-05 05:40:05 UTC  

They demanded it.

2019-05-05 05:40:21 UTC  

The Jews collaborated with the Romans.

2019-05-05 05:40:33 UTC  


2019-05-05 05:40:33 UTC  

Nah, they just didn't really give a fuck.

2019-05-05 05:40:41 UTC  

They mocked him and said he was "King of Kings."

2019-05-05 05:40:47 UTC  

on the cross.

2019-05-05 05:41:10 UTC  

So you believe in the Old Testament, but you're not a Jew, and you're waiting on the true messiah?

2019-05-05 05:43:09 UTC  

He's a Jew or maybe just an ordinary dumbass

2019-05-05 05:43:16 UTC  

Of course they mocked him. He was a ridiculous character. The 'christ' or 'messiah' is just a person 'anointed' by G-d. King David was a 'christ'. Darius was a 'christ'

2019-05-05 05:43:31 UTC  

Mary remained a virgin. Of course most Protestants don't believe in this so I guess it's not entirely relevant to Christianity

2019-05-05 05:43:44 UTC  

The "brothers of Jesus" were cousins

2019-05-05 05:44:01 UTC  

Even in Chinese, all my wife's cousins, are my brothers and sisters

2019-05-05 05:44:45 UTC  

Ragnarok holds a very compelling arguement.

2019-05-05 05:44:50 UTC  

I'm what's actually called a noahide. Not a Jew at all. I serve G-d, and follow his commandments for the sons of Noah, which we all are.

2019-05-05 05:44:59 UTC  

I would like to know the ancient Greek and Aramaic views on brothers and cousins.

2019-05-05 05:45:41 UTC  

The Hebrew Bible we have today was written 800 years after Jesus, and deliberately changed prophecies to invalidate Jesus and Christianity. Such as virgin vs maiden. This is historical secular fact.

2019-05-05 05:46:08 UTC  

That Hebrew is not even the same language the original Hebrew Bible was written in

2019-05-05 05:46:12 UTC  

no it isn't, because the penalty for changing the Torah is death.

2019-05-05 05:46:25 UTC  

It's like saying the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is written in English

2019-05-05 05:46:41 UTC  

Biblical Hebrew has been preserved.

2019-05-05 05:46:48 UTC  

@saturnsrings Bullshit.

2019-05-05 05:47:11 UTC  

There is a very distinct different between Ancient Greek to Modern Greek, and Ancient Hebrew to modern Hebrew.

2019-05-05 05:47:28 UTC  

Fæder ure şu şe eart on heofonum,
si şin nama gehalgod.
to becume şin rice,
gewurşe ğin willa,
on eorğan swa swa on heofonum.
urne gedæghwamlican hlaf syle us todæg,
and forgyf us ure gyltas,
swa swa we forgyfağ urum gyltendum.
and ne gelæd şu us on costnunge,
ac alys us of yfele soşlice.

2019-05-05 05:47:37 UTC  

Here's the Lord's Prayer in "English"

2019-05-05 05:47:43 UTC  

No bullshit at all. In thousands of years between Jewish groups seperated by geography, there is only a difference of one letter in the Torah.

2019-05-05 05:48:00 UTC  

We have a Greek guy here who will testify that ancient, Koine, and Modern Greek aren't the same

2019-05-05 05:48:23 UTC  

Oure fadir şat art in heuenes
halwid be şi name;
şi reume or kyngdom come to be.
Be şi wille don
in herşe as it is dounin heuene.
yeue to us today oure eche dayes bred.
And foryeue to us oure dettis şat is oure synnys
as we foryeuen to oure dettouris şat is to men şat han synned in us.
And lede us not into temptacion
but delyuere us from euyl.

2019-05-05 05:48:30 UTC  

Here's another one in "English"

2019-05-05 05:49:25 UTC  

Sure, Greek isn't the same. Modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew aren't the same either. Modern Hebrew was invented in the mid 20th century, and Biblical Hebrew has been a scholarly pursuit in Judaism since G-d gave them their instructions.

2019-05-05 05:49:33 UTC  

They study them instructions real good.

2019-05-05 05:49:41 UTC  

Kept the language completely original to that end.

2019-05-05 05:50:10 UTC  

Biblical Hebrew:

Biblical Hebrew (or classical Hebrew) was an ancient language that emerged in the 10th century B.C (or 1,000 B.C.).
Over the next several centuries, the Hebrew people used it to communicate.
They also used it to record their History, Religion, Poetry, Philosophy and Culture. A portion of these recordings became the basis of Hebrew Scriptures and the Bible.
During the Roman Period: Biblical Hebrew evolved beyond recognition but it lived on in religious contexts.
Why evolved? The Jewish Diaspora. The Roman Empire conquered and exiled the Jews to various countries and nature and evolution took it’s course. Languages got mixed. New dialects were made.

So, in short, Biblical Hebrew is an ancient language. A lot of the ancient scriptures and the Bible were written in it. And, it “died.” Well, not died, but evolved.

Modern Hebrew:

So did Hebrew die as a language? Not completely.

Hebrew experienced a revival in the 19th century – now what we know was “Modern Hebrew.”
This was part of the Zionist Movement, or National Revival Movement to create a state/home for Jews.
During this movement, Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a lexicographer (dictionary writer/editor), prepared the first modern Hebrew dictionary.
With the new dictionary, people started using Hebrew again and speaking 1 language. Remember? Because of the movement.
Because of the influence of European languages (remember, the Jewish Diaspora and evolving mentioned above?), Hebrew changed as a language.
Almost all aspects of the language were changed.

In short, modern Hebrew was brought back but was changed quite a bit.

2019-05-05 05:50:39 UTC  

In fact for around a thousand years the Jews generally did not know Hebrew

2019-05-05 05:50:46 UTC  

Hence the widespread use of the LXX

2019-05-05 05:50:58 UTC  

And the use of Aramaic

2019-05-05 05:51:10 UTC  

Saying that Hebrew has been preserved is wrong.

2019-05-05 05:51:59 UTC  

It isn't wrong. There's lots of actual hebrew text that can be examined to prove that assertion wrong.

2019-05-05 05:52:07 UTC  

That's why Jews won't say YHWH. Because they don't know how it is meant to be pronounced

2019-05-05 05:52:09 UTC  

I do not doubt there are mistranslations in the bible, so for those who are coming back into the fold, or are Newborn Christians, this is what I say to them.

2019-05-05 05:52:26 UTC  

Had Hebrew been preserved they would know how to pronounce it