Message from @MaxG3D
Discord ID: 455349447673643008
"Love Trump's Hate"
but "Love Triumphs Hate" lol
@Amadeus Ironically lot of leftists are so much more hatefuls then the conservatives, who are haters according to them
yes, because they don't understand hypocrisy and irony lol
or they just don't care
they are blinded by tunnel vision TRUMP = HITLER, so they justifies anything they do
This is exactly a meaning behind this song
if you listened to it
i have many times
and am rn
Make tolerance intolerant again 😄
i still see now and then a leftist who tries to justify the left's response to Trump's victory in the early months by saying "b-but republicans called obama the Antichrist and said mean things about him 😦 "
totally missing the point that no republicans rioted for days on end and committed mass destruction of city and private property
are thots secretly robots controlled by foreign children
CM Punk ain't got the nuts to fight JDF either
The ultimate feminist meme
Who knows this
There was an army report for butt hurt
On a serious note we actually had designated huggers at one point
It was because of a report that 7 sec of gugging a day improves mood though not the reports
You gotta be joking
Nope made people with bad attitudes get hugs