Message from @PerformedShelf

Discord ID: 505733119807324180

2018-10-27 13:02:30 UTC  

Then why not work to bring Russia back into compliance? How does the death of this treaty make the use of nuclear weapons less likely?

2018-10-27 13:03:19 UTC  

This *is* working with Russia to bring them back into compliance.

2018-10-27 13:04:03 UTC  

Russia doesn't want the US to develop new weapons because the US has way, way, **way** more money to spend and makes way better weapons in general.

2018-10-27 13:04:15 UTC  

So Russia badly wants this treaty.

2018-10-27 13:04:53 UTC  

But Russia also needs to deter China and India, which are soon going to surpass them in technology.

2018-10-27 13:05:50 UTC  

Trump's offer will probably involve the US and Russia working together to get either India, China, or both to sign into a new INF.

2018-10-27 13:07:01 UTC  

This follows the same pattern that Trump has followed with other renegotiated deals. Scrapping or threatening to scrap a deal that the other party wants badly is the first step to get them to make concessions. In this case Russia needs to give up their Iskander-M systems.

2018-10-27 13:07:48 UTC  

You need to internalize the idea that the US is strong. We are the strong party. We do not need to make concessions or compromises - others do.

2018-10-27 13:13:00 UTC  

But I keep seeing in the end little change or Trump even being taken advantage of. I'm having trouble seeing the win that comes from this and can easily see the damage it causes.

2018-10-27 13:13:32 UTC  

I mean the NAFTA rewrite was pretty minimal. And NK is still developing nuclear warheads.

2018-10-27 13:14:02 UTC  

And how does driving the entire Pacific into China's arms help us? That's what the rejection of the TPP resulted in.

2018-10-27 13:15:22 UTC  

In the end we lose massive credibility and goodwill for little benefit. Or that's what I am seeing. If you don't see that then keep helping me see your point. That is why I am here, after all.

2018-10-27 13:16:55 UTC  

Didnt NAFTA result in Mexico having to pay higher wages? Thus closing the competition gap between US and Mexico manufacturers?

2018-10-27 13:17:49 UTC  

To explain myself a bit, I thought the internet would bring us together and that with the election of Obama we'd finally emerged into MLKJ's land where we saw "content of character" and not "color of skin". What has resulted from the past 10 years has been bewildering to me.

2018-10-27 13:18:52 UTC  

The USMCA Treaty will result in higher wages ($16/hr US) for making cars meant for import into the US.

2018-10-27 13:19:42 UTC  

I'm not saying some good didn't come out of the renegotiation, but was it worth the loss of credibility? I'm not seeing it.

2018-10-27 13:19:58 UTC  

I dont see any loss of credibility

2018-10-27 13:21:30 UTC  

Canada is our closest ally. Our entire North American defense strategy is hand in hand with them - we and they jointly form NORAD. How does insulting them and deriding them not lose us credibility with our best friend?

2018-10-27 13:22:11 UTC  

If we need to renegotiate a treaty, that's fine. But why all the name calling?

2018-10-27 13:22:23 UTC  

Canada was the one that spent much of the negotiations posturing

2018-10-27 13:22:51 UTC  

Negotiators were turning up late or not at all to meetings

2018-10-27 13:23:13 UTC  

I think its Canada thats been losing credibility

2018-10-27 13:23:27 UTC  

But there's a language to diplomacy, or there always has been.

2018-10-27 13:25:00 UTC  

Mexico's negotiators were on the phone and meeting with the US non-stop alsmost to reach a negotioation

2018-10-27 13:25:15 UTC  

The US was ready to work on making a good deal

2018-10-27 13:25:30 UTC  

Canada said, "Nah, see you later"

2018-10-27 13:25:48 UTC  

I find it interesting that many felt embarrassed for the country when Clinton had his marital infidelity despite presidents and prime ministers the world over having mistresses. The world laughed that the US made such a big deal over it. Now those same people seem to feel no shame as the US looks like a child having a temper tantrum on the playground.

2018-10-27 13:26:15 UTC  

It literally doesnt look like that at all though

2018-10-27 13:26:24 UTC  

How not?

2018-10-27 13:26:41 UTC  

It looks like someone with a great deal of business acumen is trying to get the best deals he can

2018-10-27 13:27:35 UTC  

The US created the post war world order yet we now don't seem to want to nurture it anymore when it needs the most help in the face of China and Russia.

2018-10-27 13:27:43 UTC  

Theres more to being President than economy and business though, and those things will be the real test of Trumps presidency

2018-10-27 13:28:05 UTC  

I dont get what you mean by that

2018-10-27 13:28:18 UTC  

We're literally pushing the world into China's arms and giving succor to Russia who seems to have no respect for borders his nation signed on to.

2018-10-27 13:29:18 UTC  

Well, if the UK wasnt being as foot-dragging as it is with Brexit I'm sure there'd be big deals going down there

2018-10-27 13:30:28 UTC  

Would there be? Would Trump really be generous or would he squeeze the most one-sided deal from Britain while it was down?

2018-10-27 13:30:53 UTC  

I mean seriously, his MO isn't exactly compassion to those weaker than he

2018-10-27 13:31:08 UTC  

He is derisive of weakness

2018-10-27 13:31:19 UTC  

I think Trump understands that we're very close, and the UK economy and services and our military and naval power are definitely assets he would like to know are strong

2018-10-27 13:31:49 UTC  

Separated from the EU, Britain will be the weakest she's been since before the Armada

2018-10-27 13:32:14 UTC  

For how long?