Message from @fsmetal
Discord ID: 447984166689177610
I felt that New Vegas' map should have been bigger
@here play danganronpa
great game
semi degenerate
i own over 300 tho
Already did
Loved them, mostly the second
@JTPlays have you played DR2 or V3 yet?
nah 😦
i need to finish THH
im on the last trial
V3 is my favorite
Anybody have Terraria on steam that wanna play
Garrett's a big fan
"Keep Harold alive"
Did you play it? It was "kill harold painlessly because he is suffering," "slow his rate of growth so oasis remains unthreatened by the outside world," "make harolds heart healthier so he will spread out faster into the wasteland" or "kill harold with fire."
That's more complex than you say.
You can, also, convince Harold that life is worth living.
Easy morale choice my ass. This is the problem with people that complain about Fallout 3. They often have to lie about it in order to do it
And Stealing Independence is not just a fetch quest. You find a robot that honestly believes he is one of the founding fathers at the end of it. That's a good twist. The whole quest is a prime example of great writing
yoo I peek witcher 3. Solid ass game. Im trying to figure out how to beat detlaff before I get rid of my ps4 and have to replay once I get my computer set up
Fallout 3 does not tell uou who you are from 1 to 18. It gives yoy events in your life that take place ar various ages and lets you play through them your own way. Do you give Butch your sweetroll? Do you spit on it so he won't want it? Do you try to fight him? Do you talk the rest of his gang into leaving so they leave amata alone? Do you talk butch into leaving her alone? Do you try to fight them? Do you let amata keep the gun or take it herself? Do you rescue Butches mom? Do you give Butch your bb gun so he can fight the rad roaches? Do you tell Butch to fuck himself and just leave? Hell, you can kill his mom yourself if you want. Do you skip the GOAT or go through with it? Do you stick with what the goat decided or change the results? Do you help amata with emher dad as you are escaping or just leave her be? All these are the choices you make in the vault. These shape your character. You are deciding who he or dhe is. Not the game. The game just presents all of these to you in a tutorial that sets up your dad as a key character in the game
Point Lookout gives you two big choices. Not one. Desmond or Calvert and what to do with the krivbehnik.
Companions in Fallout 3 aren't that great except Fawkes. Love Fawkes.
Point Lookout is awesome. Some of the best writing Bethesda has ever done. New and interesting map to explore with its own unique atmosphere. It feels different from the main game. A couple of cool side quests for people that bother to explore.
in celebration of Total Warhammer 2: Queen and the Crone DLC
Hella keen for that
this might be one of the coolest thing's ive ever seen in a video game
I did if you keep him alive plant life will grow either way
The game gives you a fucking back story and tells you who you are
Fo3 is a awful game
And yes it was an easy morale choose no one mans life no matter how horrible its state is so important that it should take over a better ecosystem in a wasteland of fucking nothing
Nv only tells you that you are a mailman thats it the rest you can fill in like people should in an R P G like that
Also best writing when comparing two piles of shit means nothing
Seen the new paradox game?
I'm looking forward to seeing whats in the new HOI4 Expansion Man the Guns. I really hope they make the Naval portion of that game alot more accessable and useful
As I pointed out, there is more to that morale choice. It isn't an easy one. Fallout 3 is a god tier game.
Fallout 3 lets you fill in your characters details and personality. It doesn't really give you a back story. It gives you set pieces to play through during which you shape yoyr back story.
Good writing is good writing. Fallout 3 has a lot if instances of great writing in it.
Fallout New Vegas > Fallout 3
I liked both but I liked NV more