Message from @Iakovos

Discord ID: 594483610334265355

2019-06-29 07:03:37 UTC  

And try and put as much time into it I can aside from work.

2019-06-29 07:04:47 UTC  

There are a few ladies my age at the Church, perhaps a few years younger than me, so underage. After a few years and they become of age, I might be able to talk to them, but probably not.

If I'm not married by 35-40, if God wills I live that long, I will look into the priesthood/monastery

2019-06-29 07:05:49 UTC  

You'll be fine talking to the ladies as long as you don't "rebuke them for their shorts"

2019-06-29 07:06:07 UTC  

Or having their knees showing

2019-06-29 07:06:47 UTC  

It's also much easier to bring a woman up to whatever standard you have, than to only go for the standard.

2019-06-29 07:07:08 UTC  

Really? I thought women are more resilient

2019-06-29 07:07:46 UTC  

Ex. If you only want a woman that wears dresses. You'll be okay going for a girl that wears long pants and through your relationship show her a dress is best.

2019-06-29 07:08:19 UTC  

That is true. But you make compromises for a marriage relationship.

2019-06-29 07:08:57 UTC  

Keep your head up Remus.

2019-06-29 07:09:14 UTC  

I'm going to bed, so don't do anything wild while I'm asleep.

2019-06-29 08:25:53 UTC  

Remember that you are asked *not to sin*, but you will sin. We all do. Even Jesus succumbed to wrath when he saw the Jewish merchants desecrating his father's temple :💰

Point is, unless we are talking about some *very serious sin*, which also constitutes a crime (like rape, murder, etc), it all can be forgiven if you are actually sorry and seek redemption.

To aspire not to sin, once, ever, is to aspire to be better than Jesus. Now the question ensues: "Do you believe you are better than Jesus?", if the answer is yes, well... You are wrong XD
If the answer is no, then there you go

2019-06-29 08:26:34 UTC  

That was righteous anger

2019-06-29 08:26:44 UTC  

We aren't commanded to never anger, just to be slow to anger

2019-06-29 08:27:33 UTC  

Sagif I thought you were agnostic

2019-06-29 09:13:59 UTC  

I am, but that doesnt prevent me from having knowledge on Christianity

2019-06-29 09:14:12 UTC  

Plus, Christianity works as an **amazing** moral compass

2019-06-29 09:14:31 UTC  

True, Ragnarok, true

2019-06-29 11:04:41 UTC  

Today there is a growing community of Anglo-Catholics who are progressive in their views and practices. They have come to these views not out a sense of needing to be politically correct, but by reading the Gospels and taking to heart the words of Jesus as well as being open to the traditions and life of the Early Church. These Anglo-Catholics affirm the full inclusion of both women and LGBTQ folks within the life of the Church and within Church’s Sacramental system. Many progressive Anglo-Catholic Parishes provide for the celebration of Marriage for both same and opposite gender couples. Liturgically, these Anglo-Catholics are quite open to celebrating the Mass in the contemporary idiom and some have adopted inclusive language in their celebrations of the Eucharist. These Anglo-Catholics have also harkened back to the beginning of the Anglo-Catholic revival in advocating for and meeting the needs of the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized and the ostracized.

2019-06-29 11:04:59 UTC  

While continuing to adhere to Anglo-Catholic practice in theology and liturgy, these progressive Anglo-Catholics have felt moved by the Holy Spirit to bring the movement into the 20th and 21st Centuries. St. James' Church is one of these. When you come to worship with us, you will find an open, affirming and inclusive community of Christians dedicated to the service of Jesus Christ within the Anglo-Catholic tradition. St. James' Church has a vibrant and significant heritage and a diverse community in which there is always a place for you.

2019-06-29 11:05:31 UTC

2019-06-29 11:05:37 UTC  


2019-06-29 11:06:13 UTC  

@wwezombiegod It is known that the devil only breeds wickedness, and out of the Anglican Church came the Anglo-Catholics.

2019-06-29 11:06:56 UTC  

@Deleted User thoughts

2019-06-29 11:08:26 UTC  

@Iakovos They need purification from the holy fire

2019-06-29 11:09:31 UTC  

No wonder Britain is screwed.

2019-06-29 11:27:01 UTC  

Wtf is that shit?

2019-06-29 12:31:49 UTC  

@Deleted User Modernization of the church

2019-06-29 15:15:58 UTC  

@Iakovos Anglo-Catholics are completely different than what that website describes. They are talking about small-c catholicism, not *the* Catholic Church. Actual Anglo-Catholics are those who are seeking reunification and are overwhelmingly conservative.

2019-06-29 15:16:29 UTC  

Those niggers have taken a noble name and perverted it just like they have everything else about the faith

2019-06-29 15:17:20 UTC  

You can see by what they say about the Church of England existing before Henry, which is an absolute bullshit lie

2019-06-29 15:24:11 UTC  

Per Pope Leo XIII their ordinations have been invalid since the 16th century which breaks apostolic succession. So they are all technically laypeople without valid holy orders.

2019-06-29 15:24:20 UTC  

Especially the women "priests"

2019-06-29 15:29:40 UTC  

@Ragnarok So they want to return with ecumenism ?

2019-06-29 15:30:05 UTC  

There are some who wanna return to the Church

2019-06-29 15:30:07 UTC  

And some have

2019-06-29 15:30:50 UTC  

If an Anglican priest converts, he generally joins the Latin rite but is allowed to be ordained and remains married

2019-06-29 15:31:14 UTC  

Oh so they return to the church, not just restoring communion with the Catholics

2019-06-29 15:31:27 UTC  

For us that is the same thing

2019-06-29 15:31:47 UTC  

Full communion makes you part of the Catholic Church. Whether Roman, Byzantine, Syriac, whatever

2019-06-30 00:04:21 UTC  

Are Anglo Catholics Anglicans?